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How to Create a Joy-Filled Life: Evening with Carol

You might be canceling out the joy you want!

(And chances are, you sabotage your joy true to your Energy Type.)

In this Evening With Carol recording, I help you see how all 4 Energy Types can allow more joy into their lives. I’m joined on camera by four amazing women who give great insights. You’ll hear…

  • April’s ankle-shattering wake-up call to follow her Type 1 joy
  • Michelle’s Type 2 tips to stay worry-free in the joyful present
  • The classic Type 3 frustration that Anna K steps back from
  • And how 7 inches of custom framing stole Deborah’s Type 4 joy

Not experiencing joy right now? Be kind to yourself.

Your current life situation is perfectly staged to bring you learning opportunities and great joy—including this recording! You’ll hear more from me about finding the joy in your life right now, so start watching:

Watch the After Show to get joyful affirmations for your Type

Join me and my 4 Types guest panel as we share a signature affirmation for each Type of woman. It will make you a joy magnet!


During this event, we mentioned resources to support your joyful life. Go take a look at the one that calls to you!

Get Remembering Wholeness to experience a renewed sense of power and joy in your life. This book changed my life when I wrote it.

Read Carol’s book, Mastering Affluence to release your patterns of lack, pain, and struggle—and step into affluence, ease and joy!

Start Dressing Your Truth if you want true joy every single time you get dressed.

Try a Lifestyle membership to get full access to amazing tutorials, DYT Expert events, free shipping and more membership perks.

Check out Dr. Amen’s book to learn how to change your brain to allow more joy.

May you allow and experience the joy that is coming to you!


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  1. Debra, I have had a similar experience! Rather than regretting the size of a painting, I regretted my choice of portrait size of my children. That mistake ate at me…that I had made the wrong choice, until I was able to go back & get the larger size. Every time I looked at that smaller size, I felt sick. It was terrible. I never want to feel so unsatisfied again!

    1. I’m a 2/4 and find myself looking for solutions for others, yes, even if unsolicited. What came to mind here is to increase the wall footprint by adding small items on the sides — smaller photos of the subjects of your children at different ages or wall ornaments compatible with the theme of the picture. It wasn’t mentioned that either of you tried to remedy it, so I wonder if the choice was to leave as is.

      1. I felt so upset when I spent a lot of money on a fence to please the neighbours and the guy misinterpreted my instructions, I was too nervous to correct it but knew they’d not like that the trellis was low and did’t give privacy, I felt so upset, but in fact they appreciated that I’d done the fence i.e. the whole thing, and dealt with the ‘flaw ‘ by growing roses etc as I’d wanted for them, they are type 3 and 4, so they worked on the solution together! Before energy profiling I used to find them a bit scary but now I really understand and appreciate them as neighbours.

      2. Thank you so much for your suggestions Mav! I’ve already considered adding a sconce or small shelf to each side, just haven’t decided yet. Maybe I’ll share once I make a decision.

    2. Thanks for sharing your experience Tracy! I definitely learned from my experience and will never repeat it, but as a T4 I probably won’t rest until it’s just right.

      1. Deborah, you are so precious to me, that while we don’t know one another, I feel I am a friend due to your presence on videos, so I’m adding my 2 cents as someone with interior design experience. Who told you these exact measurements and why are they given credibility? There is no such thing as perfection in what you’ve described. Yes, we want the correct spatial relationships, we want balance and harmony, but I’ve seen and read a lot of faulty advice and there is no absolute, and beauty is often found in the presence of a flaw. I’ll use Tom Cruise as an example. He has a tooth that isn’t perfectly straight. That brings his fans comfort that while he’s such a perfectionist, he is human and we relate to that. I can’t tell you how much more comfortable I would be in a lovely room with a little flaw. Can you “hear” my message? I’ll leave you with this-I believe a day will come when this “mistake” will be seen as the most valuable part of creating your beautiful room JMO

  2. This is a great topic and dressing your truth is so wonderful I share it with people whenever they ask me about how I can shop so easily and put an outfit together so well etc. I also love the lifestyle website and hearing from all of the experts as well as Carol. I used to look forward to these videos so much but lately it’s cringe worthy how much Carol finishes everyone’s sentences and interrupts them. Again I ask, why have a panel if all she wants to do is talk?

    1. People finishing sentences used to bother me but I have found that understanding the different energy types has helped me to not be bothered by that. Type 3 energy is just so passionate in jumping in and wanting to help others that it can come in finishing their sentences! When that happens to me now, I think to myself, “Thank you for jumping in and wanting to help.”

  3. this is really a great video. Thank you. I discovered DYT 2 years ago and it’s part of my life now. Greetings from Germany.

    1. Another hello from Germany . I started 5 month ago and I love what I learn going deeper into it.
      Thank’s for all this.

  4. Summary: Selfishness, self absorption, and hypocrisy, are the common denominator joy canceller outers. Though they come across slightly different in each type. Even in the type 1 world… What’s selfish about trying to please everyone? The core desire for everyone to like you. It’s a backwards way of being self absorbed. I’m a type one, I know! So, how to get grounded? Me and my circle often say a person needs the “three h’s”: Honesty, humility, hungry… (Hungry for truth in the universe and lessons to be learned)… Definitely keys to maintaining healthy perspective. A clean conscience. Most of my aha moments have been moments of inwardly realising my own hypocritical or erroneous thinking and ways, but realising them in such a delightful way of reasoning, that motivates change rather than triggering self loathing. Then I can happily openly admit what was wrong and how I changed it. Creating, giving (with zero strings attached, no expectations), learning and improving are all joy dynamos. We are hardwired to derive health benefits from being around live greenery too. I’m sorry Anna but I don’t recommend the form of meditation that involves emptying ones mind, that is actually spiritually dangerous. Meditating that trains your brain to feed on positive thoughts however, that’s true meditation at its best. Also an interesting study done on a vast array of people from 1930’s til the present day also has shown that investing in relationships, working through hardships together, brings deep long term satisfaction and well being. All of the types no matter what dominant can learn to “lead” with love, that is: showing consideration, taking an interest in, and honouring all others around them. That’s key, really, I agree with Anna there. And I am forming a theory that there is a stage in life we haven’t yet assigned a name, maybe I’ll call it chadulthood…. Or you could call it valuing co-dependence. It’s what you get when you take the bliss of the dependent child stage, with the satisfaction of the independence of responsible adulthood and put them together so as to have a time in life, of blissfully mutually satisfying responsible interchange of talents and gifts, a thriving codependency, made up of responsible adults who know how, with the agility, maturity, and insight of an adult, to weave through their days the likeable traits of a child. Traits like malleability, curiosity, playfulness, openness and humor. These are the truly mature, refined, seasoned individuals I have encountered through life, and that I aspire to be more like. DYT has been helping me re-embrace that natural childlike state in me, so I think it’s been a great eye opener so far. But I don’t subscribe to the approach of changing “vibrations” and chanting affirmations, sorry. I am all for seeing the positive side of things though. And my secondary 4 sees abit of contradiction in what Carol mentioned about her frustrations with being told how we need to improve through adversity, and then what she so enthusiastically said later about the ankle shattering experience leading to a positive outcome…. What’s the difference? no one would choose to break their ankle or go through pain in order to learn an important life lesson, just like no loving person would actively inflict pain on others either, to reach that outcome, but the reality is that when life happens and we are humble that’s what we get out of these experiences, we learn lessons and can come to better understandings and better “places” in life. And what if a type 3 die hard bike rider were to break his or her ankle? It wouldn’t mean that bike riding was wrong for them… They may just get back right on the bike as soon as they are better… So I don’t really get what you meant… But she came to the conclusions that she needed to for her, so I do agree with the final outcome in her case. I don’t think it happened for that “reason” though. It was just a bike accident that she had a great attitude about. Accidents happen. (Ecc 9:11) Great attitudes though, are a choice. So I applaud her for her awesome attitude choice!

    1. I think what you are describing Beth, is interdependence instead of codependency which is usually how maturity is described. There is a lot in this statement that I agree with.

    2. I like all the thought you gave this. The meditation for empty mind reminds me of the physics laws of vacuums and how empty spaces will be filled with something. It’s wise of you to understand proactively filling your mind as YOU choose is more beneficial. Personally, I can’t imagine the discomfort someone like Anna K. would feel, but maybe it’s an experience she needs for her own wisdom and growth. (Only addressing this one topic or it would become a book.)

  5. Haha…I’m T3/1 with a T1 brain….I did get a 78/100 so I’m stoked and the improvements (not fixes!!!) were already in my planner!

  6. “Improve” implies “less than perfect, therefore needs to be ‘improved’.” I prefer the word “nurture.” How can I nurture this situation so it can grow into the flower it was designed to be?

    As a Type 1, it helps me if I think “How can I make this job fun?” Housework gets done more readily when I have some oldies music playing that I can either sing or boogie to.

  7. Thanks, you’re all fab! I twisted my ankle doing circuits and kettle bells so I can relate! I wanted to impress my type 3 daughter. I used to shame myself for being a wannabe but now I can see just how much I want to be liked/please people. I did enjoy the classes and had fun but the ankle was a wake up call, I realised that what I really wanted was to be a healthy mum.

  8. Carol and the absolutely wonderful ladies on the joy video. You all just hit home in so many ways. My daughter and grandchildren are coming over from England for 2. 5 weeks. I have been so focused on having a comfortable place to come to that I lost the joy of the journey of loving our home. Every corner of our home is made and touched by love. I just got lost in the details. Gosh I am so humbly greatful that god helped us find you and all your journey’s that guide us through to be more ourselves. Love you madly for just being you. Our love and grace comes to you from Elizabeth Anne Trouw in the Netherlands. Please let it be possible to come to Europe.

    1. Elizabeth, what a beautiful country you are from! I was able to travel to Europe and visit the Netherlands about 25 years ago and would love to go back there someday.

  9. I think this is one of my favorite videos! This past year for me has been one of seeking joy in all areas of my life– emotionally, physically, spiritually and I really, really appreciate all the things you talk about here! I am going to watch it again!

  10. I really love how Deborah dresses. She’s always classy and polished. I would like to know where she finds such beautiful clothes so I can dress better for work.

    1. You’re so kind Maria! Thank you for asking where I shop. The cardigan and jewelry I wore in this video are from the DYT T4 store. I shop mostly at the DYT store, but beyond that I don’t shop anywhere in particular. I keep an eye out everywhere I go for T4 clothing, jewelry, and accessories. I’ve found items in department stores, chain stores, boutiques, and discount stores. Sometimes even at Costco, if you can believe that!

      1. Deborah, Thank you so much for what you shared in this video! You helped me to understand my recent ex-boyfriend, who I’m beginning to think is T4. I found DYT after that relationship ended and it has helped me heal during the breakup, but I wish I had known this about him earlier, so I could have helped both of us understand his perfecting nature better! I’m curious what your secondary is and what type your husband is (who you mention in the video). Thanks!

        1. Hi Stephanie, I’m so glad this video has helped you through your healing and continues to serve you. My secondary is T3 and my husband’s is T2.

          1. Thank you so much for answering, Deborah! Especially since it looks like the video was recorded 2 years ago. You’re definitely helping me understand and heal! Thank you.

  11. Deborah, I’m a 2/4 and I understand your disappointment with the size of your print. I’m glad you’re letting yourself enjoy the rest of the room! I did have a idea to share… in the past, I’ve painted a different color behind my art, just a slightly larger rectangle, and it gave the illusion of the art itself being larger. It looked great! Maybe a white or black rectangle might give you that extra 7-15″ and look striking, too? 🙂

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