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4 Tips to Spring Clean Your Type 1 Closet — The Fun Way!

Spring’s a-comin’ and we all know what that means…

Spring cleaning! Hooray!

As a Type 1 energy, it’s important to you that things are light and fun, so let me show you how to make spring cleaning your closet fun!

Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned sort fest?! (Ahem — this gal.) But I have some tips that will make cleaning out your closet doable, and dare I say… ENJOYABLE!

4 Tips to Make Cleaning Out Your Closet Fun and Easy:

1. Don’t overwhelm yourself!

Tackle it in segments! Maybe you don’t want to give two whole hours to it, so start with just one corner/shelf/row. Or do just your shirts, or do everything that’s yellow. Maybe just focus on your accessories! Then come back to it over a period of two weeks or so. Don’t get overwhelmed by the organization of it all. Just clear the space first and then you can focus on organizing later.

2. Keep it fun!

Listen to music, an audiobook, or a podcast. I know when I have a task to tackle, music or a YA fantasy book (lookin’ at you, Twilight) always gets me through it quickly. Find what helps you move through tasks quickly!

3. Know where it’s going.

Pre-determine where the clothes you’re getting rid of are going next. I suggest making four piles:

  • Friends/Family: The stuff you aren’t keeping might find a good home with a family member or friend. And they’ll feel like they’ve won the lottery! Free clothes! YAY! You’ll love giving it away because of your generous nature.
  • Thrift Store: You can never go wrong donating to a local thrift store. When in doubt, this is the best answer!
  • Sell: Some of your things may be worth $$, so try selling your brand name items. A little extra cash to buy more fun things? I’m in!
  • Trash: Some items will be too old, torn up, and ratty to use the other options. So make them into rags! Or a blanket! Or send them to the moon! …Or the good old trash bin works too. 🙂

4. Notice your natural tendencies.

You may come up with all the possibilities of where you could still wear that shirt you haven’t worn in five years… But do you really love it? Can it find a better home with someone else? Yes, it’s your friend, but maybe it wants to make more or newer friends!

Consider the following 5 questions as you work through your closet:

1. Does it fit?

Sometimes we hold on to things hoping to lose that extra 10 pounds. How long have you been holding onto that item? Is it motivating you or discouraging you in your weight loss journey? Don’t hold onto things out of guilt, hoping they’ll motivate you to lose weight. Toss it and embrace your body where it’s at. Loving your body right now is greater motivation than a size-too-small-dress hanging in your closet.

2. Have I worn this in the last 12 months?

If your answer is no, odds are you won’t wear it this month, or next month, or the next. Toss it!

3. Is this true to my Type of beauty?

Is it a “10” or are you compromising? Ask yourself why you’re still holding onto items that aren’t true to your Type of beauty. Is it the fit, the style, the comfort? Take note of what you love about the item and add that to your wish list.

4. Am I hanging onto things that I want to refashion, but I’m just not getting to it?

Be honest with yourself. Are you really going to dye that pile of clothes? Will doing so add joy to your life? If the answer is yes, then make it happen! Buy the dye or the other tools you need and do it this weekend! If you aren’t feeling pumped about fixing those items, then toss them and don’t feel guilty about it!

5. Do I feel confident when I wear this?

This question is your ultimate guide! How do you feel when you wear a certain item? Do you feel like you’re compromising in style or comfort? Or do you feel beautiful and put together? Trust your beauty sixth-sense in order to know what’s right for you.

Are you ready to spring clean your closet?

Pop on some tunes, roll up your sleeves and get crackin’!

I want to see your results! Post a picture of what you’re keeping and what you’re letting go of. What tips did you find helpful in your process?



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  1. “Can it find a better home with someone else? Yes, it’s your friend, but maybe it wants to make more or newer friends!”

    Love this!

  2. This is a little embarrassing but I donated 19 bags of clothing, shoes, and purses (all good quality) to Goodwill! I got real and followed your advice. I just started DYT so hopefully this doesn’t happen in the future, but it felt so good to finally let go of things that either didn’t fit, I never wore or didn’t flatter me at all! I had my Type 1 card right next to me the whole time! Now I absolutely LOVE going into my closet because I know everything in there fits and looks good on me (and it’s super organized now so it’s quick to find things!). And I almost cried when I dropped off all the bags because I knew what a blessing these things will be to lots of other people! I did this in one day… just played good music and went to work! ;D

    1. Wow!!! That is a lot of goodness for others! You are wonderful! I am so glad your closet represents you now!

      1. Good for you Bethany! When I was younger and my husband was in grad school we really struggled financially.I shopped a lot at the thrift stores. It was always so exciting to find something nice that I could afford at a bargain price.I am sure you made a lot of folks happy, as well as raising money for a charity that does a lot of good. It’s a “win/win”!!! I love taking my still nice stuff which no longer suits me over to Goodwill or the Salvation Army! Let it go so it can do some good in the world!

  3. Here is an after photo– this is just my sweaters. I did keep one that is a little questionable because my daughter spent a lot of her own money to buy it for me for Christmas and it has Type 1 colors in the pattern around the neckline… I love wearing it. This used to be packed and everything squashed… now it’s beautiful!

  4. Recently cleaned out my closet with the help of my fabulous GBF (Gay Best Friend) We had a great time, and I came up with a bag of garbage (my closet is clothing AND general storage), some recycling (bye bye 4 shoe boxes), and three bags of DONATIONS! (Jaleah, how could you leave out CHARITY DONATIONS as an option!) I don’t mean Thrift Store: There is a woman’s shelter in my town and I was able to release a LOT of good quality, professional-wardrobe clothes to them with the intent of “Find the woman who will ROCK that next job interview in this.” Other stuff that was is less-great-condition-but-still-wearable/usable went to a curbside donation managed by a group that supports people with developmental disabilities. Knowing that what I am purging is going to help someone else makes it MUCH easier and I feel GREAT after! Yes, I still have a few pieces of non-Type-1 clothes, but as the money comes, they’re getting replaced 🙂

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