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A Gift or Challenge? 3 Ways Your Key Gift Brings Success or Stress

How to keep your Type's gift in balance so that it supports you and others.

Do you recognize when your gift is out of balance?

When you’re living true to your natural movement it is a blessing and a gift, but when imbalance takes over it becomes a challenge and causes stress in your life. I want to show you how to discern when you’ve crossed the line into imbalance and how to make corrections so that you can live a stress-free life. 

These sessions are a live recording from the I Love My Life Event 2020.

Each of the four Types has a gift. Watch the video for your Type and I’ll share three examples of how your gift serves and blesses you, and also what happens if you use that gift incorrectly in a situation that is not correct for you. 

Type 1: When Adaptability is a Gift and a Challenge

When it’s a gift.
  1. (1:48) Life changes unexpectedly.
  2. (3:18) People need your support
  3. (4:06) It helps you get through situations you are not thrilled about!
When it’s a challenge. 
  1. (5:53) Life changes unexpectedly and you retreat.
  2. (7:37) People take advantage of you. 
  3. (12:38) It keeps you in situations you are not thrilled about!

Type 2: When Sensitivity is a Gift and a Challenge

When it’s a gift.
  1. (2:13) You have effortless compassion and concern for others.
  2. (4:43) You are patient in listening to others
  3. (5:54) You genuinely offer support and want others to be comfortable.
When it’s a challenge. 
  1. (7:45) You over-worry and get too involved in other’s issues.
  2. (10:30) You only listen and do not speak up for yourself.
  3. (16:11) You can be a doormat and let others take advantage of you.

Type 3: When Determination is a Gift and a Challenge  

When it’s a gift.
  1. (00:55) When you put your mind to something, you get it done.
  2. (1:34) You believe in others and get behind them in getting results.
  3. (4:36) You can see yourself through tough times and keep going.
When it’s a challenge. 
  1. (6:14) It can be difficult to let go of things that are timely and correct to let go of!
  2. (8:50) You care more about the other person achieving results than they do!
  3. (12:35) You can overdo it and create more challenges for yourself.

Type 4: When Perfecting is a Gift and a Challenge  

When it’s a gift.
  1. (3:05) You have a vision for yourself and want to improve who you are.
  2. (3:56) You believe in the best and are not willing to compromise in your relationships.
  3. (5:44) You can help improve systems, space, processes, and the world outside of you to help make things look better and run better.
When it’s a challenge. 
  1. (8:06) It’s never good enough, which turns into “I am not good enough.”
  2. (10:08) Your focus in your relationship is on the other people and they never meet your standard of what you want from them.
  3. (13:01) Perfecting systems, space, and processes become more important than the people that are involved in these experiences.

In which of these areas could you make some improvements? With focused awareness, you’ll be amazed at how quickly things shift for you.

Learn more about your gift in my book Its Just My Nature

Quick links mentioned in these sessions:

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