How the DYT Beauty Experts Determined Their Secondary Energy

What assumptions about yourself are preventing you from seeing your truth?

An evening to support you in knowing your secondary Energy Type.

In this Evening with Carol and the 4 Types Beauty Panel from June 2014, I’m joined by some of my DYT Experts, (3:48) Marcy Type 1/4, (9:59) Anne Type 2/3, (14:25) Sarah Type 3/2, and (17:40) Sheryl Type 4/1 share their insights on knowing and loving your secondary Energy Type!

In this video we cover:

  • How your secondary Type plays into your facial features
  • Creating balance between your primary and secondary Energy Types in your style
  • An assumption Sheryl made that prevented her from seeing her secondary Energy Type
  • The true goal of Dressing Your Truth

The live Q & A begins at 35:47. I know that you will benefit from the answers and insights that we share.

Still unsure of your secondary? Want to go deeper into secondaries? Join Lifestyle.

Take the life-changing knowledge about your Type a step further. We go into so much more detail about secondaries in Lifestyle.

Exploring your secondary is a fascinating process that helps you deeply love yourself. Plus, I’ll show you how to use it to personalize your style!

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  1. I’m a 1/4 and I cry all the time! I am so deeply moved by things. I would love it if you would do a video series on crying and emotions for each of the 4 Types! For a long time, I thought I was a Type 2 because I’m so emotional and I cry so easily. Thanks for considering this! xo

  2. I had a very hard time typing myself! As a 1/4, (still do second guess myself on my type btw, too many details/possibilities!) I got hung up on details by focusing on them. An example would be crying. I Feel things very deeply and find meaning in everything (secondary 4.) I thought that meant I was a Type 2 or had a secondary 2. So I would focus on specific details and get very confused about what they meant missing the bigger picture. My Secondary 4 is very Feeling focused and so I appear to have a lot of Type 2 traits. (I’m an ENFP rather than the commonly ‘expected’ ENTP for a 1/4 as a result of being so emotional/feeling focused. My enneagram Triad is 6/4/1 in case that helps.) I am also not very extroverted at all in a general sense, and my extroverted nature only comes out if I want to make someone feel good (complimenting a stranger for example) or if I am very comfortable with the people I’m with, I will share myself with them, one on one. I am very quiet in groups and often don’t say much unless I can bring light and encouragement to an individual, and that will only happen one on one. I know that I lead with my Type 1 because I see all the possibilities in everything and my primary motivation is to help heal people (of course I want to do that perfectly, and will often question myself and analyze things after the fact, wondering if I could have done things better/more effectively.) I did sit down and try to figure out what percentage of each Type I have in me (which confused me further when I learned that that is a Type 4 way of approaching DYT,) and my T4 is Very strong in me, however, I Still see the possibilities that I could be any of the 4 Types after 3-4 years of reading about Types, and a Type 4 would be more sure and solid in their knowing.

    To confuse things, I didn’t Want to be a Type 1 because I couldn’t see anything positive in that Type. I wanted to be more introverted because I believed that if I led with a 2 or a 4 I could finish what I started/write a completed novel. Now I realize my Type 1 makes me the quirky, compassionate, empathetic, and creative woman that I am, and love. My hope is that the more I heal, the more I will be able to balance my 1/4 energies and write the many novels I have inside of me. I have very little Type 2 or Type 3 energies, and I often feel imbalanced and I have learning disabilities. I have a theory/hope that the more I am able to balance and accept my 1/4 nature, the more energy (pun intended!) I’ll have to connect with my Type 2 and 3 energies and the disabilities will heal as a result. I have a hard time making connections and that is integral to novel writing and storytelling, and I hope I can learn these skills. (I would love it if you’d talk more about how to tap into the energies we are weaker in. If you have materials like that that I’ve missed, please let me know!)

    Regarding the clothes, I also thought I was a Type 2 for a time because I adore Type 2 styles. Bell sleeves are my favorite because they are quite romantic and expressive; bell sleeves are also unique and interesting. In the beginning, I found most Type 1 (and even Type 4) clothes boring and lacking in expression! I didn’t care for t-shirts and cardigans or striped shirts, etc. because they feel too bland and they lack emotion/expression which I find boring and limiting. If you don’t like the clothes that match your Type, try and figure out why. My Type 1 desires bright, funky, creative expression in my clothing, while my Type 4 craves something unique that makes a statement (and in my case, expresses what I’m feeling that day.) Bell sleeves, for example, are whimsical and ethereal, and I want to evoke that feeling often, and the Type 1 clothes don’t fit that feeling for me. Now that I’m a bit further into DYT, I’m learning/allowing myself to layer colors and fabrics to make something uniquely my own and to feel creative in my wardrobe. I still love bell sleeves, and even though they aren’t Type 1 per say, they are a part of my wardrobe. I even wear chiffon dresses, in my colors, with detailing that gives an ethereal feel, and I get so many compliments! Once you know who you are, you can make the principles and the ideas work for you, but be patient with yourself. It’s an ongoing, always evolving process, with a long and wide learning curve!

    I’m sharing this in the hopes that it might help others who are struggling to find their types. I’ve spoken to a couple of other people during DYT events via chat that are confused and get stuck on details the same way I did and I thought it might help to bring that up. I also wanted to share that if you have a bias towards a particular type (a positive Or negative bias) that might be keeping you from seeing who you really are until you clear up those biases. I wanted to be a Type 2 because I wanted to be soft and subtle and caring and nurturing. I wanted to make other people feel good. I didn’t want to be a Type 1 because I thought they were silly and didn’t have enough value. (I learned that from my extremely unhealthy and emotionally abusive mother.) I used to believe my mom would love me if I was a Type 2 or even a Type 4. She doesn’t really know how to love. I know I’m not alone in these blocks to finding out our true natures, so if this sounds like you, it’s ok. You can love you, your Type/Secondary is beautiful, and you don’t have to be like your Mom or anyone else if you share their Type. (At some point I didn’t want my Secondary 4 because my Mom has a lot of 4 in her. It isn’t her Type that makes her toxic, it is her past, life experience, and choices, etc.)

    I have been living in my Secondary 4 for so long, it’s overpowered and overshadowed my Type 1. I’m still struggling to accept that my Type 1 has value and to let her out; she’s been invalidated and punished for SO long. Thank you so much Carol, and ALL, for being part of my healing journey. If you’ve read of all this, thanks for reading, and I wish you love, clarity, and healing on your journey! xoxo ~<3~ Rachel

  3. I had a very hard time typing myself! As a 1/4, (still do second
    guess myself on my type btw, too many details/possibilities!) I got hung
    up on details by focusing on them. An example would be crying. I Feel
    things very deeply and find meaning in everything (secondary 4.) I
    thought that meant I was a Type 2 or had a secondary 2. So I would focus
    on specific details and get very confused about what they meant missing
    the bigger picture. My Secondary 4 is very Feeling focused and so I
    appear to have a lot of Type 2 traits. I am also not very extroverted at all in a
    general sense, and my extroverted nature only comes out if I want to make
    someone feel good (complimenting a stranger for example) or, if I am very
    comfortable with the people I’m with, I will share myself with them, one on one.
    I am very quiet in groups and often don’t say much unless I can bring light
    and encouragement to an individual, and that will usually happen one on
    one. I know that I lead with my Type 1 because I see all the
    possibilities in everything and my primary motivation is to help heal
    people (of course I want to do that perfectly, and will often question
    myself and analyze things after the fact, wondering if I could have done
    things better/more effectively.)

    I definitely approached DYT with a mix of Type 1 and Type 4
    approaches, so it was difficult to figure out which one I led with. I obsessed
    about DYT and talked about it non stop with hubby, (Secondary 4) but I couldn’t
    get past the possibility that I could be all of the Types (Type 1.) It can be difficult
    when you have a strong balance between your Leading and Secondary energies,
    especially if you’ve lived in your secondary for a long time. I am great at being a
    Type 4, but as a small child, I was quite bubbly and bright (my first word was ‘light’!)
    I loved to try new things and sing and dance and perform. I got distracted easily
    (still do) and never finish what I start. I tend to have a hard time sitting still and
    have always wanted to be able to be more still. I may have lived as a Type 4, and
    placed a high value on that Type, but that wasn’t serving me, and it weighed me down.

    To confuse things, I didn’t Want to be a Type 1 because I couldn’t see anything
    positive in that Type. I wanted to be more introverted because I
    believed that if I led with a 2 or a 4 I could finish what I
    started/write a completed novel. Now I realize my Type 1 makes me the
    quirky, compassionate, empathetic, and creative woman that I am, and
    love. My hope is that the more I heal, the more I will be able to
    balance my 1/4 energies and write the many novels I have inside of me. I
    have very little Type 2 or Type 3 energies, and I often feel imbalanced
    and I have learning disabilities. I have a theory/hope that the more I
    am able to balance and accept my 1/4 nature, the more energy (pun
    intended!) I’ll have to connect with my Type 2 and 3 energies and the
    disabilities will heal as a result. I have a hard time making
    connections and that is integral to novel writing and storytelling, and I
    hope I can learn these skills. (I would love it if you’d talk more
    about how to tap into the energies we are weaker in. If you have
    materials like that that I’ve missed, please let me know!)

    I’m sharing this in the hopes that it might help others who are struggling
    to find their types. I’ve spoken to a couple of other people during DYT
    events via chat that are confused and get stuck on details the same way I
    did and I thought it might help to bring that up. I also wanted to
    share that if you have a bias towards a particular type (a positive Or
    negative bias) that might be keeping you from seeing who you really are
    until you clear up those biases. I wanted to be a Type 2 because I
    wanted to be soft and subtle and caring and nurturing. I wanted to make
    other people feel good. I didn’t want to be a Type 1 because I thought
    they were silly and didn’t have enough value. (I learned that from my
    extremely unhealthy and emotionally abusive mother.) I used to believe
    my mom would love me if I was a Type 2 or even a Type 4. She doesn’t
    really know how to love, it has nothing to do with me being who I am.
    I know I’m not alone in these blocks to finding out our true natures, so if
    this sounds like you, it’s ok. You can love you, your Type/Secondary is beautiful,
    and you don’t have to be like your Mom or anyone else if you share their Type.
    (At some point I didn’t want my Secondary 4 because my Mom has a lot of 4 in
    her. It isn’t her Type that makes her toxic, it is her past, life experience, and

    P.S. I have been living in my Secondary 4 for so long,
    it’s overpowered and overshadowed my Type 1. I’m still struggling to
    accept that my Type 1 has value and to let her out; she’s been
    invalidated and punished for SO long. I wish that deeper healing was a part of
    the DYT package. Thank you so much Carol, and ALL, for being part of my
    healing journey. If you’ve read of all this, thanks for reading, and I
    wish you love, clarity, and healing on your journey! xoxo ~<3~

  4. Type 2 and lots of clothes that don’t match? I used to make a clothes pile of all the undies, bras, T-shirts, etc. that didn’t match and pick one solid color I liked as a dye – cherry or purple or green. Then throw the whole pile into the washer with dye. Watch the fantastic result- due to different amounts of cotton, nylon and other threads within the clothes the dye will pick up or not. The blends and contrasts all match together- a great and speedy way to have so many more clothes to mix and match.

  5. P.S. as a thought- lots of Europeans are into a dark Gothic Look. With the lace and the cuts, I’m thinking this is actually a 4/2 combo. What do you think? Lovely to be so inspired by you.

  6. I just love this video. There is such truth to the fact that being able to use the resources to determine my own type, rather than have someone TELL me what type I am, is freeing and empowering. It took me forever to figure out my type. But, if I had been told my type, I think that there would have been so many times I’d have doubted or questioned the information. Having come to the conclusion on my own helps me to feel so confident in the decision, and if I do have a fleeting doubt, I think back to all of the reasons why I am usually certain that I’m a Type 1!

  7. If only I had seen this video at the beginning of my journey… It would have saved me so much hassle. Taking what was natural for me instead of trying to be someome else. I was resisting. Actually, the more you heal your soul the clearer your type becomes. I have healed tremendously through all my journey in DYT. I tried every type. And deep inside, I was my type 4/3 all along. Going all or nothing into every type I tried, with all the push that I could. I have got to know myself incredibly well.

    If only I had listened to “what is effortless” “what is natural”… I like to come back to this club night often. Very valuable.

  8. i am such a Type 1 dominant! Since my first exposure to DYT a year and a half ago, and now living it – in dedicated earnest – for the last month or so, I am still trying to determine my secondary, and I’m “Oh, totally a 1-2” . .. “No, definitely a 1-3” “Wait, I might be 1-4”. . . As Carol said, Type 1 . . “I COULD BE ALL OF THEM” I will be rewatching the whole course, taking a look at my style draws and behavior and facial features, and clicking back through this video in the next week . . .

    1. I am a type 1/3… Just so you are clear.. if You haven’t figured it out.. I found a video Carol Did.. about your secondary.. I Totally agree we could be all of them.. However the hint she said is to go to your closet.. and Look what you had in your closet when you started Dressing your Truth.. it will tell you what your Secondary is.. because.. of your choosing.. of cloths colors ,patterns..ect.. So I did the course.. I knew right away I was a 1.. however I knew.. that I needed to figure it out.. for my Secondary.. Because.. I wanted to have my hair re-Done.. and @ the time.. they said in order to have a hair Consoltaion.. you needed to know what it was Sooo I was on a fast journey to figure it out.. So after I got it figured out.. I then had a session with Carol.. skype.. to confirm.. and it turned our correct.. she asked me first.. before.. I asked her…And I was dresse d like a type 3.. when I Did it.. huge insights.. then i had nicole. do my hair.. and the hair consoltaion.. in one waord AMAZING..! 🙂

  9. Lol, I remember it took meeting me in person for Carol to agree with me that I am a T3 cus my secondary 1 shows a lot in my face pictures, to the point both Carol and Anne thought I was a 1.*Then* Carol met me at one of her Meet and Greets and saw how I moved and heard how I speak! and She said, “Yes, you’re a 3!” and then met my husband and whispered to me, “You know you married a 2, right?” Lol…oh yes, his insistence on researching to death before making a choice and his piles *everywhere* were clues…lol

    1. I had this problem. My S1 features are very clear in my face. But I just knew I couldn’t be a T1. Turns out I am a T4S1.

    2. I have been teetering on a 1/4 and a 1/2 and this video and your comment on piles and researching before buying make me lean toward the 1/2. I lived as a 3 for several months before releasing it was way to heavy and I was always angry. My first hit was t1 for about 2 weeks before switching to t3 and after feeling that was just too heavy and I really am a t1. I am now just trying to discover my secondary. Which I was sure wasn’t t2 lol. For some reason t2 was the type I was sure I wasn’t. Now I am pretty actually considering that it may be my secondary. Some people still think I am a t3. So I just thought 1 plus 2 equals 3 lol ! Oh the possibilities are endless. Time will tell…

  10. I first thought I was a T2. I here this happens a lot. I tried dressing like a T2 for a couple days and almost immediately felt exhausted and dragged down. Once I went T1, there really wasn’t any looking back. If anybody is new to all of this, I would suggest focusing first on your primary type and your secondary will eventually reveal itself.

  11. This really helped me understand the reason for deciding your type for yourself. It took me months and I felt that frustrating and wanting to give up feeling. But it was so impactful when I realized I am a 4/1. All the pieces fell into place. Thank you.

  12. In the beginning of the video it was mentioned that there is a difference between making people happy and being a peacemaker. Can you explain that a little further? Thank you!

  13. I am more and more convinced I am a three with a secondary ? I started remembering a lot of things about my youth and started realizing I usually act and behave like a 3. I do have the exotic eyes, my face really has a noticable bigger and smaller part, seen especially in my ears, my teeth. But next to my bit textured skin I also have apple cheeks and a circle chin. I do have triangular nostrils. So I wonder if my secondary would be a one.

  14. Thank you for this video, I am pretty convinced I am a type 3, with a secondary, which I have not sorted yet. I have the textured skin, the exotic eyes, triangular nostrils, little by little memories come about how I behave, in a type 3 way. I am a leader type. I think my clothes are already going to direction type 3 in shapes and colours. Although I do not know the type 3 colours. I go from what I see in the shop. I think maybe my secondary is one, for I have apple cheeks and a pretty round shape on my chin. Your advice to start wearing the type you think you are is great. I will start wearing the type 3 style the coming time to see how it feels.

  15. Watching Marci is like watching my mom, her mannerisms, her sweet smile, her body language! So fun to see.

  16. I determined my primary energy type about 4 years ago (T4) and feel very confident about that. I’ve struggled with determining my secondary though. If I judge by feedback on facial features, and on clothing and makeup choices I’d be a S1. If I go by personality/movement qualities I’d be a T2. I’ve watched the videos and read the book and still can’t determine my secondary. If I ever gravitate to a piece of clothing that’s not T4, it’s always a T1. I love bling and glitter. But I take on other’s emotions and am very emotionally based in general, like a T2.

  17. I just discovered this video and I can so relate to Marcy’s experience as Type1/4. I love organizing and yet do it in an random manner. When I decide to organize a certain part of my life or home, I can really access the Type 4 secondary. It is so calming, which I don’t always experience as a Type One. Recently I visited my close friend in CA. She always counts on me to help her go through closets and help her pare down. She is an avid thrifter and has all kinds of things she has collected. She showed me a box for plein air painting that was a disaster. I had so much fun sorting through the different paints, pencils, and brushes. In an hour it was completely organized.

    As far as clothing goes, I too prefer straighter lines and can’t wear anything too frilly. Like most Type Ones, I like my clothes and jewelry to be light on the body. If anything has points or diagonals, as much as I love the print, I can’t wear it.

  18. I’m absolutely a type 4, but I only recently realized my secondary is a type 1. I really thought my secondary was a type 3. Then I saw the video with the lady who is a 4/1 and she talked about how exhausted she is after coming back from social events because it’s not her primary energy. The light bulb went off for me, and I realized I’m absolutely a type 1 secondary. I didn’t want to admit how many projects I start and never finish. And people who only know me in social environments think I’m very social. In fact, I really LOVE being alone. I need to be alone to decompress and get re-centered. I’m also an empath, which I think is very much the 1 energy. Everyone I meet thinks I’m just like them because I become just like them when we’re together. So all of these videos about the primary/secondary energies are very helpful. Thank you! 🙂

  19. After watching this… I Love this.. it helps in Sooo many ways… However… I have been Doing.. Dressing your Truth for a while now.. I would Like to see you bring more in a type 1/3.. Joleah.. is a type 1/4.. and So is Marci… So we are clear in a Secondary… and the effects.. even tho I belong.. to the group… Type 1/3… it still would be nice to see this more for adding the edge…

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