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Support Your Natural Curls with the Right Products for Your Hair

No more fuss and struggle, Anne shows how to love your curly hair!

Are you a curly girl looking to get the most out of your curls, or have you newly discovered that you have curly hair?

Hundreds of women have used Anne’s Curly Hair Tutorial along with the Dressing Your Truth hair care products to support great curls that they love! Watch as Anne walks you through the steps and products to get the best curls of your life (along with tips to finish and set perfect for your Type 4:50). She also shows you what she’s using (it’s just a few products) and tips for selecting your perfect lineup of products (8:38).

No more fussing or struggling, embrace the natural movement of your curly (or wavy) hair!

(1:38) Cleanse and condition (get both):

(2:34) Set up your curls with these must-haves (you’ll only need one, Anne will help you know which is correct for your hair texture):

(4:25) Add lift and volume! (use either, or both depending on how you dry your hair):

(4:50) Time to finish your style (here’s where your Type comes in with a couple of these):

Embrace your curls—and your natural beauty:

Shop Curly Hair Products

Video transcript:

Are you fighting with your curls? Not pleased with the results you’re getting? These Dressing Your Truth hair products are here to make sure you have a happy hair day every day.

Are you a curly girl and trying to get the most out of your curls? Or maybe you’ve newly discovered that you have curls? I’ve heard from hundreds of women who have used my curly hair tutorial along with these great Dressing Your Truth hair products and created curls that they love. No more fussing or struggling or trying to straighten out the curl. I love it when a woman embraces her natural movement of her curly hair. Just the other day, I saw a post on Facebook from a woman that didn’t even know she had curly hair. Look at this before and after, completely straight to amazing curls. She shared, “Before Dressing Your Truth, I didn’t even know I had curly hair. Thanks to Anne’s curly hair tutorial, I now have two options, and as a Type 1, I love it.” So, definitely, if you’re venturing into the curly hair, you don’t have to do it curly all the time. I do. I love it. I love my curls. I like to do my hair curly, it’s easier for me. But you can play with the options and do straight and curly. So, let’s dive into the products that are going to support you in doing your hair curly.

In the lifestyle membership, I do a full tutorial where I start out with wet hair and show you step by step. So, for the more nitty-gritty details of how to achieve great curls starting at step one and more of instruction of how to get the right cut for your curls and how to treat your curls on second and third day, I invite you to join Lifestyle, check that out and get all the details there. But let’s talk specifically about products. It starts with cleanse and condition. The products you wanna use for that are Hair Repair and the cleansing conditioner. It’s so important when you have curly hair to get a lot of moisture and hydration. The frizz comes when your curl is lacking that hydration, it’s so dry that it’s reaching out, those little hairs are reaching up for any of the moisture in the air that they can catch. And so you wanna combat the frizz by adding in more moisture. That’s why I recommend a cleansing conditioner instead of a shampoo, because it will help keep your natural oils in your hair while still cleansing but allowing that moisture to stay in and it’s also conditioning great. So, throw out your shampoo and you can get, I use just this. You don’t need an additional conditioner in cleansing. And then, you’ll wanna follow it up with this leaving conditioner which is the Hair Repair. This is a really lightweight, very healing for the hair. You just put a little bit of that in all over your hair while it’s wet.

Now, this next step, these products are so important. These are must-haves when it comes to setting up your curls. We have the Curly Creamy gel, and the Versatile Styling cream. You will choose one of these products based on the texture of your hair. The texture of your hair is not how thick the hair is, whether it’s thin or thick, that’s how much hair you have on your head. When we’re talking about texture, we’re talking about individual strands of hair. To determine the texture of your hair, pull out a couple of strands of hair and assess them. You might have a combination, so that would put you more into a medium, you may find that all your hair is more fine, or more coarse. Creaming Curling gel is recommended for those with medium to coarse hair, Versatile Styling cream for those with fine hair. These products will be great in achieving soft, pliable curls without a crunchy hard cast. Sometimes you can see that crunchy curl, doesn’t look natural. You wanna achieve soft curls that can last two, three, even four days. You don’t have to re-wash your hair every day.

Both of these products can also be used to do your hair straight and create a really soft, nice blowout. I have a medium to coarse hair texture, so I use the Creamy Curling gel. And I apply, for starters, about that much. You get it all over your hands and apply it to your wet hair, you’re gonna finger it through and then scrunch it in. And then once that’s in, I’ll add a little bit more to make sure the hair is all coated. So, in the end, I’m using about that much hair product each day, and then maybe a little more once it’s air-dried to just finish and make sure all the hair got coated in that product. I do my hair twice a week. So, when you use the right amount of product day one, you can really get good second and third and even fourth-day hair.

Once you’ve applied one of these two products, you wanna let your curls dry. You can choose to either air dry or blow dry with a diffuser. If you find that your hair has a tendency to fall flat, then make sure you’re getting the volumizing products as well to create volume at your roots. That would be the weightless styling mousse and the root boost. The root boost is heat activated, so if you’re letting your hair air dry, then you definitely wanna use the weightless styling mousse and the root boost if you like to use the blow dryer to add that volume. Those are great so you can have that nice volume in addition to the volume that you’ll get from the curls. Once you’ve got your curls set, you’ll wanna move to your finishing products. This will add nice depth, and dimension, and texture to your hair.

Couple of different products here that I recommend for different purposes. The first one is the Tousled Spray. This is a really lightweight spray. It smells really yummy. It’s so light, it’s slick, it’s got a little bit of a tack. It’s not sticky, but you’ll just wanna spray this in. This is mid-shaft down, and you can scrunch it. It’s looser than a hair spray, it’s not as sticky, so it’s great for just adding a little bit of dimension. You can spray it at the ends of your hair. It creates a salty, beachy wave quality. This is great for those with finer hair or even shorter hair. Just kind of piece it out, but in a really soft, flexible way. This would be great for a Type 1 as well as it’s really light.

The next option. Let’s move to Texture Taffy, as this will also help to create definition. You don’t need a lot of this. This will last you forever. That much and then look, see how that’s Texture Taffy. It’s got tack to it, you’re just going to rub it in your fingertips. This, you’re using on the ends of your hair, or if you have layers where those hairs, you can spiral it up. This will create a PC look. This is a great option, again, for those who want a little bit more messy or textured quality, I would say Type 1 or Type 3 to just create…When you do your hair first day, it’s washed, it’s got a lot of softness in it. This is gonna just texture it up a bit, add a little dimension, and create some of those more angular points that you really wanna achieve, especially as a Type 3.

Moving to the opposite end of the spectrum, we have our smoothing polish. This does not provide hold like these two products do. This is going to smooth and polish. It’s a nice balm, and this is also a great option for second-day hair. If you’ve got some frizzies, this you can just finger in really softly. If you’ve got flyaways around your head or the nape of your neck, just brush that in ever so softly and it’s just gonna kinda smooth it all down. I love this product. So, definitely for a Type 2 or Type 4. For the 1s and 3s, you might consider this for a second-day hair option if you just need to soften things, if it’s gotten a little bit too frizzy up there.

The last of these products is Texture Spray. This has a nice flexible hold. Now, different than these two where it’s adding piece and dimension where you apply the product. This expands your hair, so as you know, voop, va voom, volume. This you use at the mid-shaft to the roots of your hair. So, when I do my hair, first day, it’s extra soft, like I mentioned, and it has a tendency to fall forward on my face. So, this is where I always use Texture Spray first. I pull it up. See that, how it now is like voop, va voom. So I’m always spraying right here around my face, same thing, this lies flat, after it’s dried, spray it in, and it just expands the hair. It’s so soft. I love it. And it is going to give that added volume and dimension without it feeling heavy. I would recommend this for every type. This is a must-have product to add that volume. And then you could finish off by piecing out a little bit more.

We also have some hair sprays. At this point, when I’ve used gel and a texture spray, I really don’t need to throw in hair spray. If it’s the best hair day ever and I don’t wanna lose this, I’m gonna go over it with this aerosol spray and keep it to stay. Sometimes though, you know, you’ve just got enough product and enough hold, you can go back to the hair spray later. So, this looks like a lot of products. Let me show you what I’m using on a consistent basis, especially when it’s first-day hair. I’ve got my cleansing conditioner and my Hair Repair, and then the Creamy Curling gel, and then, depending on where my hair is at, I’m going to either be using Texture Spray or the Tousled Spray. This is like my lineup for my hair. So, depending on what results you want for your finishing, you’re gonna use one of these four products. So, and then also you’d be either the Versatile Styling cream or the Creamy Curling gel. It really is that simple.

So, definitely start, make sure you’ve got the Cleansing Conditioner and the Hair Repair so you’re getting that good moisture in your hair, creating that foundation, and then either one of these. And then play with your curls. If you’re new with the curls, use one of these, get it where you want and be like, “Okay. What am I missing? Do I need more volume? Am I getting a lot of frizz? Do I need the smoothing polish? Do I need to piece it out a little bit more?” The Texture Taffy or the Tousled Spray would be great. We’ve had so many positive reviews about these products in creating amazing curls. So get the products that you need to support you and letting your true movement and beauty shine.

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