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How Each Type of Woman Experiences Worry

Do you ever feel worried about the future?

Or worried about a task you need to complete?

Even though we commonly associate this tendency with Type 2 people, every person has experienced worry and anxiety to some degree.

The Dressing Your Truth 4 Types Panel and I are here to shed light on this topic in order to teach you how to notice the way you process worry.

Plus, join us for an easy energy technique I demonstrate to help you determine what needs your attention and what to release.

Read Remembering Wholeness to learn more about creating what you want in life!

Which woman on the panel do you identify with the most in how you experience worry? Share in the comments.

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  1. Really gd. I had a counsellor who helped me when my daughter was travelling, we agreed it was normal to be concerned and asked her to email each time she moved to a new town/country, this gave me and her reassurance and gave her freedom to tell or not tell other things and me validation without becoming ill with anxiety, I just needed to know where she was, when I was travelling she became anxious too and we found a daily hi on Facebook worked. She’s type3 and preferred to tell me about the rafting etc after the event, and tried to not worry me with emotional stuff, it was an 8months which really deepened our bond and helped ease the transition into adulthood, for us both!

    1. I’m so glad you and your daughter found a healthy and positive way to communicate and take care of each other’s needs!

  2. WOW! How astoot you are to have this today. At church yesterday, I was planning on mentioning an experience about my husband years ago finally accepting the house was just an object not connected with his grandparents and history. ONce he did, he landed a job and we were able to stay. BUT that was not the experience that I was prompted to say as she pointed at me to share. It was a story that not even a handful of people know. I litterally warred with the prompting to share. EVerytime I said, This isn’t the story I wanted to share it was me. WHen the story came out it was words coming out of my mouth. I worried about it, the experience exhausted me spiritually. Once we were both home and the Kids and my husband were playing a game I took a long walk outside listenting to birds, and connecting with nature. I haven’t allowed myself to do that, until last sunday when I said I needed to go on a hike. So we visited the mesa falls, both of them. We didn’t go this week but that “nature” walk helped so much. I came home and talked to Jeff about it and he said someone needed to hear it. I really needed this today. I connect right with t3 on this front and everything else so it was truely helpful. THank you!

  3. All of you ladies inspire me! Reading “Remembering Wholeness” and adding some of the practices in it to my daily routine, as well as meditating for at least 10 minutes a day and keeping a gratitude/affirmation journal are all things that have helped me to feel much more centered, with less worry in my life. I am now more easily focusing on joy, gratitude, abundance, love, etc. instead of struggle, pain, uncertainty, etc. It’s amazing how far the right kind of quality self-care can go!

  4. Great discussion, and such valuable learning from all the panel members. I can really relate to Anne’s sharing that the feeling of anxiety can become so automatic that you have to stop and backtrack to determine what is triggering it, then work through it. I think that for type 2’s especially in this fast-paced world we live in, it is so easy to get overwhelmed with the number of tasks and expectations, which translates to so many details to think about! And it doesn’t help if you forget to eat, or take a few deep breaths! Knowing yourself, and how you operate is so important! Thank you Carol and team!

  5. Very helpful; it is always affirming and empowering for me to hear Jaleah and Calista share experiences similar to my own (I’m 1/4). Thank you for including tips (the hands to the forehead, self-care). It feels great to get to the end of a video and feel like I have tools in hand to make my life better!

  6. Wow! This is helpful! Ask for things to build or that it will dissipate if it isn’t important! Thank you!!!

  7. I have a tendency to not realize I am stressed or worried about something until I get physically ill. I say I am a Type 4 Energy, but is that typical of a Type 4?

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