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Christine’s Before & After: What To Do When You Feel Like You’re “Too Much”

Aggressive. Intense. Swift. Abrupt. Ever feel like you’re just too much?

Consider the possibility that your natural movement needs a healthy channel of expression— and Dressing Your Truth can BE that for you! You can put together a style that reminds you of your true self every day! This is exactly what Christine found. Watch to see:

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  1. I love this. I love that Christine will come into herself more and more as the days go by. She looks beautiful! I am learning to love and accept myself more fully each and every day. Expressing Myself Outwardly allows me to be Inwardly Calm and at total peace with myself. I am free to be me, and that’s not to much.

    1. That’s so beautiful! Thank you, Michelle. I love and relate to what you said. I am going to be affirming “I am free to be me, and that’s not too much” every day now 🙂

  2. I often have this problem with people being taken aback by my ‘too much’-ness when I say something blunt or bold (to me it is common sense but often people seem to be shocked by a truthful statement).

    I have come to the conclusion that I’m a type 4/3, so Deborah is my style icon. However I don’t like putting on lots of make up, although I do need to make more effort as I’m 49 now and starting to look scary without make up. I’m not a skirt/ tights/ high heels type of girl either, so what can I do to channel my boldness in a healthy way? I suppose my hair? I’m not a jewellery fan either, I can just about cope with a necklace but never earrings or bracelets, they get in the way and annoy me.

    I found a black hoodie which makes me feel ‘just right’, that is surely a start. I tried to upload a photo of it but couldn’t. It is a textured woollen cardigan with a black and white checked lining inside the hood.

  3. I’ve been struggling with identifying my type for over two years now. I’m leaning towards a 3 and this video helped me get closer to claiming it. I can relate to the “too much” belief with the clothing. But what really stood out for me was the need to express our aggression in a healthy way. This clicked for me. I don’t like exercise in general, but years ago I had a boxing video that I really enjoyed. I got to punch things!! I’ve currently been doing yoga which I do love, but maybe I would be happier with a little more aggression in my exercise. And I really want to shave my head, but am terrified that if I’m not a three I will look masculine. It’s not like you can just change that if you discovered you were wrong. Haha. Thank you for all you do.

  4. Wow! What a great example of how to just BE without all the qualifying or disabling scripts. Best of luck to you Christine

  5. I love that motivation–the dress style as an outlet for your natural movement! I have had similar problems even though I’m T2, which should theoretically be easy because it’s subtle. But I wasn’t wearing any makeup, jewelry, or scarves and wore the mom pony-tail, and adding in each of these felt like “too much.” I’m doing it gradually and I’ve used the motivation that a soft, calming look will help me be more calm.

  6. Incredible makeover! Christine, you look amazing! As T4/3, I identify with this as well. Feeling too much. And my big energy coming out on my children. Dressing my truth hasn’t healed that completely overnight, but I do feel like it is better when I dress my Truth.

  7. Wo – sooo hot! I love the new Style so much! 🙂 Christine makes me doubt about my type… I have had very similar experiences with my family. My first impression was, that I am a T3, but I just thought it was terrible to be a T3. I switched to Type 4. I’m still unsure… I have a chronic autoimmune Diseases. I do not know if I have too little rest (T4) in my life or I direct my aggression inside (T3)… That’s all hard to explain in English… 😉

  8. I know her!!! From several years ago when she lived in my town in Cali. You can definitely see a difference in timid, proper Christine that I once knew, and this gorgeous, sassy lady ready to take charge of her family and her life! So happy for you, Christine!!! <3 <3 <3

  9. Very interesting! I am seeing so many 4 qualities in the before with her hair severely parted on the side, she was wearing stripes, not many gestures, her energy seemed more still and contained. Straight across eyebrows, not much texture to her skin. Very interesting!

    1. That was all a trained effort on her part and the realization that she contained her true energy only to have it then expressed in a negative way towards her children was a major aha for her. And, what’s interesting is when we are dressing more true to our secondary energy, in her case Type 3/4, it can have an affect on how we look! #keepleaening.

  10. I love that Christine’s embodying her dynamic energy from a clear, focused center. Great insight about how and where to express big beauty and power, so that it’s never too much. Gorgeous!

  11. As a 3/1 myself, I love what you said, Carol, about needing a vehicle of expression for all that big energy! I have come to the conclusion that if I feel too big, my world is too small. I need to make space to express all the me I can be.

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