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How to Add Your Yin & Yang Combo Into Your Type 3/2 Style

The practical key to a winning outfit every single time.

Make a few quick switches for your best outfits yet.

As a Type 3 woman, you’re aiming for outfits with texture, substance, and edge. But have you ever felt that your overall look is still off?

There’s a reason for that! You could be wearing the wrong yin/yang combination in your clothes!

Fortunately, the fix is easy—with just a few quick changes.

As a Type 3/2, Dressing Your Truth Expert Sarah has a double-yang, double-yin combination. If you have the same Energy Type combo, your best outfits will have sass with softness, dynamic looks with added detail. Sarah shows you how easily you can achieve this with a few simple switches.

Take Carol’s challenge! Find an item in your closet that hasn’t been working. Don’t just toss it. Apply what you learned in the yin/yang video to your outfit and share your results in the comments!

Learn more about your yin/yang combo:

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  1. Interesting… I am T1/S2 and I put together my clothes very similar to Sarah (scarf, longer blouse with shorter jacket over it)… This must be my S2, bringing in a more flowing line. Thank you Sarah and Carol for this amazing video! 🙂

  2. Love this video! Brought quite a few aha! moments. Is it possible to get a list of yin items/ideas and a list of yang ideas for future reference? Many thanks for the continued fabulous work.

  3. Thanks Sarah and Carol! I thought many aspects of T3 was a bit too edgy for me. Adding some of that softness really does the trick. I love Sarah’s outfits and can’t wait to try my own combos. I have some leopard print leggings so maybe add a longer flowy top and longer necklace.

  4. Making a mental note of that yin quality of a scarf. As a 4/3 I often find — especially in winter — that a scarf adds just the right balance to an outfit.

  5. As a 1/2 I loved the info on this video too! I always adore Sarah’s style and I love making outfits inspired from hers into my own unique style 🙂 that fit into my type!

  6. As a 3/2 I can fully relate to Sarah’s style and feelings concerning the very harsh T3 style elements. I am also a scarf person, and I can see how this reflects my T2 in the 3/2 combo. Thanks for the video!

  7. So validating! I remember my first DYT outfits and feeling like I “worked” at wearing the items…now I dress just like Sarah. Help in recognizing my secondary was not 4 but 2 made all the difference. I am still drawn to those items professionally, but when I try I just can’t do it and will go back to something with flow, subtle color combinations T3 of course, and elongated jewelry. I especially love Sarah’s comment about the bracelets…I was like “yes!” now it makes so much sense!

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