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Why Your Type 2 Friend Needs Reassurance

Picture this: you have exciting news to share. But when you go to your Type 2 friend, she doesn’t show the enthusiasm you’re looking for. Instead, she even seems a little hesitant.

Why is this?

I’ll tell you why. This video will help you understand the challenges and benefits of having a lovely, Type 2 friend. She’s the kind of friend who remembers birthdays, your kids’ names, and a bunch of other details. Her gifts are a blessing in your world. Now let’s look at how to make this friendship supportive for both of you:

Friendship affirmation: I love my supportive friend network. They honor me. They support me. They acknowledge me.

Enjoy discovering more about Type 2 energy:

Watch other videos in this series here:

Start Dressing Your Truth Today

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  1. Maybe I have miss typed my secondary. I’m a T1. My thoughts can be very critic-ing, so I figured my secondary is a T4, however, I have a nack for remembering birthdays – I mean like from 40 years ago….I like self-improvement books….I plan and gather details for trips…I cry easily in movies….I ask lots of questions…..I have to be in ‘the mood’ to do something……however, I don’t have downward eye slant or weighted cheeks. The only thing I can think that is ‘S’ cruve is the ‘s’ curve in my jaw to my chin and I guess my body shape is ‘s’ curve. I do like the T2 colors more so than T4 colors, and prefer softness than structured. However, I think I look good in lined Tees as compared to draped tops. Something to think about…maybe I’ve over developed my trideciary nature.

    1. To have critic thoughts, could be a wounded side of a person. Not necessarily a type four tendency.

      Just a thought <3

      I could be very critical towards my self and to others, and my best guess for this behaviour is that I am hard on my self, because my childhood was a bit ruff, and I didn´t get enough appreciation for being who I am, but got it for what I accomplished. I am still on my adventure of typing my self, but is leaning towards a T3/S2 With an overdeveloped S2 and a T3 that I have been super scared of, because I tended to get into so much trouble, being froward, blunt, a lot, pushy, interrupting people and then all of a sudden I crashed i tears totally overwhelmed by intense emotions I could not contain any more.
      So I am a fair mix of them both, collecting stuff in piles which my T3 hates…. it seems to be blocking the T3s energy flow… all the piles…. Anyhow super interesting to know more about all the types and how they interact with each other. <3

      And Carol I totally love that you always are refereeing to challenges and not flaws 😉

      This has been such a relief for me, to understand all Types are gifts to this world. And to understand I am not a bad person I am just me. And when working on a good balance between my T3 and S2 i can be really awesome. Straight forward and sensitive too <3

  2. Very helpful as always. I had an ah-ha moment! Sometimes I will be so clear about something I want to do whether it’s a date night idea or how I want to decorate our new house etc and my husband won’t say much…and lately I’ve been taking that as he’s not interested or doesn’t care about those things when really it’s probably that he needs more time to think about it or he needs more details. Thanks for helping me.

    1. So glad this was helpful! Yes, he’s probably just processing. Using phrases like, “Take some time and think about how you feel about it and let me know.” Or “I know you need some more time to process this.” Will be very supportive and help his process actually move a lot faster!

  3. I’m a T2/1 and they both show up in my friendships. If someone has EVER been my friend, I feel very emotionally connected to them. I remember birthdays from people I haven’t spoken to in 30 years. I also remember all little details of our friendship and the things we’ve done together. However, more like a T1 I’m not much for connecting physically through calls/texts/letters. I just drop the ball, and most people have to connect to me first. Yet also like a T1, I can pick up a relationship like no time has passed. I still think this reduced physical connection is dominated by my T2. Physical connections feel like they take a lot of energy … a lot of outward flow. Very often, I’m just not feeling up for that. Plus I also do better with those regular, planned dates that Carol mentioned. Maintaining relationships with calls and texts can feel like they mess with my flow.

  4. I love this series. As a T2, I identify with the strong sense of connection, but I think I’m not always great at acting on it. When thinking of whether or how to reach out to someone, I often get so stuck in questions and doubts (Would I be bothering them if I called at this time? How should I phrase this e-mail? Etc., Etc.). As a child and teen, I had a hard time initiating things (partly because I hate phones and I didn’t have e-mail back then!), and I still have trouble keeping up connections even though I really value the friendships. Hopefully knowing that it’s in my nature to be a supportive connector will help me move past those doubts and reach out and invest in my friendships! I’m going to write a couple e-mails right now (no phone calls :)).

  5. So this is interesting…I have typed myself as a 2/4, but lately have been noticing more Type 1 in my features and a tendency for lighter fabrics and floral patterns versus colorblocking and collared tops. When I watched last week’s video on T1 friends, a lot of it sounded like me. In fact, I relate very much so to ‘living in the moment’ and forgetting to reach out to friends and even family for weeks or months at a time without realizing it. I am positive that I am a Type 2, but I am leaning more and more to having a secondary 1 instead of the secondary 4 I have thought for the past two years. I am curious to see how much I resonate with what Carol says about Type 4 friends.

  6. Loving this series, Carol…thank you! I’m a T1/S4, and my hubby is a T2/S3, so it really resonated with you when you mentioned the T2 need for time to process big decisions whereas I love spontaneity. I have to consciously give him lead-time before springing a new adventure on him!

    I also have a really good T2 girlfriend who I need to connect with…today would be the perfect day for a spontaneous lunch and shopping trip, but instead of calling her with the offer, I decided to text her with a plan for Friday (four days away) instead. She was delighted to hear from me, and didn’t have to panic about not having time to plan for our outing.

  7. My husband is a type 2 — none of my friends are. He’s however, been largely living in his secondary 3. I recently appealed to him to do the men’s course when he got a promotion — if he would spend money on an image consultant why not DYT Men? The attention this has given him and his unconscious reaction is bringing forward more of his type 2 gifts. So as he is my ultimate friend, I do feel gifted and blessed. I have a type 2 sister who has the biggest heart you ever could imagine in a person. She is a music therapist who has been working in hospice — and so many people have given her the validation that she is an angel in their lives.

  8. I just left a comment in the t3 friend video and I just had to come back and comment on this one. I’m a 1/3 with 2 best friends, one of them being a t2. We have all been best friends since middle school. I would have lost contact with my t2 best friend back in high school if it weren’t for the fact that she is good at keeping that connection going! As a 1, I’m so in the moment and it’s easy for me to let a lot of time go by without calling. In high school , she moved away to another state and I was VERY bad at communicating. Most of the time she was the one to call me. But after a couple of years we just didn’t talk at all. She moved back to our hometown when she was 17, (I was 16) and again we didn’t connect much but somehow she got us back together! Next thing I know, we are both working part time jobs at the same place and then BOOM! I’m at her house almost everyday I think I practically became adopted! There were definitely a few more times where I let time pass without calling and it would have been easy for me to totally let the friendship go because I was so distracted. But bless her! She would always reach out and connect! I don’t think I realized back then just how much I appreciate her friendship! She always has an ear that’s ready to listen and she is the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met! Which reminds me, I gotta go to Walmart and see if I can find some glasses for the solar eclipse that’s coming up and mail them to her! This video was a good reminder to sometimes send little tokens to our t2 friends! 😀

  9. Still unsure about my type…although I am probably a type 2. I am the sensitive friend that is ALWAYS there for my friends in need and that is listening and very present when with them. I listen, reassure and give advice.
    But ALL of my friends are anoyed by the fact that I don’t return phone calls/texts/mails…and don’t follow up.

    Honestly, I always feel ovewhelmed by all the people I have to keep up with so I just give up on calling/texting them.
    Some of my friends call me the “submarine” as I am very present in the moment with them (I give it all) and then I dissapear on them…
    Does this mean I am a type 1 ???
    *Sorry for my english (I am a francophone)

  10. As a type 2, it really hurts my feelings when those I care about completely forget my birthday which they tend to do every year. It also really hurts when a close friend is going to an event and doesn’t invite me to go too.

  11. This just happened to me today. My dad asked me if I wanted to go out to eat today (which I love doing lol) and I said “yea I guess so” and he commented on how I didn’t sound excited…but it was just because I was thinking of where to go! I have been noticing things about me that are very type 2 so my question is…can secondary 1’s go back and forth on their type as well?

  12. I am a 4/1 but I am the one to keep everyone connected, not only in my immediate family, but in my extended family as well, including my nieces and nephews. I always keep up with them all. For birthdays I send hand written cards, make cookies, and ship out gift cards to everyone. I have been doing this my entire life.

  13. Hi ! My tips as a T2 friend is ….. I keep on the sunny side, mostly. I give the people in my life freedom- to think their thoughts, follow their inclinations, behave in ways that they decide are to their liking…and I try my best to remain detached. I love them with actions- unconditionally. I am honest with them regarding my feelings. If I feel hurt by their actions I tell them and when I feel comforted by their love and care ( this is most of the time) I let them know.

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