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DIY: How to Distress Your Jeans At Home (Tips for Each Type)

Calling all DIY-ers!

Ripped jeans are super trendy right now, so Michelle & Anna K are going to show you how to take any pair of jeans from your closet and personalize them to your Type! Whether you want a simple, distressed look or something more fun and random, there’s an idea for everyone! Have a look:

Quick links to Michelle & Anna K’s Outfits:

Grab those tweezers from the DYT store!

Check out these other DIY projects!

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  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this video! I will watch it again! And again! I have my first pair of dyt jean’s I ever bought. They are my favorite! They ended up ripping just under the booty on the left side. So instead of tossing them, I distressed them and sewed material in under the distressed spot. LOVE IT! When ever a pair might rip I plan on doing this to keep them. I’m excited to do this with my kids’s pant too. On purpose or if the rip. What a money saver and fashionable! Thank you for this video, I think it’s my personal favorite! LOL!

  2. Anna K and Michelle thank you for this video! I love distressed jeans and DIY’ing so this fits the bill perfectly. But I’m really writing this comment to tell you Michelle how gorgeous you are with your silver hair. You are the picture of elegance, your features look so soft and you’re stunning in the sense that I don’t want to take my eyes off you. It suits you so well! Isn’t it amazing to think you were ever hesitant about going grey?

  3. I need that under white lace legging thing!!! I tried to look for it on amazon but I guess I’m too big 🙁 poo!!!

  4. I don’t know if it is my age, 56 or my T4 but I can’t stand ripped up clothing. To me it is ready to throw away when it gets holes in it… And of course it is all the rage right now, can’t hardly buy jeans at the store without holes in them…

    1. Peggy, I totally understand. I look at it more like “texture” instead of “ripped” and “holes” so it really appeals to my secondary T3. It’s definitely not for everyone!

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