A Type 4 Before & After for a Bold Woman in Her 50’s: Aisha’s Before & After

Prepare to be inspired.

What does it mean to be feminine?

Aisha is an incredible woman who was ready to challenge the old-fashioned model of what it meant to be feminine and age-appropriate. By embracing her bold, Type 4 nature, she began to see her true self come forward.

Even more inspiring, Aisha refuses to be defined by her disability and wants to be seen for who she truly is. Watch as she steps into a more personal look that empowers her to feel more present to those around her.

Embrace the balanced and healthy expression of your own natural beauty with my free Beginner’s Guide.

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  1. Wow, when Aisha came out I thought she looked 20 years younger!! As a 50 something myself, I was very inspired by her story and her determination. Blessings! (Have to say I loved Carol’s outfit as well – elegant, classy “HOT”. 🙂

  2. Wow! Aisha looks stunning and amazing. TOTALLY different and it takes years off her. Is she a type 4/1 because she has a cuteness about her? Fantastic transformation.

  3. My first word was: WOW! I actually said it out loud infront of my computer 😉
    Aisha: You are a beautiful woman and your short hair rocks!

  4. Wow! Now that is a dramatic change. You look beautiful Aisha. Love the outfit, hair and everything about you.

  5. Wow! Loved this makeover. Literally brought tears to my eyes. I’m so happy for Aisha and so thankful for DYT.

  6. Aisha, you are so beautiful and feminine in that admirably bold T4 way! It seems like you have gotten current with your true nature, matching inside and out, and are resting confidently in your power. You look a generation younger. Congratulations!

  7. No one will be the slightest bit surpised that you travel alone ever again. This look shows that you are a self confident woman who is capable of anything!

  8. Thank goodness there has finally been a Type 4 makeover where the person has something other than stick-straight hair. Aisha, you look fabulous. You go, girl!

  9. From the time I first saw her chosen on Carol Tuttle TV on Facebook, I’ve been eagerly awaiting Aisha’s transformation. Yay! She looks amazing!

  10. The lipstick is a gorgeous color on you. Just perfect! Love your hair…you look absolutely bold and beautiful.

  11. WOW! Another amazing transformation. Aisha, you rock! Go and conquer the world!!!

  12. The highly patterned pants look fabulous on her! They put the emphasis on her, not on the chair. Way to go!

  13. Beautiful, unique, and professional! Love this one. She comes forward in such a dramatic way after the makeover. Thumbs up!

  14. Aaaaamazing! She looks prominent and sophisticated. I love the whole “anytime anyone told me I couldn’t do something, it just pushed me to do it more,” message. Moving past limitations into the unknown truly grants us grace and blessings; they are just waiting to be discovered… This video couldn’t have come at a more perfect time as I continue to accept and move beyond my own limitations.

  15. Wow. After months and months of trying to figure out my type, Aisha has broken through my mental block. Hearing my own thoughts and feelings articulated so clearly was the tipping point, and I’ve finally figured out my type. What a gift. Thank you both so much.

  16. Hi Aisha love it you show the world like I am that your disabilities are really your abilities to show the world your true self. And your true self is not you and your wheelchair as your mode of independence, but your character and your true 4 type.
    I think you and I and all the women in the disability community have a gift like no other. To show the world to live by courage, and to be creative, and to press forward no matter what. Not to judge by appearances or if they do…:) give them something to really marvel at. And you have done that for sure.
    I’m a type 1 I’m blind individual with very little vision. And I find the dressing your truth really great as well. It has totally changed me and help me find my true self…
    So you keep rockin girly and be proud of your type 4-ness and you will do more for folks than you ever thought… Keeping you up in prayers. Just you being on the video has helped thousands and thousands of people that you may never meet.

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