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How to Improve Your Store Dressing Room Experience

Ready to eliminate overwhelm in the dressing room?

Join me and the Dressing Your Truth Panel of women as we explore this topic and share our experiences trying on clothes in the store.

We’re going to spill it on what’s good and what’s challenging.

You’ll see how our Energy Types affect each of our experiences.

Be sure to catch what we all agree is the single most important thing that has flipped our dressing room experience from negative to amazing.

Shop for clothes more effectively by knowing what looks best on you.

Plus, get tips to stop the negative self talk in the dressing room!

If you shop in stores, what’s your experience trying on clothes? Has it helped to know your Type of beauty?


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  1. Wonderful and so timely as the northern hemisphere moves into summer. Time to shop for bathing suits and clothing that exposes more of the body. DYT has helped me tremendously with learning to love myself exactly as I am. And I have learned to bring that into the dressing room. I grew up learning and knowing about proportions, etc thanks to my grandmother and mom. BUT . . . I had to learn to let go of the shaming! Instead of “You can’t wear that! Your bust is too big.” Or “Don’t even think of wearing ______ makes you look fat.” Those messages had to go. I learned to embrace my body as the incredible creation God made and yes, learn to dress it in an honoring way – without the negative chatter in my head. And for that, Carol, I am truly grateful :-). And sometimes I have to be creative. My size 10/12 body with a size 16 chest really doesn’t make it in the manufactured bathing suits. So I am making my own perfect suits this summer! And I’m not blaming myself or my body. They simply don’t make them for me, so I’ll do it for myself.

    Quick note to Michelle – I do the same thing. And I can take longer than a few days to decide. My dressing room experiences tend to be methodical. I go prepared in easy to change clothing. Try to have my hair and makeup looking good. Sometimes even take selfies and post to my pinterest board. But I do love to shop. Very tactile, wonderful experience. 🙂

    1. I also try to don easy to get in and out of clothing before shopping. I also try to make sure I’m not too tired or hungry, as my decision making can then get muddled. Like Michelle, I have to think think think and think again about what I’ve purchased. If I’m still doubting, back it goes. Thank you all for another great video.

  2. I’m a 3/2 but the tags stay on my clothing until the day I actually wear them…just in case. I believe I’m living too much in my secondary at the moment though. I remember when I was little I used to shop so differently than I do now. I’d know exactly what I was there for, I”d run in and get it and run out. Now I take forever to shop. Perhaps as I begin to live more fully in my type 3 nature that will come back. Perhaps I’ll even cut the tags off my clothes faster as well :).

  3. Loved the part about moving out of a shame based reality into a more appreciative one where the clothes complement the truth. This video was divine timing, as I was recently challenged to appreciate myself in a very “accurate” fitting room mirror. This message helped me a lot.

  4. Before DYT I wouldn’t shop. I hated it. I could never find what I liked and nothing looked good. I usually took hammydowns because they were better than what I had. Or I like grab and go, If I had a little time I would try on, but that was rare. Now, I love specific shopping. I have in mind what I want I go, find, (try on if I have time), and get out. Now I love what I get, and I care that I look good.

  5. I’m a T3 who doesn’t try on anything! I love what Carol said about feeling intuitive about the clothing choices. It usually works. I’m a fan of shopping at the DYT store (as you’ve noticed) because you did all the homework for me. Thank you. Looking at the treasures in my closet inspires me to look fantastic every day. I’ve been hearing quite a bit lately that I always look fashionable and put together. Friends want to know if I’ll shop for them…hahahaha! I’m happy to share my old clothes but shopping….no! I am forever grateful that DYT and family have rocked my fashion world. Feels fabulous!

  6. We really do spend too much time blaming our bodies and not the clothes. It took me looking in the dressing room mirror trying to figure out when one of my arms became longer than the other until I(after an embarrassing long time) I realized that it was the sleeves on the shirt and not my arms to realize just how quick I was to blame clothes not fitting right on myself.

  7. I love these videos with the women talking about the way they do things just naturally living their truth. I am a T3, maybe one of the few that likes shopping?? I also don’t try things on very often (ain’t nobody got time for that!) because I don’t want the hassle of getting undressed, for most things I just hold the clothing up to me and I can tell. I shop knowing I can return it, but I’ve noticed that I’ve gotten away from my swift movement on actually making the decision to purchase. I debate myself on whether I really want to spend the money, unless it’s on a great sale.

  8. If I don’t like how something looks when I try it on I like to say ‘I think I can do better’ 🙂

  9. So true about women’s camaraderie in the ‘putting themselves down’ area- why can’t we have camaraderie in the ‘complimenting and appreciating ourselves’ area? I have noticed this so much and it is so draining and tiring. I once gave a colleague a compliment to say how nice she looked in a particular brown jacket, and she snapped ‘What? What do you mean?’ and gave me evil eyes. I was bewildered and didn’t compliment her again. Its so sad.
    Thank goodness for DYT.

  10. I’m a type 1 and I love trying on clothes in the dressing room, I feel like I’m playing dress up and trying fun new possibilities! However, it does get overwhelming and weighs me down when I get way too many clothes to try on, I’ve been going from store to store doing it for what feels like all day, or if I’m not liking any of the possibilities I’m trying on. I also like shopping with 1 or 2 friends when I’m trying clothes on and I will step out of the dressing room to show them the options I really like, I enjoy getting the affirmations and positive feedback.

  11. I agree with you Michelle about the allure and the uncertainty about that print… I found myself drawn to a very similar one on a dress I keep folding the page over and circling in a catalog. I might get that dress now. It’s lovely on you. : )

  12. I’m a 3/4 and almost every time I enter a store a salesperson will ask if I am on a mission! I must have a certain look that says I know exactly what I’m looking for and you either have it or you don’t. I’m not a browser – I usually do my “homework” online and by the time I get to the actual store I’m ready to quickly try something on and make the purchase if it lives up to my expectations.

  13. I am a Type 1 and would have a shopping cart over following with clothes to try on. In the past it has not been enjoyable because it takes so much time trying on every thing to see how it fix. I will have family with me and I don’t like having them wait on me, but trying on clothes is a must! After all that work there will only be a small hand full that would work. Thinking back on it I don’t think I had many type 1 clothing. Now I just shop online at the DYT store and when I do shop at a department store I don’t have to have a huge cart and it is so much freeing to be able to know I got it right.

  14. Learning to dress my truth has REALLY made a big difference for me when I go shopping. I used to hate it! But now I can walk in the store and just glance through the racks until I see something screaming my name. I still don’t love going into the dressing room but I don’t mind so much anymore now that I can tell what works better for me. As a type 1, I agree with Marci! How could they limit us to only 6 items?! I usually have an entire cart full even If I know I can only get a couple of things! But really though, if I could just walk in and have fun looking around and not have to try anything on that would be the best! Just get what I want and go!

  15. This is very insightful and the compliment issues are so true. Some of the best advice I once got in regard to compliments was to always say thank you, because when one responds negatively to a compliment given to you, it’s really an insult to the person who complimented you. DYT has helped me feel better about myself and understand that I can meet myself where I’m at and it’s the clothes that are the issue. But until I got to that place, being mindful of a negative response to a compliment was a good place to start. I’m a T3 who only tries clothes on for fit (after 3 yrs DYT, I know what will work for me) but I usually do that in the store because I hate making a second trip to return things. I bought 3 dresses for my daughters wedding online, and need to return 2, but haven’t done it because I don’t want to make a trip to the post office because it feels like a waste of time.

  16. Thanks Michelle……it is good to be reminded that it is the type 2 nature to need more time to decide, and very important to feel very sure/comfortable about a decision….I often get frustrated with myself for this, thinking I should be much better at it by now! I need to remind myself to just relax about it, and accept that this is how I work! It doesn’t serve me well to compare myself to the other energy types in my life, but since I am outnumbered, I often fall into that trap!

  17. I’m a T4. I do not try on clothing. It’s easy to tell just from looking what will or will not fit me, and I will likely end up having it hemmed, tailored, taken in, etc. anyway. Rarely will anything fit me perfectly right off the rack, so I accept that there will be alterations.

  18. Carol, will you tell us about your necklace? It is lovely! Is it turquoise with silver? Are we “allowed” to wear some silver as 3’s? 🙂

    1. It is turquoise and gold! I teach in the Dressing Your Truth course all the metal options for each Type.

  19. I’m wondering how the different types shop, in terms of buying parts or wholes. I have known women who buy entire outfits at a time (feel like this may be a 2 tendancy?) While for me, I tend to buy pieces I like but are unrelated to one another. I think about what is already in my closet that would go with the new item, and there isn’t smoothingI often won’t buy it. I guess I want to be able to make a new outfit without spending the money on a wholy new ensemble. Sometimes I will go shopping and find a few things, chastising myself for how long it takes, and have even been known to walk out without buying anything because the check-out line is too long. I like shopping online better, as long as the returns policy is easy with paid return shipping and pickup.

  20. I can shop quite quickly now because I only take T2 qualifying clothing into the dressing room. When I try something on, I don’t look in the mirror right away; instead I pay attention to fit and comfort. It the garment feels good, then I turn and look in the mirror and pay attention to my very first reaction. If I don’t instantly like (love) it, I put it with the rejects.

  21. Thanks for a very fun conversation! I too do so much better in the dressing room, not thinking there’s something wrong with me because nothing looks good but instead thinking, “these things just aren’t right for me.” But I wanted to say a couple of things. First, Marcy, I watch to see what you wear, how you’re doing your hair, etc., because you are just so darn cute! You look just lovely in this video (as you ALWAYS do) and are such an inspiration to me! Michelle, I’m not too good at seeing when people have lost weight but you sure look as if you have. You look so wonderful dear, and so at peace! Could it be that this dressing your truth experience has given you permission to be so at peace with yourself that you were able to release the weight? That hasn’t been my experience yet, but I certainly see how it could be. Anyway, you too look very lovely as do all the ladies! Thanks so much for this enlightening video!

  22. Ha! I’m glad I’m not the only one who leaves the tags on for a few days. Obviously I’m a T2. I use to hate the whole shopping experience. I spent most my life searching for my style. What a joy to finally feel so beautiful and comfortable in my clothes. I love everything in my closet. My T3 sister and I had to share our wardrobe growing up so I never felt like anything was really mine, let alone look awesome in it. I am so amazed how much faster shopping goes now. What a difference. I also use to beat myself up like most people. Now I cannot ever utter a negative word about myself. I refuse to abuse myself any longer.

  23. As a T3, I prefer to shop online, from stores I know I can return to. So they ship it to my door, I can verify that colors and size are right when I get it, and then return it without having to leave the house. 🙂 I prefer not to have to try anything on in the store unless I’m intentionally there to explore and try on things I would ordinarily NOT try, just to see what they look like.

  24. DYT has really helped me stop my negative self-talk, both in the dressing room and everywhere else. It has also made shopping much easier. As a 1/2, I used to get overwhelmed with the possibilities; now I just pull out my style guide and zip through the rack. I am so thankful for that!

  25. I’m pretty sure I’m a 1/4 and I’ve hated shopping for clothes my whole life, so much so that I flat out didn’t go shopping for wedding dresses when I got married because I knew I would hate the experience so much, the idea of the salesperson being so up close and personal and having so much of a say in whether they think something looks good or not is one of my biggest pet peeves. So even though I’d never sewn something from scratch before I just made my own wedding dress. Since embracing my dominant type 1 though I now am enjoying shopping more, finding tints is fun and the success rate of finding such tinted things that suit me has gone up which means shopping feels like less of a drag. But the salespeople sticking their noses in and commenting on how things look is something I really have to be careful doesn’t bring out the worst in me. I am in South Asia where it seems the majority of dressing rooms are designed to force you to come out in the item so as to look in a mirror, they don’t provide mirrors in the changing area. Which exposes you to the sales people’s opinions by default. Biggest pet peeve is when they touch me too. Pulling and tugging etc or if I make an adjustment to the design of something by how I wear the item to see how that looks but they say “thats not how you wear it” like, as if I’m not allowed to experiment? Or when they start putting other items from the store in front of my face while I’m trying on the current item, things completely not my color or style that I’ve obviously already chosen to NOT try out, and I feel like they are interfering. I wish I could be left alone to draw my own conclusions.

  26. I employ a method of not buying right away as a means to avoid impulse purchases and save money that way, if I find myself still thinking about an item a few days later than I may go and try it on. I still might not buy it right away I will give it a few more days and if I’m still thinking about it then I know it’s probably a keeper. Funny I do that instead of buying it and taking it back when I decide I don’t want it. Maybe the trying on but not buying gives my 1-ness something to mentally play with for a couple days, and check it against the possibilities of what I already have in my wardrobe which I need reminding of by going back home etc … Maybe living in Asia has done that to me aswell because they aren’t so great on returns here. Plus in some stores the “I’m walking away now” tactic can sometimes result in a lower price quote anyway. But I like to let the owner know I’m not walking away as a tactic but because I literally am not planning on buying today. Just a happy byproduct though, that by walking away I usually end up finding out the real rock bottom bargain price of something. Which is important if it turns out the initial price quote was highly inflated due to their impression that me being a foreigner means I must be rich? In one area I found that prices quoted me were initially about four times the correct price!

  27. I was so sad that Marcie was not having fun in the dressing room that I just had to comment. Shopping really ought to be fun for type 1 people. Here is how to do it: I go shopping with my (also type 1) sister. We leave early and spend about 2 or 3 hours trying everything on. Take over the dressing room, designate piles for yes, no, maybe. Ignore the sales assistants and spend all the time we want trying different options, but we don’t buy anything … yet. Then we have tea, and usually cake, and debate all the options: which will work, which won’t, which we love but can’t afford, what will go with what… Then, refreshed, we go back and buy, and usually find a few more things we love. All this ends with lunch where we can pour over what we bought and get excited about what we are going to wear, when and how. We do this twice a year (when we can) at the start of each season. It’s the most fun way to shop. If you don’t have a willing type 1 accomplice, a type 2 or 4 will do, but don’t shop with a type 3! Marcie, I’m on the other side of the planet, but I would love to take you out for a real type 1 shopping spree. I guarantee fun.

  28. I’m a T4 and I like to shop by myself, and I absolutely HATE it when the employees want to show me stuff, or knock on the door and ask how I’m doing, etc. I know it’s their job and I’m not mean to them in any way, but I prefer doing it alone. I also like a lot of mirrors, and to take a lot of time to make sure it fits properly. In general though, I’d rather not shop. Takes too much time 🙂

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