The words you say are powerful.
Just as your thoughts create an energy of their own, the words you use also have a distinct energy.
In my years of assessing people based on the 4 Types of Energy Profiling, I’ve noticed that people of each Energy Type prefer certain words to others, especially when they’re commenting on something they like or when they’re agreeing with someone.
Your Energy Type is expressed in all areas of your life—oftentimes without you even realizing it! I invite you to see if your reading habits, your shopping tendencies, and yes, even your handwriting reflect your true nature!
Which word does each of the Energy Types commonly say?
Type 1 Energy: Bright, Bouyant, Animated
The favorite word for a Type 1 person is “FUN”—said with excitement and enthusiasm with an upward, light, playful inflection in the voice.
For example: “That is so fun!” means you like something or appreciate it.
Type 2 Energy: Soft, Relaxed, Calming
The favorite word for a Type 2 person is “COOL”—said in a more subtle, less-obvious way in a calm voice without much inflection.
For example: “Oh, that’s cool!” means you think something is nice and enjoyable.
Type 3 Energy: Determined, Active, Dynamic
The favorite word for a Type 3 is “AWESOME”—said with passion, punch, and projection.
For example: “That’s awesome!” means you’re really excited about something. I find myself saying that out of nowhere while thinking, I am such a Type 3!
Type 4 Energy: Bold, Precise, Still
The favorite word for a Type 4 person is “EXACTLY” with a close-second being “PERFECT”—said in a very matter-of-fact way with no inflection in the voice.
For example: “Exactly” represents agreement. Is there really any more that needs to be said?
(Interestingly, I have noticed a pattern of Type 1 women who are married to Type 4 men using the word “exactly” since they’ve adapted some of their own language to match their Type 4 partner’s word choices.)
Do your words express your Energy Type?
Anyone can say any of these words—and they do! But each Energy Type typically expresses their common words more frequently and more true to their nature. It’s how each person uses the words that really makes a difference.
For instance, I say the word “Fun,” but not as often and certainly not in the same way as a dominant Type 1 person would.
You may not know how often you say these words true to your Type, so take time to do a little self-study and see what words you use frequently.
Leave a comment below and share whether or not you use the words of your Energy Type!
PS: Already curious about your Energy Type and want to go deeper into the experience? Our Lifestyle community is full of women like you who want to take their understanding of Energy Profiling to the next level, especially when it comes to fashion and creating your own personal style within Dressing Your Truth.