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How to Live True to Your Type 2/4 or Type 4/2 Energy Combination

How to create a pleasing life of comfort and balance.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the need to perfect every detail?

Are you a Type 2/4 or 4/2 Energy Type? Does the world seem to be moving faster than you can keep up with? I understand as the movement of these Energy Types are inward moving and Yin centered. Get ready to learn how to acknowledge your double-introverted nature and accept it without judgment.

You have Type 2 Energy that is subtle and soft and Type 4 Energy that is linear and focused.

Join me and my Experts, Type 2/4 Shayna, and Type 4/2 Liz as we explore the subtle variables of these introverted Energy combinations including the benefits and challenges. I’m sure you will relate to their experiences and stories.

(Still unsure of your Secondary Type? How to Confirm Your Secondary Type — 3 Clues to Look For)

How to live true to your dominant and draw on the strengths of your secondary with your Type 2 and Type 4 Energies:

    • (01:06) What are the common tendencies and challenges of the secondary Type 2 Energy and Type 4 Energy Types?
    • (05:09) How to recognize the supporting attributes of your secondary and sense when it may be out of balance with your dominant energy.
    • (6:32) How to nurture your secondary so that you maintain your correct order.
    • (10:01) Tips for keeping the big picture in focus by allowing yourself time to get familiar and gather details.

What do you relate to the most? How do you support yourself in allowing time and reflection?

More support for this Energy Combination:

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  1. I think I am T4S2 but I could never sit there as still as Cindy! My legs are always crossed and I have to be really aware of my posture or I will be slumping. Also Carol, you said Cindy would leave the room to keep from crying in front of people. My emotions are so easily brought on, I can’t keep from crying when talking to someone about certain things, even though I had rather die as to let people see my cry! Why is this? I don’t have time to escape to another room. I see it as a weakness in me. Other people seem to do or say anything to keep from crying in public!
    Also I stay so depressed all the time! I am accused of being so judgmental, opinionated, and that I think I know it all or I think I’m perfect! I may come off like that but it couldn’t be further from the truth. I feel intimidated by most all people, feel like I don’t live up to other people, or not as good as others. When I am in a group of people such as at Church, and everyone is talking, I will say something and it seems no one hears me or acknowledges me so I might say it again and then if they keep talking, I just walk away. I feel like I have to scream to be heard! I feel left out in most circles, so I have few friends, no close friends.
    I guess my question is why is it so hard to be a 4/2!

    1. Carolyn, I am pretty sure that my profile would be a T4S1, and I really know what it’s like to be at church, or most social settings and not to feel a part of it. It’s taken me a while to accept that T4 part of myself as it seems so aloof and unapproachable, and on the inside not liking the feeling of being outside of the social circle – like I’m 2nd class because of it. I now feel more like I can be on the outside of the “social circle” and am able to feel good about myself, but I have to fight not being negative in how I see others who are more easily accepted. I think highschool was one of the hardest times ever in my life. Maybe keep a journal to help let go of some of these feelings?
      I think I’ve developed the S1 part just so I can feel that there is that possibility to connect with others and enjoy feeling connected. It also seems like the T4 has sort of the “old soul” part in me as well (someone once told me that I was…) I do tend to gravitate more towards those who are like me, as it just feels comfortable, although not always easy to find. I would suggest that when you may see someone in a social situation a little more reserved to reach out to them. I feel like the S1 comes out when I’m tired, etc. and just loosen up and let go….. then I quiet down, but I love it! Perhaps the S2 is a little more quiet and shy? I really hope that you will be able to work through these feelings of feeling introverted and not accepted by others – look around you and I’m sure you can find someone beautiful (inside and out), and more like yourself to connect with. You can do it!
      Also, check out the T4S1 video and I think you will also see a T4 who is easy to relate to, has confidence and may help you to develop in your own types!

    2. Carolyn – I think I’m a 4/1, but am looking into the possibility that I could be a 4/2 – I’m so not sure which one. The reason I think my secondary is T1 is because I have very small hands, feet, petite facial features, 4’11”, etc. But, I am not the fun and happy-go-lucky T1. However, I am the tender hearted, very emotional, sensitive type 2. I love the calm, soft and muted colors of T2, but could settle for the T1, if I must. And to add to the mix. I am so uncomfortable in wearing black, red, orange and the deep T4 colors but love navy blue and brown. Those bold colors make me feel like I am the center of attention with all eyes on me and I certainly don’t want that. I really don’t know whether to wear gold or silver colored jewelry so I buy both. I truly wish I had someone else’s insight that could help. My profile picture has my current red hair color (covering lots of gray), but it’s kind of heavy and depressing to me now. I really think I need to get close to my natural, darker color and hairstyle from when I was younger (with no gray). I’m an extrovert and like talking to people but feel invisible in group conversations and that my opinion doesn’t matter. I notice many times that people don’t listen or let me finish my sentences without turning away or cutting me off. I can count only a couple people in my 61 years that I was acquainted with, but even they were not close friends. I’ve never had a confidant or someone I could talk to. Could I be a T2 with so many visible T1 features? Thoughts?

      1. If you have predominantly Type 1 features, cherub looking hands, and are an extrovert, than you are a Type 1! Trust that and move forward in Dressing Your Truth.

        1. Oh wow, what a relief to finally know!! Carol, I feel so honored that you took the time to reply to my questions. I believe in the program and what it can do for me and my life. I am crying tears of joy right now because I’ve been on the fence for so long and frustrated with myself for not being able to pinpoint my true type. I’ve read your books over and over and watched every video I possibly can, but still saw myself as every type there is, except T3 (I just don’t think I’m anywhere close to that). I’ve even went as far as looking into flights from WV to Utah with hopes that I can find info to help me. I would certainly love to visit your store in the future, but with this confirmation on my type, I can finally move forward on my own with confidence. I will be the best I possibly can be inside and outside. I will now look into depth for my T1 info and know in my heart that my search is over and I can be a much happier person. Thank you Carol, for this gift to me and for introducing your program to all of us. I pray that God will bless you and your family as you have truly blessed me. My new and joyful life starts today!

          1. Thanks Brenda, I truly believe you knew your Type, but what you were looking for was validation. Turn inside for validation, rather than seeking outside yourself. Trust yourself and God’s guidance for knowing who you are and how to live your truth.

          2. Thank you for sharing Brenda! We love that you are able to move forward in confidence! Please consider joining us in Utah this September! For more information click on the I Love My Life Banner!

  2. The 4/3 and 3/4 combo video is under promoted. Please consider adding that link. It is notably missing from the list above the video frame. I know, I’m repeating this comment on all the combos, but hey, if the 4/3-3/4 video was anywhere to be found, I wouldn’t feel the need.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Colleen, it has not yet been re-published on this site. It was previously published on my blog, and we are in the process of moving some of the most popular blog content to this site. The 3/4, 4/3 combo video is scheduled to be published on this site on 5/25, at that time it will be added to the list on all the posts in this series.

      1. Awesome to know! I think that’s what I am, a 4/3, so I’ll be looking forward to it on the 25th!

  3. I’m eagerly waiting for the 1/3 3/1 video. i’m completely clueless as to what my secondary is but I feel I need to have all the type 1 secondary videos so I can compare them all :).

  4. I really enjoyed the video. I think I am probably a 2/1/4/3 Am so proud of these ladies stepping up and dealing with their discomfort to help others see themselves and feel validated. I learn so much from all these videos, thanks so much for redoing all the energy combinations, it is so validating as well as educational. 🙂

  5. I really like this video, tried to view it on your blog, so I’m really glad it’s here. It would be great to see another video on the 4/2 experiences.

  6. I was just remembering this video the other day as I wished that there was more info on the 4/2 type. I knew fairly quickly that my type was 4 but have vacillated in my secondary choice until I had the experience I would like to share. Actually, I did think I was a type 2 briefly in the beginning. I submitted an application and video for the transformation opportunity that was on the website in January. I was so excited about the possibility of being selected and going to Lehi to meet the DYT team. I even talked my sister into applying. After a time, she received an email that she wasnt selected but might be in the future. I didnt hear anything at all in that time frame. I checked my video and realized that I had submitted it in a dropbox that could not be opened by your staff. What happened next confirmed my secondary 2. I began to fret and was incredibly disappointed. I went into this mindset of blaming myself for messing up the most important detail. My double introvert nature was glaring at me as I kept thinking about how I Screwed up and then had to process all the feelings about it. Yikes! Finally I had to let it go and assume the timing wasnt right for me for whatever reason. I realized then that the only video I have ever seen on 4/2 is this one. Please, more info for us 4/2’s who are probably hanging out quietly on the sidelines. Thanks Carol and DYT for all the great content and the wonderful experience!

  7. Love the video! I too don’t like to cry in public. I find I need to retreat somewhere where I can be alone to process the feeling. Otherwise it is just too much for me to really work through what I am feeling.

    As a 4/2 I often feel slow. After posting in a type 4 group on fb I have found I am not the only one. I would love for this to be addressed in the next 4/2 video with Carol.
    I often feel like I am in slow motion compared to the rest of the world. Especially when I am around those fast paced type 1’s and 3’s. I feel that things shouldn’t be taking me as long as they do.. It takes me twice as long to send a text message as I feel it should. I want my grammar to be perfect and my wording to be well received.. So even the simplest reply I will read over and make corrections a few times before sending. Yet somehow I still, more often then not, find mistakes when looking back. -Perhaps this is just me critiquing to the bitter end though. haha.
    I also feel I am not accomplishing as much in a day as I should. However when I try to work at a faster pace, my anxiety will start to act up. I have learned to just let many things go because of this. Things that I just am not going to get to. That it’s okay if my house isn’t in tip top shape while I am going to school and raising my children.
    Since discovering my type I have become more of a minimalist, which I love. Living minimally has been a huge blessing and relief to me as it has simplified my life, freeing up some much needed time and giving me more personal alone time. Though I wish I was able to send texts and complete my homework in a more timely manner. It would free up even more time for me to spend with my children.
    Again, I would love for this slow nature to be addressed.

    1. I am a 2/4 but I feel I have lived my adult life as a Type 1! Dressing like a 4 a lot of the time! I guess Type 1 was what I had to develop in order to manage in enviornments where I was obliged to deal with the public and in fast paced environments. However, I now work in a field which is actually true to my nature and I am freelance. I am not aware of being slow – I am thorough. I am disciplined and always have a schedule too. I am a bit rigid – don’t like changes in plans, HATE not having a plan and HATE rushing or beng late. That’s all perfectly legitimate. Maybe that might seem slow to others, but in the end, I am no slower. I get things done at my own pace, like the tortoise, while the hares rush around. Maybe you need to use your Type 4 abiity to get the core issues dealt with as priority and have action plans and schedules. I am only Type 4 secondary but my Type 2 nature would get lost in the details if I didn’t support myself with the Type 4 side. What happens with organised thoroughness over time is that it becomes maximum efficiency and is not slow. I think you need to acknowledge your natural pace and go with that, managing things around it, rather than trying to change your inherent nature, which is counterproductive. Type 4 has a strong planning and prioritising side so maybe you need to support yourself with this, to avoid losing yourself in details and other people – not easy I know, but you shouldn’t be beating yourself up about being ‘slow’. I am on constantly deadlines and end up with the vast majority of domestic stuff too, but I have very high productivity – just calmly focussed and at my pace. A Type 1 would never finish and Type 3s woudn’t have the patience! Love who you are!

  8. Me too! As a 2/4 it takes me twice as long to do everything! I am always perfecting those piles I make!

    1. The Type 4 secondary can support the 2 side with planning and prioritising. I am this combination and people wouldn’t call me slow; without realising it, I have been leaning on my Type 4 side to action plan my problems away! Too many things at once get overwhelming for my Type 2 nature, so I have to break things down and organise with the cool-headed 4 side. Incredibly, the Type 4 in me was something I didn’t want to acknowledge – my Cinderella!

  9. I felt the video was a little heavy on the social conflict. I don’t feel it automatically comes with this combo to that degree.

    1. Maybe it’s not automatic, but it’s definitely a reality for most of us. I don’t see how you can address 2/4, 4/2’s without starting at this point in the discussion. I do believe it’s just a start though. There’s so much more to be said about the strengths of this combination. You see it in these young ladies. Their patient, quiet, subtle strength brings a lot of peace and calm, even when you put them in a situation like this that goes against their nature.

      1. I love the observation & insight you shared about their strengths & presence!! Now I know what gift to share and grow towards in developing my inner ‘truth’. Thanks so much 🙂

  10. I think you could get more input from these types (and therefore more support for others) with something written. It would allow the thought and detail inherent to these types to be expressed. – a 2/4

  11. I’m grateful to have found DYT and would love to meet more 2’s and especially 2/4’s! Anyone living in or visiting Portland Oregon? Wanna go shopping together, maybe form a type 2 meet up group?

    At 40 I’ve feel a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to much of this but am happy to be finally coming more into my own. I notice teens that have it way more figured out than I ever did and envy that life passed by for me a little disjointed in this aspect. Especially as a woman it can affect us.

    Since I started DYT I’ve become more at ease with donating the clothes that don’t work instead of feeling like I should wear them until they are no longer physically serviceable. I’ve come to feel more at home in my clothes and more effective with my purchases which is helpful to my perfecting, meticulous side. I still don’t care a whole lot about what others think of my look but I like feeling more true to me and my energy. I had no idea comfort was so important and being aware with permission to honor that has been wonderful.

    I love being me but I love it all the more understanding how I fit better and better in the world.

    It took me a while to realize that not everyone thinks through things like I do. When my entrepreneurial type 3 husband bounced around ideas in our new marriage I was at first exhausted trying to process each of them. He also forgets or sometimes just doesn’t think to communicate he’s moved on to a new idea. Now I can recognize his type 3 energy and methods and adjust or just take it all in stride more.

    I have felt burdened with the bulk of communication sometimes as he’s not considerate of many details and not always careful to be accurate with the ones he does supply. It may not be my ideal but learning to be less dependent on his contribution and extra forgiving has saved me precious energy. I do make my requests that he try to meet me half way a little more, explaining that it makes a difference for me and I keep some hope he’ll atune more as our association progresses. I do wish more people would learn from and make effort to take on some of the intuitive caring and consideration style of the type 2.

    I’m wired to think through my commitments. I don’t agree to much without figuring out how I’ll follow through. Once I agree to something I’m not likely to go back on my commitment. In this way I can be quite loyal maybe to my detriment. I’ve tried to be observant of my rigidity and asses if it’s serving me well. Mostly I like who I am and am very comfortable in my own skin.

    Learning about my pile systems was a huge insight and then discovering this is more unique to me than others is helpful. I was able to explain it to my husband. Thankfully he doesn’t mess with my stuff much if at all. I’m fairly tidy otherwise so it doesn’t really take over our shared spaces much if at all. I get pretty ruffled though when I can’t find something. It’s often because someone has moved it. Scared to think of my type 2 life as an old lady with a missing memory!

    Explaining that I have a big inner world has helped. He recognized that to be true. He has no idea just how much is there but if he ever slows down long enough I’m happy to share more of it.

    I’ve found I need high quality one on one relationships where I can talk at a deep level. Thank goodness God gave me my mother!

    People read me as very genuine. It was insightful to learn thought that people who don’t know me may be skeptical that I am really as caring and true as I am. I’ve tried to be aware of that, not to over explain it but more so for myself to process that for some may not automatically see me at first as I am. It’s not something I was observant of before.

    1. Hi Tessha! I’m in Portland area… I’m a 4/3, but my dear friend (who also lives here) is a 2/4 with a type 3 husband. We just went shopping together last weekend for our husbands. It would be fun to meet up with you sometime.

  12. This was such a great video! What Mallory said about using her secondary 4 boldness to get through dificult social situations really resonated with me. When I was young I would force myself to audition for plays so I could get over my stage fright. Now I realize my perfecting side was trying to cope with my dominant subtle nature. DYT has given me permission to be perfectly 2 and subtly perfecting.

    1. I did the very same thing Miriam–plays and cheerleading. The secondary voice says–“you should” a lot.

  13. I am so grateful that DYT is in my life. I think Carol is just brilliant. Brilliant! I came across her YouTube videos probably 2 years ago seeking to understand the dynamics of energy and emotional growth. But it wasn’t until recently that I was ready to dive in. How interesting… I could relate to everything in this video. I am a deep feeler. I am constantly refining and finding better ways. I think the thing with being a T4 is that people have no idea how extroverted motion can really disrupt and jam another’s inner frequencies. As a T4 I use inward motion to gain access to my inner wisdom and intuition, and often people do not respect that process. I can’t access it if they’re in my way! DYT is the leverage I need to start loving myself again. I didn’t know “how” but DYT is showing me. It’s about turning down the volume of everything else, and turning up the volume on me. Yep. And how fun it is to divulge in a little girl time-makeup, clothes coupled with personal growth and energy medicine? The DYT team just gets it. It has been a hard road, all I can say is thank you for giving me the tools and support I was looking for! Keep doing what you’re doing it’s amazing.

    1. Thanks for this: ‘I think the thing with being a T4 is that people have no idea how
      extroverted motion can really disrupt and jam another’s inner
      frequencies’. I can really relate to this. I do very focussed work and need silence for that. If my husband is around, I find him disruptive and have to stop working and do something else. It is really about frequencies. A stiller person wouldn’t have this effect on me. Knowing myself also helps me understand him.

      1. It’s true! Part of my truth at least. People are definitely like music. I liked your last sentence. Learning the types of others, learning my type and how to protect that helps me understand more too. I feel less affected now because deep down I know there can be a gift to each type. It’s also where I put my eyes, my focus in them. I can honor it or be annoyed. Also depends on how they hone it, how balanced they are, how balanced I am. Thanks for the response! Really good stuff.

        1. We are responsible for managing it I guess – ourselves and our situations: with growing respect, maturity, diplomacy and understanding. We can’t demarcate our boundaries if we don’t know where they are (who WE are) though. More extrovert people in my life will ‘pull’ on me – this is their need for me and even their love and affection. They are unconsciously trying to connect and as a Type 2, I am sensitive to that and want to make everything OK. My Type 4 side needs space though and moreover, my own emotional needs get overlooked, partly because it’s so difficult to recognise and express that I have any. Michelle, one of the Type 2 experts on DYT is a 2/4 I think – so opposite to Carol, but Carol really values her. It is really great to talk about these things. I am glad you are able to enjoy who you are!

          1. I agree, it is great talking about this. People “pulling” at you as their way of needing you and showing love and affection–great outlook. Knowing boundaries but appreciating. This is very non-resistant. I love when I can meet people who are willing to work with me on issues, while at the same time have solutions where I still feel authentic. I can tell from these topics and conversations we all have really done some soul searching! So much of it hits the nail on the head, with a huge level of resonance.

          2. I guess every type can be misunderstood. I think Type 2s get overlooked because of their subtlety. People often perceive me quite differently from how I actually am, because I am just not pushy. I don’t work that way. But I am certainly not shy, timid, unambitious, vulnerable, over-emotional… I think 2/4s are pretty OK to just get on with stuff and work things out their own way – self-contained. I am definitely better as a backroomer, because I like to get on with the job, at my own pace and without distractions, not because I want to hide. The thoroughness and attention to detail actually brings confidence because Type 2s do their homework. It’s not all cotton candy! I love cotton candy, but that just is not me! I think that’s an interesting word, ‘authentic’. It’s very personal. What’s authentic for a Type 1 is very far removed from a Type 2 – I guess they get misunderstood too, Type 1s. We feel authentic when we are centred and grounded in our true types and fully accept who we are. I can see now why Carol wants people to come to this point for themselves, rather than just training up consultants to prescribe for others and setting up a global business. We don’t see what’s there because we don’t accept and that’s an issue in itself.

  14. Something really clicked into place for me tonight while watching another video on DYT and I realised I am 2/4, so I remembered there were these videos on secondaries and I thought I would take a look. A lot makes sense now and it is almost like finally being able to sit down in a ‘comfy’ chair! I am not sure why I couldn’t see it – I was OK with being a 2, but was avoiding my secondary, which makes me a double introvert in terms of movement. It was the Type 4 part I had difficulty with accepting. This must be what I find difficult to accept in myself, even though it was always there, staring me in the face.

    1. Love that you have found that balance and can move smoothly and swiftly. Sometimes, (often), I find myself planning the daylights out of things. Thank you for sharing this. I will give it some thought.

      1. Maybe you have other people in the equation, like kids. I don’t and so I can just plan for myself – I don’t even have colleagues. I think it is more difficult when I am round others who may be more random as it is not so easy for me to assert my orderliness if it is not immediately honoured by those around me. Therefore, I have to say it is also circumstantial. I know that as a Type 2, in what I do now, my Type 4 secondary is very supportive, but as I am not Type 4 dominant, the action-planning is perhaps looser and more flexible. It just stops me getting lost in the details and feeling overwhelmed. I am not slow, I am thorough and I have to focus and work it out, then perfect it and that takes time. That’s different from being slow. The ‘speed’ comes from the skills developed along that route, not through rushing. So, I could say, with my combination of types, the way to be fast is actually to be slow! However, those qualities need to be honoured in the circumstances. It hasn’t always been the case.

        1. Wow–maybe I am not “planning the daylights out of things”–but just being thorough. You may have supplied an epiphany here for me, Gwen.

          1. I think I am sharing the epiphany I had last night! I really needed to know my secondary for things to fall into place. Now I know I can just go with that and it’s a clear road ahead. I worked in hectic environments for years, feeling like a square peg and hopeless about the future at times! I have gradually come out of that and into my element through a natural gravitational pull. Knowing my Type and how that works with a very strong secondary to produce this double introversion has liberated me and I am confident to pursue what is right for me – no ‘shoulds’ about it. I honestly only had a light and passing interest in DYT till now. I didn’t experience the power of really knowing who I am.

      2. Also, there is a difference between Type 4 methodical and Type 2 methodical – Type 4 creates overall frameworks. I have my own way of action-planning with a journal – spilling out all those Type 2 details and then breaking the issues down into achieveable tasks, with workable measures on how to get them done. I changed a desperate financial situation right around a couple of years ago. I created an online document, listed all the issues under headings and then reflected (Type 4) on each one, writing something under each heading every day (current status and how I had addressed it). Gradually the issues cleared up as I dealt with them realistically and in a way which was manageable for me. I had no one to turn to so I had to find those inner resources to support me, or else the panic would have frozen me like a bunny in the headlights.

  15. I love the quiet confidence, boldness, and dignity of Mallory and Cindy. The specific energy really comes through with the different combos of women in this series. Thank you for sharing your private thoughts and feelings.

  16. I enjoyed this video. I’m new to the program, and I think I’m a 2/4, possibly a 4/2. These traits all speak to me a lot. I’m socially confident, but I often don’t want to be bothered with it. I also avoid parties, crowds, etc., because it is draining for me. I like feeling validated in my softness and rich emotional inner world, which I really have to protect and need time to process. I alternate between strong dark colors and neutrals and softer, flowier clothing – I wear a lot of scarves, layers, etc to soften the harsh edges. I think at work I’m more of a 4, but I’m naturally more of a 2. Because I’m introverted, teaching is draining for me (although I do enjoy it). I’m learning a lot and enjoying the videos. Just got the book for my kindle. (-:

  17. I’m so relieved! It’s okay for me to feel this way and to be this way.

    I’m a 4/2.

    This is the first time in my life that I feel like I don’t have to try to put myself out there and be something I’m not.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  18. Subtle perfection… that is me. I feel i am a type 2/4. I was trying it the other way but it feels too harsh and I end up exhausted. I can be bold and I learned to put forward that side to have any social interaction. But also people come to me to be seen, and heard, they tell me their worries. I have heard that I bring peace, calmness.

    In school I was severely bullied and when I was 18 I decided to change. I had a cousin who is a type 1/3 and I started to copy her to stop the bullying. I became “funny” but it was through my type 4 boldness a managed to do this and at the same time I became depressed.
    I am a dreamer. I also work with energy healing. In my work i feel thoroughly all the nuances, the most subtle changes and work until all is “right” in the energies of my client. I both need focus and sensitivity. I also work as a creative artist and there I really need to start giving me all the time to feel and perfect. I was judging me for being too slow. Most people around me are higher movements. When I teach workshops I feel not comfortable, I don´t like the situation in front of the people and get very tired. I can manage when I can meet the people more personally. But for example sharing information by writing is much more natural for me.

    I was thinking I can not be a type 2 because I don´t like so much grey, but I have now found I love very dark grey and bone white. It is as if I take a type 4 palett and add softness, because I love to use contrasts of light and dark but in a gentle way. The movement I feel at home with is like a very gentle S-curve. A straight line that has a slight movement.
    What an interesting journey dressing your truth is!

    I am curious if others recognise what I write.

  19. Unbelievable! I just realized after some reflection on the other 4/2 video with Kalista and Anne that I am a 4/2. (yes, I had to reflect…LOL) NO WONDER I am soooo slow! A double introvert and double low movement type. Wow I thought I was a 4/1. But my emotional sensitivity, I tear up at everything… and that it takes me about 3-4 hours to write (with way too many words!!) and then edit (for hours! type 4!!) an email to send to my list should have cued me in. I have to develop a method for speeding myself up a bit.

    I am often surrounded by 3’s and a 1. I hide out when they are all around, their energy just overwhelms little slow and quiet me. A typical 4 in many ways, except for my liking of baggy big tops on occasion (with my structured tight leggings). And that wordiness, WAY too many words. (drives the 3’s and 1’s crazy!! <- revenge!) At least my long guidance/coaching emails serve my clients! I have always asked endless questions, my motto is "question everything" and I do! My Type 4 side then digs in and goes deep into finding the answers reflecting on everything.

    And I had thought I was a 4/1 because i do have childlike fun, silly side and can be very bubbly when I'm inspired to be. Really the TRUTH was staring me in the face (or on the screen!) all along! (yep I edited this post!)

  20. This was very illuminating. When I told my daughter that I thought I might be T2/S4, she said definitely not S4. As I watched and listened to these lovely ladies, I am now pretty certain that I don’t fit the profile of an S4. Thank you.

  21. OMG. This video just confirmed what I was feeling about being a Type 2, but knowing there was something else there. I do like structure if I’m planning a party, or a project at work. My best friend is an excel spreadsheet. Once I’ve done that, then I might shift things a bit, but I need that initial structure. I have just come down in my weight (again) by using Atkins. My friends balk at my weighing myself every day, and sticking to a restrictive diet, rather than just letting myself feel what I want to eat. That philosophy gets me into trouble – hence yet another round of Atkins :). Also, I did see another video (before I joined lifestyle) about comfort for a T4 (wanting things to fit properly or the proper length). That is me. I tailor clothes for comfort but also style. I am so excited to have fun with this new revelation. I cried again as I was watching, still true to that Type 2. Now to see that video about Type 2 connection with food. Thank you, Carol Tuttle.

  22. I have been vascillating between a 2 and 3 as my secondary. After listening to the 4/2 and 4/3 videos several times, it just was made clear to me. When saying she was told she had a social phobia, I was reminded of how my mother called me “backward.” She was always pushing me. Whew! I can finally just be me without being “backward.” It’s ok to be me just as I am. Thank yoi!

  23. I need some help. I’m definitely a type 4. Love the colors, and I feel great. I tried the other 3 types and I’m 100% sure I’m a dominant 4. But I’ve noticed that the pieces I love most are type 4/2 in design line and fabrication. I love flowy jumpsuits, bell sleeves, and jersey knits. This could also be because I live in California and it’s very hot. But I feel like I’m not a 4/2 in personality at all. I’m a public speaker and I used to be a professional clown. I’m very comfortable in social situations, but I also like solitude sometimes. Type 4/1 and 4/3 clothing just doesn’t resonate with me like 4/2 does, and I’m drawn back to it all the time. What’s going on with me?

    1. Remember not to use what colors and clothes you are drawn to as an assessment tool, as you may have just become conditioned to liking certain things. Face Profiling and body language are the key assessment tools.

  24. I’m in love with a type 4/2 man. I’m afraid this man doesn’t show his feelings openly. I know he likes me. He told me once. But now we hardly communicate together any more. I am a type 4/1. I have shown my feelings openly through small gifts I brought him. I asked him once if he wanted to go out with me, but he said no. Regardless of this, I once observed him working with colleagues. We work together. He is sometimes very nervous and cramped and I also wonder if he has a social phobia. That would explain his behavior towards me. Or if he just needs more time as type 4/2. I’m sad we can’t get together.

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