How Your True Nature is Rooted In Your Childhood (& Meet Anne’s Baby!)

Do you give your power away because of childhood conditioning?

In this episode of #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, I’m joined by Myrna who shares her story of how she knew her Energy Type—then abandoned it after 9 months! What causes you to do this, and can it make you feel irritable?

Plus Type 2 Expert, Anne Tuttle Brown, introduces the newest member of the Brown/Tuttle family. What Energy Type is Leroy Brown? Listen for more tips on profiling babies and kids!


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  1. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! So adorable to see Leroy adoring his mum! Congrats and thanks to you both for all you do. I had an aha while I was watching the FB, while I was expecting my daughter I moved to Hong Kong and always tell her we had so much fun, and her arrival brought big changes to the family, I had a Caesarian, so woke up and there she was!also she’s a golden dragon in Chinese astrology, so even though I didn’t know LYT I was influenced by the friends I made to embrace her energy, while I waited ages for my son after a miscarriage then did lots of classes in natural childbirth and had a 12 hour labour which i was fully prepared for, so my 3/1 daughter gets things moving and my 4/1 son helps us feel grounded, now I know my own 1/4 energy for sure I can look back and see how my flexibility has helped me support them, but also acknowledge how my unpredictability put them in parent role at times, a great gift, thanks and have fun!

  2. What might be a reason a baby would react differently in utero? I”m a 1/2 but my mom said I didn’t kick the whole nine months. She said too that when i was born I hated being rocked. That sounds more type 4 than type 1 but I”m not a 4. Is there an explanation for this?

  3. I really enjoy you and Anne’s relationship so much 🙂 LYT has helped me understand my own daughter much better and appreciate her even more, and express that love to her in the way that’s best for her.

  4. Thank you for telling what Roy was like in the womb! It sealed the deal on my troubles typing my type 3 youngest child! SO EXCITED for the child whisperer podcast to come back, and that it’s shorter!

  5. I AM SO EXCITED THE CHILD WHISPERER IS COMING BACK!!!! It has been life-changing for my family!!! So thrilled!

  6. Much like Myrna, if you saw my bedroom you’d think I must be T2. In fact, the majority of my house is. That’s because my husband is T2, and I always wanted our home to be his Engedi and it just happened, way pre DYT. Our bedroom was because I wanted somewhere calming and cozy and subdued for sleep.

    Both of my kids were showing their type in utero now that I look back with this information. Even their births. My T4 daughter came when it was HER time, which was 5 weeks early, but she was still 6lbs and had no premature issues. She just knew that it was right for her. She cried when she needed something, and I always said she was a “perfect baby”. All of her big emotions came out her eyeballs, but she wasn’t weepy. The only time she’d wimper is when she was sick, and it was very matter of fact because “I don’t want to be sick/feel sick”. My T3 son, he was breach and refused to turn. I scheduled an aversion to force him around and my water broke the day before. The first photo of him being taken out by c-section he looks PISSED. He’s got the angriest face and he didn’t cry he growled/raged. He’s always been very active/reactive and will meet and raise you whatever emotion you give him, like playing poker, even if he’s bluffing.

  7. My whole house was almost completely Type 2 for years, even though I’m a T4. I feel bad because I remember seeing Myrna’s bedroom on the T4 page and commenting on her beautiful T4 bedroom – that I loved it. I did NOT say that she must be a T4 – I just loved the room, and I do remember her having some confusion over her Type. But this has brought to my attention that I need to be careful of what I say and how I say it so that others feel supported on their journey and not unduly influenced. You look amazing, Myrna! Hugs.

  8. I love how Anne could tell from in the womb what Roy’s type would be. My daughter in law is due to deliver their first, and he has been very elusive in utero. Early on, whenever they used a doplar to listen to the heartbeat, he would move away from the pressure almost as quickly as they could find him. At full term, he will stop all movement if mama’s belly is exposed, if daddy touches – or even watches – her tummy. Even in his sonograms he tends to move away from the instrument. Is there a particular type that reacts this way? I’m thinking maybe a Type 4?

  9. Wow, she really botched up Adam an Eve’s story. Eve ate the apple and brought sin into the world as she got Adam to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, separating them from God. Carol says Eve as a feminist made the choice to leave and told adam that if he wanted some “wink wink” he better follow. That is not at all from God. Evil.

  10. As a young T2 child I was very sensitive and would cry so easily if I felt like I made a mistake or disappointed someone close to me. I often didn’t speak up or vocalize what I really wanted and would just go with the flow to keep the peace. As a teen I reverted to my secondary 3 to not be perceived as weak or overly sensitive. As a young adult Mom I was exhausting myself pushing forward and suppressing my emotions. If it weren’t for learning my Energy Type I’m not sure where I would be today. I’ve learned to love and accept myself for my divine nature. I’ve learned what is correct for me and am cognitive when I revert into my secondary to protect the sensitive emotional nature that wasn’t honored as a child.

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