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How to Take Care of Your Yin in a Very Yang World

Based on your yin/yang combo, you may need more rest than you thought!

Faster! Better! Bigger! Intense!

Take a look around, and it’s easy to see that our world expresses a dominant Yang energy. The push to do more, be more, and accomplish more can drain us if we aren’t careful! It’s imperative that everyone—no matter what your Energy Type—nurtures their Yin energy.

How do you do this? I’m here to share applicable tips and steps to help you identify your Yin/Yang combination and ways to sustain your Yin energy.

Share in the comments what your Yin/Yang combination is and how you’re mindfully supporting your Yin energy.

(Looking for more Yang support? How to Ground, Center and Balance Your Yang Energy)

Support your Energy Type more fully with these resources:

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  1. I would like to hear more about how cultural expectations can require functioning contrary to our nature, how to identify whether we are living according to our nature or relying upon the lesser energies of another type, and would like to hear your take on if our male/female energy needs to be balanced or if you have a different perspective. Thank you, Anne. You sounded like my Type 2 daughter talking about her position, and so much is required of her. (Don’t think any business would make it without type 2 on board.) *I will remember not to put too much on type 2, and show gratitude for all they give.

  2. I am a 2/1, so am yin-yin/yang-yin. This combination is a gift with friends and family but a curse in the workplace when you are trying to get ahead. For me, taking care of my yin, is only working part-time and spending more time taking care of home and family. I also love Yin Yoga (long blissful stretches) and prayer.

  3. I’m a 2/3 with the yin-yin/yang-yang. I completely relate to Anne. It is sooo easy as a 2/3 ito let that 3 get its way–because that is the side of us the world values! One of the things that I consistently return to is music. I try to make a practice to turn on my music in the morning to help me ease out of bed–instead of leaping right out, like my s3 wants to do. Playing music is very good for me too. I sing and play piano, and I’m trying to make that a consistent practice, too. Only calming or uplifting music, though!

    Baths are nice, too–pour some bath salts in there, light a candle–little details make life more relaxing!

    I think it just takes some daily practice to slow down and let that yin lead. Even in little things. I have to allow myself time to get out of bed, out of the car even. I have to tell myself “it’s ok to take a breath and then open the car door and walk to the house. Sit up in bed, stretch, breathe and then get out.”

    Before, I’d just be on autopilot, rushing around because I felt this outside pressure to be there and “do” for everyone else in my life. It’s ok to go at my own pace, there’s nothing wrong with that. We all have the same amount of time in the day, everything that needs to get done, will get done in its time 🙂

  4. I am t4/1. My combination is Yin, Yang, Yang, Yin. Thank you for the reminder of drinking more water. I never thought about that being a yin energy.
    I am still learning the balance that is right for me. I have a tendency to be very extroverted. I love to talk and socialize and It is a challenge for me to allow myself the alone time that I need to feel balanced. I often don’t recognize the need for alone time until I am completely exhausted and drained and lose my cool.
    Thanks again for the reminder to be more aware.

  5. Im a T2 S4 and this is something I have struggled with. I know im a type 2 and yet i seem to have a lot of stuff going on that keeps me feeling like i have to keep going, have to do more. Lately ive begun really catching the places i do this and i can see and feel the changes happening as i choose to let go or “making it happen.” I still dont understand manifesting abundance though. After so long overriding myself and playing on a mental field im trying to find the balance between my heart and mind, both of which are my strongest gifts. Im excited for knowledge to come my way that will help me see my blindspots clearly that are keeping me in these patterns of trying to hold on and make it happen. I am really ready to let go.

    1. Beautiful affirmation Talon. Please keep us posted on the insights you have and the changes you make.

  6. I really appreciated this video. I am a 2/4 and often feel overwhelmed with tasks for each day. I have 3 young kids (who are each involved in different curricular activities), I’m very involved at my kid’s school, and have a busy calling in my church. I’ve also decided to go back to school next year when my youngest starts kinder. Oh goodness! I have been striving to live my truth for about 5 years now since learning my type. I noticed a year ago that I wasn’t honoring my low energy and really pushing myself with schedules, being very social with family and friends, and really wanting to perfect so many details of my life (one of the hard things about being a 2/4) It started to weigh on me big time. I decided to take on running, which may sound too yang, but it has turned into a therapy for me and it’s something I crave doing! I am able to be with my thoughts if I’m running alone, or if I go with friends I listen to them talk while we run and it’s so refreshing. I have ran 2 half marathons and am training for my first full, something I never imagined doing, and it is amazing to me how this one activity has brought so much balance in my life. I love how Carol said to drink lots of water as it is a yin energy because I have been more focused on that lately as well. Thank you so much for this video and your continued guidance and wisdom with DYT. I sure love it!

    1. Thanks for sharing Amy. I would say running could be either a yin or yang experience. Fartlek training and interval runs would be more yang, but a long, steady run would be very yin. What a great activity to nurture yourself. Good luck on your first full – coming from a former marathon runner!!

  7. I had a thought about a month ago about writing a book about this topic. My books are little short stories for family and friends. My book ideas were about a turtle wanting people to slow down and not move so fast (a song here – lol) and to take time to smell the roses and enjoy life. This will be my next book to write in April. Thank you for the idea of Yin and Yang to be included in the book. This month I wrote about “Little Yetter Cottontail” and “My CAN DO List.” – I’m a T1 S4.

  8. T2/S4. I can tell when I get too much yang happening and I have affirmations I say to myself, music I play, and usually I get some tea to drink to help calm down. I get that “pit of the stomach feeling” Anne described and the beginnings of a headache. For years I also exercised too hard because that was the thing to do, and while it does help my stress level to move around, too much intensity makes me even more tired. I think awareness of your type and your triggers is the most helpful deterrent to burning out.

  9. I am 1/2 so yang yin yin yin. For many years I’ve already known I don’t enjoy media with a lot of violence. A lot of people say it doesn’t bother them, but it really bothers me. More recently I’ve chosen to step away from social media and the news. I kept saying, it’s too much outside emotion for me. I remember one of my friends said she misses the days when facebook was pictures of what you were eating and babies, ha ha. From this video I understand what she is saying, it has become so yang, too much for me. I really enjoyed Carol’s and Anne’s insights! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  10. Wonderful video. Yes the world is very Yang. As a T2/1, I look back on my life and see so many instances of imbalance. I wish I’d had this information earlier, but it’s never too late to incorporate this knowledge.

  11. Your comment on water being a Yin energy was absolutely fascinating to me. All my life (and I’m not exaggerating or making this up) every dream that I can remember has water in it, from pools to rain to oceans to even tsunamis. Sometimes the water saves my life, sometimes it’s just a presence, and sometimes it scares the crap out of me. I’ve always, always wondered why this is the case. Maybe it’s just an abundance of Yin energy?? Thanks for all you do, love you guys!

  12. Thank you so very much Carol and Anne. I really, really appreciate this video. Thank you for these life changing insights. I really needed to hear them, including the drinking more water part. I think this video is going to change my life. Thank you again so much ❤️

    1. You’re welcome Alison! Thank you for being a Lifestyle Member. I’m so happy you enjoyed and learned from this video!

  13. I am 2/1, and its been an interesting experience of balancing my Yin in a very Yang world. I have completely tuned out the news/social media, entertainment such as movies and music, that do not honour my energy. Drinking lots of water, eating healthy, sleeping, just breathing. Meditating in the morning. I’ve noticed that I spend a lot of time by myself, in peaceful solitude, doing things which I enjoy, such as reading, creative projects, watching/learning from the internet. I am excited to incorporate yoga into my life, I recently got interested in learning more. Also, whats been important to me, is filtering what comes into my life, via other people through conversations, or certain forms of media, and understanding that just because people have certain beliefs and expectations (very yang type of how to move in life, achieve, etc) doesn’t mean I’m under any obligation to compare myself to that standard of others. I find that it takes a lot of conscious strength to be in my energy in a society which constantly wants to push forward.

    1. It’s an inspirationt to read how much you take care of your yin energy Yoshimi. I need to learn from you! Also this is the first time I see a Japanese person commenting here. I come from Denmark, but studied Japanese Studies in university and have lived in Japan. I hope Energy Profiling is spreading in Japan as well! 🙂 I still feel like my familiy is the only one following DYT in Denmark! haha

      1. Hi Cecilie! You are 1/2? Thankyou for saying so, I think its like a daily work in progress. I’m actually half Japanese, living in Canada! That is so cool, that you have lived in Japan, what do you think its like? I think its very T4 energy, learning about DYT has made me make more sense of some customs/culture of Japan. I dont know if anyone from Japan is in DYT yet, I havent met any. I think I know one person from Denmark, she’s a T2 because I see her on the T2 facebook group.

        1. Yes I am a 1/2, correct! I believe there is a lot of T4 energy in Japan as well and found myself very much adapting to the T4 energy, while I was living there. However, since I know about Energy Profiling now, I look forward to the next time I return to Japan and to just be myself and relax. I wonder whether that T2 person from Denmark is my twin sister! Her name is Sophie and she’s a T2 🙂

          1. I enjoy certain aspects of Japan, and there are some others that are not for me. I like countries that are mixed, I feel there is more balance of energies, and people are more accepting of others and their differences. Yes! Sophie posted a photo of the two of you in our group page, and I asked her too. Haha, thats so interesting, because I thought that you look very similar to Sophie. 🙂

  14. This is such a wonderful video and perfect timing in my world – as always. I’m a 2/1 [yin yin yang yin]. I know how easy it is for me to be dragged/pushed into yang energy. I am so very grateful for Carol Tuttle and learning all about DYT/LYT and energy profiling and healing. I share it everywhere I go. This week I’m in what is traditionally called Hell Week in my theatre. (See the perfect timing?? 🙂 ) Before we begin each night – and before I go to rehearsals/performances I take the time personally before I even leave for the theatre to center myself, doing some yoga/meditation/energy healing exercises. And I’ve shared a few exercises with my cast and crew that we do together before we begin. What a difference!!! We use tapping techniques to remove fears and insecurities (theatre is a risky business lol). It creates such wonderful energy, beauty, and love in our troupe. Thank you Carol – and Anne – for your beautiful sharing and teaching. I love it!!

    1. Thank you for sharing Mary Ellen! We are always so happy to hear how you use and share the tools Carol, Anne and her team have shared with you! Hugs!

  15. I’m a 3/2. Yang-yang, yin-yin. This explains so much! I’m either in go-mode or slow-mode, or that I have an energetic on/off switch. Any suggestions how to honor the outward/inward movement?

  16. Thanks to DYT, I eventually became aware of being a T2/T4, after a lifetime of pushing myself to be a T4. Anne, your explanation of how it feels when you give up your energy (the ache or anxiety in your solar plexus) was spot on. This is a very simple way for individuals with our make-up to know when we are running contrary to our basic nature. It is very honoring to simply stop and allow the “current” to reverse, when we become swept up in our own yang. Outside forces aren’t doing it to us. We do it to ourselves. Thanks for the reminder to take my power back and be myself. As Carol wisely points out, when we honor ourselves, the Universe and the people within our Universe honor us, too. Thank you, both. I continue to learn after 4-5 years of being in the DYT community.

  17. I’m a 1/2 (yang-yin, yin-yin), and the best way for me to take care of my “big bucket of yin” is to stay super hydrated, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, sleep well, ensure my work environment is quiet and private (yes, even as a T1! lol), and — perhaps most importantly — limit my news consumption. I also believe that one of the most supportive things I ever did for my yin energy was go vegan 12 years ago, long before I knew about yin/yang or energy types! 😉

    News is often completely overwhelming to me. I’ve found that the best way for me to stay updated with current events is by listening to NPR’s hourly news summary podcast once or twice a day. It’s very “digestible,” as it lasts only five minutes. As a T1, I can pop in and listen whenever I feel like it, and I know the voices will be soothing, and I won’t be suddenly bombarded with IN-YOUR-FACE-YANG video or commercials.

    Much of our world is overwhelming to me, and I never understood why until I began studying Carol’s energy profiling work. I’m married to a 2/1 (yin-yin, yang-yin), so fortunately there’s lots of gentle yin energy in our house! It’s true that sometimes it’s hard to have so much yin in this yang world, but I am grateful that I get to experience life this way.

    1. I’m a 2/4, so a heavy dose of yin as well, and I completely understand feeling very overwhelmed with the news (as well as many movies, tv shows, social interactions, etc. – ha!). I’m so grateful to be learning through Live Your Truth that I am not flawed, and that accommodating my needs is respectful of myself and better for my family as well. It’s almost like a rebirth, to find such an appreciation for the gifts that I used to think of as deficiencies.

      1. We are happy that you are here Storm7! And that through the resources Carol and her team, you are learning that you are not flawed! Hugs!

    2. Vada, we are so happy to hear that Carol’s energy profiling tools have helped you! Thank you for sharing your journey with us all!

    3. I too am a sensitive type 1/2 Vada, and I am known as “the oblivious of the world” member of my family! (haha) I never follow the news, except ones I overhear or read on social media, I don’t have any interest in politics, as I find them harsh and depressing and I stay away from discussing heavy topics like terror, war, crimes etcetera as much as possible! I can more easily remain happy, calm and light this way… the world is certainly a very yang place indeed.

  18. I absolutely love hearing from Anne, because I can relate to her experiences, and her sense of fashion. I have had a bit of a rough time figuring out who I am, but I am settling into a T2. If I am not, I am content with that because right now I need to nurture the T2 in me. I am realizing that I spread myself so thin that I live outside of my body during stressful moments, and I need to learn to re-center. I thought I was a 4 at first, and I didn’t click with the people that I attracted to myself when I dressed and acted that way. This pic is how I chose to spend a couple days this last week. Two days of T2 bliss with LOTS of water to take care of my Yin.

    1. Anita, thank you for sharing your journey with us! We are so happy that you are here and that you are nurturing yourself. You are worth it! Thank you for sharing this picture with us all. Enjoy!

  19. It is so great that you know this about your self and your daughter, and make it work for both of you. Love it.

  20. As a 2/4, I am yin-yin, yin-yang. Is it goofy to wonder if that could be part of why am a night owl? When the sun starts to set in the evening, my energy rises. I love night time and feel most creative and happy then. Hmm….

  21. I think my question alone will reveal my T4: I am just seeking clarification. In “It’s Just My Nature” T1 &T4 are exactly opposite of this video description. (Overview of the four energy types; yin yang qualities of each energy type) (Kindle so don’t know page in hard copy)
    Video= T1 yang/yin T4= yin/yang.
    Book T1 yin/yang T4= yang/yin.
    I feel like this is important for understanding lead energy movement, or I just completely missed an object lesson here.

    1. There is a variable for each Type 1 and Type 4. Thanks for pointing this out. I know Type 1’s who have more of a yin movement first and others who have more of a yang movement first. The same for Type 4’s. Your entire Energy Profile and how you were raised and the culture you come from all play a part in influencing each person’s natural expression. So, I guess I unknowingly mixed them up, but as I think about it, it still works. As we are all our own expression of unique movement with a lot of universal natural expressions that identify within our dominant Type. I have taught for years, that you could be a yin dominant Type 4 or a yang dominant Type 4. For example a 4/1 could be either yin or yang dominant. A Type 4/2 would be yin dominant. A Type 4/3 would be yang dominant. Hope this helps. The 4 energies are moving life forces with their origin in the a nature kingdom. We are a subset of nature as they express in our human nature. Don’t think of them as static energies that are a constant for every person. That is why there are variables within each Type and you can study the 4 energies for years and still learn more, as I have!

      1. This. This reply has been really helpful for me. Thanks, Carol, for the insights (and for asking the question, Cathy!). Upon joining DYT I instantly knew and have never doubted that I am T4. But now, thanks to this, I recognise that I am “T4 YIN Dominant” as opposed to some other T4’s I observe who are clearly “T4 YANG Dominant”. My new T4-YIN-DOMINANT label (if I may call it that) is life-changing for me because I feel it describes my energy as an integrated whole. I was previously viewing “T4/S2” as being separate less-integrated parts of me. Knowing my T4/S2 is Yin Yang/Yin Yin, whereas for others their T4/S2 is Yang Yin/Yin Yin is seemingly subtle, but actually huge. Which is what I ultimately love best about DYT, so simple, but also so layered as to empower us to LIVE OUR TRUTH as individuals, and thus GIVE OUR TRUTH to the world. With thanks and appreciation to you, Carol, for continuing to learn and pass on your knowledge to us. Also, I’ll will be drinking a lot more water going forward!

        1. Thanks for your reply. Type 4 will always lead with a yin (moving inward first to reflect and analyze) followed by a yang movement (bold and structured). So . Type 4/2 will always be yin, yang, yin, yin. .What make a Type 4/2 yin dominant is the ratio of yin being more than the yang. It is not determined by whether yin or yang leads, as that is always a constant. What makes a Type 4/3 yang dominant is also the ration of yin and yang – yin, yang, yang, yang. So all Type 4’s no matter their secondary will always lead with a yin movement first (going inward to take in the big picture and to analyze, which can happen in a split second, as it is so automatic and natural, it’s not even noticed).

  22. This video helped me make so much sense of some of my tendencies as a 1/2. I have always needed more sleep than most other people in my family; I need a lot of down time to just dream, plan, and nurture my inner world, and I have always been really sensitive to other people’s sadness. Oh, and water is the most soothing thing in the world to me! Loved this, love you guys!

  23. Thank you! As a mom of 7 I found the echo noise of my house too much and now I do more quiet time and it makes a difference. I recently have recharged myself with setting out a pitcher of water to drink every day and yoga a few mornings a week before leaving my bedroom. It’s great to hear that I’m inspired by the same ideas you have Carol.

  24. T4/1 Yin-Yang, Yang-Yin. Being blessed with the idea of being my *own* authority, something I had difficulty accepting until DYT, makes it more comfortable for me to simply nurture myself when I need the nurturing. Solitude in a natural or Zen-like environment helps to center me. Sometimes all I need is to simply put on headphones and listen to music that I love.

  25. I just realized something. I am a type 1/2 (yang-yin, yin-yin energy) and have always loved and been drawn to the ocean, lakes and just water in general. I now wonder whether this might be due to the high percentage of yin energy in my body! I live by the ocean, and even though I am a type 1 and lead with an extrovert, yang energy, seeing and smelling the ocean just feels so calming to me, like I can just relax and be my light, soft self. I love it!

    1. Cecilie, I am also a T1/S2 and have always felt best when by water, in particular the sea, I love the sight, sound and smell of it and have always found it very calming. Reading your comment gave me a light bulb moment. The more I learn about LYT, the more truths I find out about myself.

      1. Ditto Cecilie and Eleanor! I am also a type 1/2- and guess what every window in our home looks out at… A pond!! I just sit and stare at it- the ducks, the geese, sometimes deer, beautiful egret and herons… One time I saw a bald eagle perched in a nearby tree overlooking it… Sometimes, during the day when I feel tired or stressed, I will see two or three little ducks swimming peacefully across the water and I instantly feel at peace. But the ocean- now that would be amazing to live near… I wouldn’t get much work done, though 😉

  26. Carol, this is one of my favorite videos you have done! It really spoke to me. I am a 2/3 energy type woman, and I find that my secondary 3 energy can be too much of a push when I’m not mindful about living my truth. I’ve had health problems the last 10 years, and I feel its mostly because I push myself too hard.
    I would love it if you did a healing session/affirmations specifically for 2/3’s. Actually, that might be a great idea for all the types 😉 thank you for sharing this wonderful, helpful information…its blessed my life!

  27. I’m a T2 and I think secondary 1, so Yin-Yin Yang-Yin. A couple of years ago, before I discovered energy profiling I was looking for a form of meditation to help with my CFS symptoms. I started practising Yoga Nidra – ‘yogic sleep’ and it turned out to be the best possible form of meditation for me – it’s done lying down, with supports and a blanket over you, so you keep warm – blissful! It has really helped my symptoms, made me a much calmer person (I was living from secondary energy, plus the illness causes anxiety) and now I see I have been unwittingly nurturing my Yin energy too.

  28. I am 1/4 yang yin yin yang. I don’t do a great job of nurturing my yin. Can you do a video for each scenario. I would love to learn more about how nurtured my energy. Thank you for sharing your insight with us!

  29. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I MIGHT be a “yin dominant” type one, since my secondary is a two. I just read the summary Carol gave about the variance between the type One and type Four yin and yang expressions. That is so fascinating! I can totally see that! My mom is a 4/3 and she is DEFINITELY yang dominant. No question! My dad is a 4/2 and he is yin dominant… I can’t tell you how much this clarifies the questions I have about all the type fours in my life… THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! (the jury is still out on me though- I’m not sure whether I’m yin or yang dominant type one)

  30. Very, very fascinating! I have watched this three times. I also googled the yin yang diet thing with regards to gout that I get whenever I go on Protein diets…a yin diet is key, so very cool, which I knew on my own.

  31. Type 1 will ALWAYS lead with a yang movement first as the yang is the jump forward in to life to connect and disconnect quality of the movement. No matter a Type 1’s secondary, they will always lead with yang,/yin. So you would be yang, yin, yin, yin. What makes you yin dominant is the ratio of 3 yins to 1 yang, so your jump forward movement will just be a bit more subtle, but your energy will first move outward first, not inward.

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