Does the Way You Celebrate Halloween Match Your Energy Type?

Spooky, cutesy, or horror?

This week on #EnergyProfilingWithCarol, we’re talking all things Halloween! How do you do Halloween? Do you dress up? Do your Halloween preferences express your Energy Type?

We’d love to hear from you! Share a comment below and tell us what you like about this holiday!


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    1. Hello Angelac, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. There seems to be a glitch at this time with the video posting. We have notified Facebook that they may help us to address. Please check back later today. Thank you!

  1. Ladies, this was so much fun: I’ve been laughing out loud all along! First, with Carol and her Ms. T “outfit”, then, when I saw the ladies perform so well… you were all hilarious! Kalista, I love puns and your costumes are just hilarious…
    I love dressing up for Halloween: just like Anne, for me it has a special meaning because I remember my family traditions, and my mom sewing up our costumes, and the preparation of the holiday… I enjoyed specially those preparations, and planning, and putting together our costumes, etc. I enjoyed it even more than the party itself!
    As for my costumes, I’ve always loved dressing up (maybe that’s why I started amateur acting) but I do get into the character: I take it seriously and want to look good in my costume, as if I was becoming the character I represent, and I almost always dress as a witch. It has to have a meaning to me, too (everything has to ;)).
    As to the spookiness… I love it. I’m an avid reader of mystery, spooky, eerie, paranormal stories: I never get tired of mysteries, they are like my main interest! I also love scares (also a family tradition to me!) and I’m a total fan of Ellen scaring her guests…
    But, just as the ladies, I can’t stand gore: I just can’t stand violence or bloodiness… I find it even offensive, like using someone’s (even if it’s unreal) suffering to entertain…
    This video was great: I love it when you sit together and share those moments with us.
    Have a great holiday! (Sorry for the long comment)

  2. Ha ha!! We don’t celebrate haloween. It has been going on for some 20-25 years here in Sweden. But our family don’t celebrate it. We have a Thanksgiving church holiday in October but we don’t do thanksgiving dinners. And we have All Saints Day beginning November when people put wrenches and candles on graves. And as for children running about dressed out, tricking and treating, they do here to since couple of years — but since generations we do have a similar fiest in connection with Easter, then children dress up as witches. We used to go to peoples homes and got money or candy, so similar to your haloween. Nowadays children do this in haloween. 🙂

  3. I’m a 2/3 and my favorite candy is probably Twix. I like anything with caramel that’s a smoother texture. I love salted caramel, too!

  4. I’m a bit of a Halloween grinch these days because I teach college classes and it falls in a busy part of the semester. I don’t feel like I have the time to have fun with it, so I just dread it instead. But in the past, I loved pulling together homemade outfits. One of my favorites was when my son decided at the last minute that he wanted to be a mailman and I put stripes and a USPS logo on a blue jacket he had and then made a mail truck out of poster board (this was before I went back to teaching!).
    The actual trick-or-treating part always kind of stressed me out, as I was uncomfortable when the kids I went with wanted to rush and get as much candy as possible. I also had some really uncomfortable costumes (a rubics cube made of a box and a scarecrow with a broomstick to hang my arms over). My mom decided 12 was too old for trick or treating, and I was ready to give it up by then and never complained!
    I now love seeing our neighbor kids come to the door, and I love the idea of having a gathering place for cider and non-candy treats! That said, when Halloween falls on a day where I’ve been teaching a lot, I sometimes feel like Calista and could do without answering the door or socializing.

  5. I think the haunted house thing is generational / cultural change. We have a lot of them in more suburban and rural areas and if some in urban areas in New York state as I have family throughout the state . It seems to be the preferred way for pre-teen teen and young adults to celebrate Halloween . It’s almost like an outgrowth of the social ness of organized trunk or treat they do costumes at group and friends parties and separately go to haunted houses to celebrate the holiday . In my community growing up there was a Halloween parade that pretty much encompassed every elementary school the high school marching band church groups etc. you could compete for contest prizes based on your costume as a group as a particular theme etc. then trick-or-treating after the parade to Anne’s point there were donuts and apple cider as refreshments at the parade it was a great time . When my children were little I used to really decorate and do costumes Ans definitely dress up to answer the door even still do that sometimes, this year I’ll be working on Halloween evening. Years past I’ve incorporated a costume at work but I’m losing my desire to participate so fully in some holidays as My kids got /i get older I think I think I’ll renew that maybe when I start to have grandchildren .

    1. I think the haunted house thing really is less prevalent in California. I moved to California from the Midwest and noticed the lack of haunted houses. We do have a ton of corn mazes and pumpkin patches though–maybe because the weather is so nice in October.

  6. So my 9 year old T4/S2 daughter just got on Google maps and estimated the minimum amount of candy they could get doing one side of our street. She also is trying to estimate how much time it will take by pacing across our house and timing how long that takes. She is lucky that she has a T1 older brother to do all the talking for her at all the houses she plans to go to!

  7. T2 here. I’m celebrating tonight by having the neighbors gather in the street for dinner and cornhole. We’ll just camp out as long as everyone wants and have our bowls of candy for the kids who come around.

  8. My fav candy is: paydays, chuckles, reeses…I was allowed to have one candy a night, after Halloween. I really like seeing all the kids…but we live in an apartment and so we only got 2 kids, tonight.

  9. My T4 husband never wanted to dress up for Halloween but he always wore overalls in his daily life. With a few tweaks I either made him a farmer or a mechanic. He wasn’t happy but at least it felt like he was participating. I am a T3/2 and I always went all out for the kids and myself. The scariest, and only scary movie I’ve ever seen was, “Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte” Horrible ! Happy Halloween!

  10. I couldn’t figure out who was Cruella until she spoke. I was so surprised that was Sarah.. She looks amazing. I used to dress up when my son was little and loved going Trick or Treating with him. I prefer Autumn decor for my home- cozy and inviting. I will never watch spooky movies.. Terrifies me. Favorite Halloween Candy is 100,000 Grand. Snickers, Peanut M & M’s.

  11. Costumes inspired by what I already have are my absolute favorite! Well done Carol! In fact, I was Cruella DeVille last year using my a bit of black added to my natural white streaks, a furry white sweater, black and white dress, red gloves and red shoes that I own. I exaggerated makeup and held a magic wand I borrowed from my son for the cigarette. Sorry, no picture. Sarah is really killing it!

  12. I’m a 4-1. Halloween is my fave! (How cliché goth of me, lol) I was a black cat this year, too. 🙂 I dress up evey year, and always something a little bit spooky. Last year I was a silent era screen vamp, with a gothic edge. I’m vegan so I can’t eat any of my old fave candies anymore, and I’m a big horror fan, so I watch scary movies all year long… for me, Halloween is all about dressing up, decorating my home, and giving out candies to the trick-or-treaters.

  13. This was so fun to watch!! I used to look forward to Halloween as a rare occasion that I could dress up and feel beautiful. Now that I’m dressing my truth I can feel beautiful every day, and I feel open to dressing up in scary or fun ways for Halloween. Thank you!

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