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Dusty Vs. Dirty Colors—What’s the Difference?

Sometimes they look so similar, but what's different?

Having a tricky time telling the difference between a Type 2 tone and a Type 3 shade? Sometimes they look so similar!

It’s all about knowing a few key pointers and then training your eyes. I want to help you feel confident every time you pick out a new piece of clothing. Let’s get started…

Sometimes colors vary depending on your monitor settings. Use your Style Kit from the Dressing Your Truth course so you always pick the correct colors for you!

Discover more color true to your Type of Beauty:

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  1. Thank you for this video, it was very helpful, ESPECIALLY with the blues. I tend to be okay on colors that lean cool or warm. I have more difficulty on the colors that are more blended like the teals and purples, but having all four style guides at home does help. I have to say, you look AMAZING in your outfit! LOVE it! :))

  2. These color tutorials are SO helpful (as is having all the style guides)! I am T2 s3, love the darker tones but have a tendency to gravitate into shade territory. Thanks Carol for illustrating the differences so clearly!

  3. SO helpful – thank you! I still struggle with color, especially the darker colors for T2 & T3. Great tips to help me train my eye.

  4. Oh my goodness, this is so wonderfully helpful! Thank you, Carol. I love darker tones and I was finding myself avoiding them because I wasn’t sure. This is helpful to see how dark/ “rich” us type 2s can actually go while still being subtle and soft. <3

  5. This was a great tutorial! I’m hoping there will be one highlighting the differences between bright T1 colors and bold T4 colors.

  6. Really saw the differences this time. Thanks for the tutorial. And loved Carol’s outfit too – showing a great T3 neutral. Bonus.

  7. I tend to have problems with telling the difference between the type 1 and type 2 colors when they’re right on the fence. I have a lot of clothes where I can’t tell if they’re type 1 or type 2 because they’re so close to both style guides. i don’t know if there will be a video on this but I would love tips to knowing which is which if not :).

  8. This was helpful, because I have been just floored sometimes that one day I look good in blue, while the next day I can look so washed out in the (I thought) exact same colour. Part of me resists learning this much about colours, but I am encouraged to stick with it now.

  9. Yay!! I love this video, the examples were spot on. Thank you Carol & Live Your Truth team, for making this process so much easier!

  10. This was so great for me as a T3 because I often have hard time telling the difference between T2 and T3, even when I hold up the style guides. I think my secondary is T2 and had a lot of that type in my wardrobe. Learning more about the types, I’m realizing that I may be living more in T2 energy because of childhood wounds. I’ve been working on them for over a decade and Dressing Your Truth is another great step in the right direction! I have to say that the face profiling was the key to knowing what type I was! As I watch more videos I realize that I often do things in a T3 way.

  11. I regularly ask that question when shopping, “is the item dusty or dirty?” but I often forget about the golden undertone of the dirty. Great reminder. Sometimes the finish throws me, like this Coach purse I’ve had for about 12 years (T2 much), it’s a great wine color, and everything about it harmonizes with T2 design lines and metals, but there is a glossy overlay that throws me and I can’t tell if it remains T2 or becomes richer T3.

  12. Wow, this was a great video! Really got to see the difference between the types of colors when very close. The grouping you did at the end sealed the deal. Thank you!

  13. This is a great video Carol, you can really see the difference between the greyed tones and the shaded ones. Thaniks Carol!

  14. Carol I am AMAZED at what the colors did to your face. I’m a type 3 woman and it struck me how such a subtle shift in color can make such a DRAMATIC difference. When you held up the type 2 color all your shading in your makeup and even your lipstick disappeared and it was a really bold color. I didn’t notice it had disappeared until you held up the type 3 color and it reappeared. I had to rewind it and watch it again. I’m really glad I ordered the style guides so I can do this right the first time. As someone who is a fellow energy worker let me thank you for speaking in a language I can understand because all the other color systems never made sense to me. I was going by my gut but sometimes when I was depressed I was veering off course. Thanks for all you do.

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