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Energy Profiling 101 – The 4 Types of Emotions! 

Start tapping into your emotional gifts and avoid emotional dysfunction.

Are you feeling out of sorts? Not getting the results you want?

Each Type has tendencies that can create either weakness or strength in your emotional, mental, and physical experiences. Knowing when you’re operating in disfunction will help you quickly flip the script to create more of what you do want.

Watch the video for your Type as I teach you to recognize the possible pitfalls that could cause discomfort and dysregulation, and how to harness your tendencies for great strength.

How to Feel Inspired Instead of Scattered – Type 1 Tips

As a Type 1 woman, having a constant flow of ideas is natural for you. It’s a stream of energy that sustains you!

You’re thinking of ideas consistently. It’s what you do with these ideas that cause you to feel either scattered or inspired. These fresh ideas to help you pick your brightest & best ideas.

Let’s make sure you get the most from your ideas and only choose the ones that are correct for you. You’ll hear about resources to help you ground yourself and reset your energy with the Spinal Flush. This Lifestyle video has a helpful grounding technique starting at the 05:15 minute mark. Give it a watch!

Type 1 Affirmation: “I am clearly knowing which ideas are timely and correct for me to pursue. I am inspired.

How to Go from Fretting to Feeling Calm & Confident – Type 2 Tips

As a Type 2 woman, emotional confidence is something you are meant to experience.

But your sensitive nature makes you susceptible to worry and fret. By owning this tendency, you will allow yourself to choose something different. You can free yourself from fretting.

Let’s calm down those emotions, so you can be free of fret and experience more peace and confidence in your daily life, no matter what happens.

Type 2 Affirmation: “I love and accept my emotional nature. I am emotionally confident.

How to Go From Pushy to Passionate – Type 3 Tips

As a Type 3 woman, you have a push-forward nature that pursues action and gets results!

But, in an effort to get things done, you run the risk of focusing too much on the result and not enough on the people you’re working with, be it your co-workers, your spouse, or even your kids. This can lead to the undesirable mischaracterization of being pushy. A quick change in focus will have people thanking you for inspiring them!

By shifting your focus to people, you can use your natural gifts to enlist and inspire others to cooperate and work with you t; o complete tasks, reach goals, and create amazing things for our world.

Type 3 Affirmation: “I am passionate about inspiring others. I focus on people first, and great results follow.

How to Strike a Balance Between Anti-Social vs. Social Enough – Type 4 Tips

Is your “all or nothing” nature creating an imbalance in your social life?

As a Type 4 woman, social experiences can be challenging in that so many aspects of social interaction happen on a surface level. Your preference to connect socially with others on a deeper, more intellectual level, may cause you to avoid social interaction, rather than make yourself uncomfortable by exerting more effort to put yourself out there. The result is an imbalanced social experience that could leave you more isolated than you would like to be.

With these tips, you’ll learn to identify social interactions that feel supportive, fulfilling, and balanced for your Type of energy. There is a fulfilling middle ground between the recluse and “Sally Socialite.”

Type 4 Affirmation: “I have a balanced social experience. I am respected for that.

Learn more about the emotional tendencies of each Type in my books It’s Just My Nature and The Child Whisperer .

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