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Lead With Your Heart: Type 2 Lifestyle Tips Based On Your Yin-Yang Combo

How your soft yin-yang combo influences your behavior and daily life

We’ve been talking a lot about your Yin-Yang combo and how it affects your style. It’s helped so many women feel more cozy and comfortable!

But now let’s take a look at how it influences your behavior and daily life. Not all Type 2 women act or think the same! Your Yin Yang Definition will support you in honoring your unique qualities.

Type 2/1


Your movement is like a soft mist that cools and calms the soul, with a quality of whimsy and sparkle that expresses subtly. You are very sensitive to the comfort and happiness of others. Your kindness touches many lives and you’re known as a loving and generous person. You notice the details of life that add pleasure and comfort to our lives.

You tend to allow others to take advantage of your kindness without realizing it until you’re drained by their demands on you. It can be challenging for you to speak up for yourself in a clear and direct way. Too often you speak in subtleties, hoping the other person picks up on your clues. As you catch yourself doing this, make the choice to ask for what you want, trusting that you can only deliver it in a kind and loving way.

Use your gifts of sensitivity to support yourself first. Ask yourself, “Am I taking care of my needs before others? Am I speaking clearly and specifically for what I want? Do I take time to see how I’m feeling so I make sure my feelings are being honored?”

Type 2/3


You are the woman who has a soft and substantial quality to your movement. As you lead with sensitivity with your double yin, your double yang gives you the “backbone of substance” to hold your own.

You can get confused with knowing how to honor these two qualities and will choose one or the other. Being soft and sensitive or strong and direct! The challenge is, when you choose soft you can feel pushed around and when you choose direct, you feel pushy which isn’t you!

Your opportunity is to blend these qualities! And since “blended” is one of your keywords, trust you know how to be both soft and sensitive along with strong and direct to support you as situations call for it. Don’t let your double yang back-up push down your double yin lead energy.

Type 2/4


If you feel like curling up in a cozy blanket to remove yourself from the intensity of the bigger world we live in, that’s understandable with the triple yin energy you lead with. Your nature is to turn within yourself to connect with your feelings and your intellect.

This is necessary for you to know how to move forward with what is correct for you, yet too much of it disconnects you from the people and experiences that are a part of your day to day life. Turning in to connect with your truth can turn into retreating to avoid issues and challenges you need to give attention to.

As a double yin feeling based woman, you can get lost in your emotions. Your backup system of over-thinking things can add to your dilemma of not knowing anymore what you really feel or think about a situation. Lead with your feelings and trust that your heart is your strongest compass to lead you in life.

Remind your thinking mind to honor your heart. Your heart is the master and your thinking mind is its servant.

Now that you know more about your yin-yang combination, how will you live true to yourself?

As you were reading through the descriptions, did something stand out to you? I’d love to hear about it.

Leave a comment below and inspire other Type 2 women how you are making changes to create the life you want when you lead with your heart.

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