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What Really Interferes With Your Beauty Sixth Sense

You know those items in your closet…

They’re not quite right. They might be true to your Type of beauty, but they’re not perfect for YOU—and you just don’t love them.

Even though you have a Beauty Sixth Sense, some things can interfere with it. Today, the Dressing Your Truth Experts and I show you how to listen better to your Beauty Sixth Sense as it evolves. You’ll hear:

  • Jaleah’s clever “Love Factor”
  • Anne’s price tag tip for the dressing room
  • Sarah’s Beauty Sixth Sense evolution
  • Kalista’s insight into your comfort zone

We’re on this journey together! Watch the video for tips to trust yourself and love your look:

Keep noticing what you love and don’t love in order to refine your Beauty Sixth Sense. Use your Style Guide as a tool in this process!

Share your own tips and stories about developing your Beauty Sixth Sense in a comment!

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  1. Still learning and these videos help. It is a learning process and I am enjoying it. It has given me insight into why I don’t like somethings or colors. Thank you

  2. I like to use pinterest to practice and hone in on my style. It has been a helpful tool as I tend to get overwhelmed in stores. Practice with pinning things I love in my style has given me more confidence when I actually go shopping. Now if only my boards could be my actual closet. 😉

  3. Find a fashion line, store or designer you like and be brand loyal for a few years. This has helped me develop my style and build a great wardrobe of pieces that go together.

  4. One of the things I use is whether or not it goes with anything else in my closet — particularly for color. I’ve been at this about four years and my closet has slowly evolved into a T1 closet. I shop a lot online (I am tall and a plus size) and sometimes the colors are off on the computer monitor. When I get an item, if it doesn’t vibe with the colors in my closet, it doesn’t stay. My closet has become sort of a giant color guide. When trying a garment on, I try to think “yes” or “no”. The “maybes” don’t stay. I still make a few boo-boos, but everybody does! Don’t beat yourself up, just donate the garment, sell it online or give it to someone else. I keep a plastic tub in my bedroom where I put stuff to take to the Goodwill or Salvation Army. When it fills up, I donate.

  5. I continue to try to honor my hits with buying items and not just keep buying items loosey goosey : ) I have also realized integrally more and more that Type 1 goes further than dressing,communication and physical movement. Sometimes it is a need to not address certain issues because they are too heavy until I can figure out a way to keep it light while discussing them while still keeping the discussion full of intention and integrity to my thoughts and spirit.

  6. My beauty sixth sense points me in the direction of Type 3 so I’m concerned because I may have mistyped myself as a Type 1.

    1. If you look carefully, T1 and T3 have a lot of similar colors and I also thought that my sense was pointing me at T3 colors but after looking more carefully, I realized they were T1 colors after all. I started as T4 and am now trying out T1 for 30 days before I make the switch. I did try T3 for about a week and gave myself an ulcer doing it.

      1. Thanks, JoleyH. Your input is greatly appreciated. I’m basically okay with the colors; it’s that some of the clothing and jewelry a little too cutesy, which causes my resistance to fully embracing Type 1. I’m speaking strictly for myself and mean to offend no one. I enjoy wardrobe items that are fun and whimsical but with a little more substance just not quite so delicate and dainty.
        You made me laugh with your T3 experiment. I’ve been at this since last December and still haven’t got a handle on it so I feel your pain. LOL

        1. I had a similar experience with T2 and T3. I typed myself as a T2, and lived it for three years. Then, after a series of events, I realized I am actually T3, with a big secondary T2. I liked the T2 colors, but tended to wear the darker versions of them. After finding my T3 self, I realized that some of my favorite “type twos” were actually type threes. So, I would say, consider the idea that you could have a secondary coming into play.

          1. That is me totally. Only I did type 2 for two months. When I changed to t3 some of the old colours were darker and t 3. When I wonder about a new purchase I need the style guide for both 3 and 2 to make sure it is right now.

  7. I never wore black until I typed myself as a Winter. I once had a jumper–structured, bold stripes and hues–that I used for a school picture, but I hated it. I was so not a Type 4 or a “Winter.” My very favorite maxi dress was, as I’ve come to learn, a light-hearted Type 1 chroma (light turquoise, light lime, light yellow), with a swirly, psychedelic pattern on the skirt.

    I never, ever thought I’d be a Type 1! When I began this process 2 1/2 years ago, I was so sure I was 4/1 because of my introversion and tendency to drift off into my head, too often in the middle of a conversation. (My inner world is so fun, imaginative, and intriguing; the outer world, not so much). I thought Type 1s were more actively engaged with the outer world, especially other human beings. My social interactions are more oriented towards animals, including bugs; yes, I talk to insects and spiders! 🙂

    It’s fun being a Type 1 now that I’ve removed the pressure of being chatty and outgoing from myself! It feels very natural.

  8. The DYT course and color guide have been very helpful in helping me expand my ideas about what I can wear. Yes, I feel like my choices have actually been expanded rather than narrowed down as I originally expected. I never liked to shop before, and now I love it. One thing I have learned that is important to me is the feel of the garment. I like stretchy fabrics with a high cotton content for softness and comfort. I recently bought two shirts, both in beautiful type two colors. The spandex/cotton one I wear all the time, but I avoid the spandex/polyester one. The feel just isn’t right for me, but I’m glad I gave them both a try. Now I have a better idea of what to look for when shopping online.

  9. My attention kept going to Anne’s shoes – I love peep toe shoes and Anne’s are beautiful.

    DYT has really helped me hone my beauty 6th sense by allowing me to focus in on the aspects that I do love but didn’t understand why (color, flowing lines, blended patterns) Two consequences. First, I don’t waste time and money on non type clothing, simply because of habit, fashion, or what others told me I should wear. Second, I am now free to examine the finer details, many of which relate to my secondary or even tertiary energy: more substantial jewelry, warmer or bolder versions of the type 2 colors, more fitted tops.
    Result: waaaay less items that go to Goodwill.

    Anne’s tip is great – determine if I love it first, then consider price. I’ve purchased some items from the DYT store that were fabulous prices and great pieces – but not right for me. So I pay attention to the love factor now.

  10. Another great video. I’m nodding yes throughout lol at so many points that are true for me. I absolutely relate to Anne’s ‘breathless, heart connection’ comment when you see something you totally love and connects with you. I’m a T2 and this seems like a very natural reaction for us. I also won’t spend a dime on a so-so item. Before DYT I used to occasionally wear an outfit that was so me that I’d say out loud how me it was. Then I’d try to study it to see what it was about it that made it so. Now I know why. Something that also really helped me in the beginning, along with the style guide of course, was a suggestion Carol made on one of her earlier videos – the idea of creating a lookbook for yourself of outfits you put together that you really loved and felt like you. I still have that lookbook with pictures. I think that’s when we really started sharing OOTD – even before that. That look book helped me see what elements from my style guide really resonated with me and how to incorporate them more and more into my own personal style. As Carol often says, find your own T2 (or 1, 3, 4). And of course – my style is evolving all the time lol- as am I. What an awesome process – a life journey. So thank you ladies for providing the guide to our own style galaxies 🙂

  11. “On the body responding”…. that is such wonderful way to know if it’s right for you. I don’t look at the price tag first. Sale is not where my heart is. Sale is a plus, but I would rather purchase what connects with me. I have always preferred muted tones.

  12. Anne, I wonder if you’ve noticed that “love” is a key word for type 2’s. I’ve been paying attention to my vocabulary. I’m a 2/4 and my 4-ness comes into play at work quite a bit. I find myself saying, “Perfect” and “Exactly.” But with my friends or family I’m more likely to say, “I love that!” So I was tickled to hear you say that you recognize your style when you love something!

  13. Great video – found myself nodding and smiling a lot. I’m T4 and I’m learning that it has to be “perfect” for it to feel good. If I start justifying why it could work, then it’s not right for me. I really do have to think “This is JUST what I was looking for” (which can be exhausting).

  14. I am relatively new to DYT and have just begun to identify my Type 3 style. One combination that I always wore was black and camel. Black is so not Type 3, and I knew it was just not quite right for my coloring. After taking the DYT course, I realized that it was not so much the camel/black combination that worked, but the animal print scarf and bold jewelry that I paired with it! Looking now to phase out the black and use another deep, rich color for the backdrop. Thanks, DYT. You will save me a bundle of money in the long run.

  15. Great advice Jaleah on loving an item vs. just “eh”. I’m slowly learning that if I don’t love it to put it back. It’s difficult, because true to my Type1, I think maybe I could possibly love it if only fill-in-the-blank. Sometimes I’ll put it back and then I can’t stop thinking about it for days and I’ll go back and get it, but I think the vast majority of those times it’s the price stopping me from loving it.

  16. Great Tips! Question for those who do a lot of clothes shopping online … and cannot “try on the outfit” like you talk about in this video… Suggestions? (Other than … go to the store … try the item on… ; ) THANK YOU!

  17. This video confuses me because my beauty sixth sense has always drawn me to silver, but I’m a type 1 and am supposed to wear gold. It isn’t a comfort zone issue either. Gold looks boring on me and makes me look yellow and blotchy. Silver makes me glow. So according to this video then I should listen to my beauty sixth sense and just wear silver, right? After all, my beauty sixth sense is drawing me to what looks best on me and it’s silver.

    1. Make sure it’s Type 1 jewelry, as it’s more than just the metal. Get some pieces from and make them a part of your whole look.

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