The Hogwarts Houses Get Sorted into the 4 Energy Types

Does your Energy Type match your favorite Hogwarts House?

Calling all Harry Potter fans! Have you ever wondered what Type the Hogwarts Houses are?

Let’s look at the Hogwarts Houses through the lens of Energy Profiling.

Energy Profiling is a system based on movement. Everything in our natural world leads with one of these 4 dominant movements or Energy Types. People, pets, and even countries all express their own dominant Energy Type.

If you don’t yet know which Energy Type you are, you can discover your Energy Type with our Dressing Your Truth Before & After course.

4 Energy Types. 4 Hogwarts Houses. Let’s see if your own Energy Type matches your favorite Hogwarts House.

It’s important to note that because this is fictional content, it could go several different ways.  We’ve looked at the overall expression of the energy in each of the Hogwarts Houses and Typed them based on our experiences.  We know the love of Harry Potter runs deep among the fans, and we welcome you to experience it in your own way.

Type 1 Energy – Bright, quick, & random

Type 1 energy is naturally upward, light, buoyant, and animated. Type 1 is a high movement and it keeps things light and fun.  People who express this energy have a natural gift for ideas and the hope that it is possible. They may also have a tendency to appear random or scattered at times. They tend to have a very youthful appearance due to the animated shapes like circles and points in their facial features.

If you are a Type 1, you are like…


Common trains in the Ravenclaw house are reflective of Type 1: intelligence, wit, wisdom, creativity, originality, individuality, and acceptance.

Ravenclaws are unique and think outside the box. Plus, the Ravenclaw common room sounds like a lot of fun, and to get into Ravenclaw Tower, one must complete a riddle.

Ravenclaw is home to characters such as Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Filius Flitwick.

Type 2 Energy – Soft, subtle, & gentle

Type 2 energy is naturally fluid, flowing, gentle, relaxed, and calming. Type 2 energy has a more subdued movement that keeps things flowing and comfortable. People who express this energy have a natural gift for details and making plans. Being with this Type of person is calming and reassuring. They tend to have a dominance of S curves in their blended facial features.

If you are a Type 2, you are like…


Hufflepuff is the most underrated house at Hogwarts. But they value hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members.

The Hufflepuff common room and dormitories focus on coziness and comfort, and in order to enter it, you need to enter the same, rhythmic tapping pattern. Type 2’s have a natural gift for being more methodical and consistent.

Hufflepuff is home to characters such as Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory, and Nymphadora Tonks.

Type 3 Energy – Swift, determined, & confident

Type 3 energy is naturally driven toward action and big results. People who express Type 3 energy have a very swift, confident movement that pushes things and other people into action to get it done. They can be overly confident at times without enough details in place and jump in too fast. They tend to have more textured skin, chiseled facial features, and a dominance of angles in their facial features.

If you are a Type 3, you are like…


Gryffindor is known for its gold and deep red emblem with a roaring lion—fitting for their brave acts of heroism and headstrong tendencies. They value courage, chivalry, and determination.

Members of Gryffindor have no trouble taking charge and leading the way. They are passionate and learn by experience.

Gryffindor is home to characters such as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley.

Type 4 Energy – Bold, constant, & stunning

Type 4 energy is naturally constant, still, precise, exact, and structured.  People who express this Type of energy have a black-and-white, all-or-nothing perspective on most things. They can be seen as too critical and negative by others, due to their natural response to see the flaw first. They tend to have very porcelain skin and a dominance of parallel lines in their sculptured facial features.

If you are a Type 4, you are like…


Slytherin is known for being cunning and intelligent.  It’s home to the most pure-blood members, true to its all-or-nothing tendency. They take pride in breaking the rules, being their own authority, and tend to be strong leaders.

They value respect, ambition, and perfection. They’re able to analyze a situation and weigh the cost/benefit outcome.

Slytherin is home to characters such as Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, and  Lord Voldemort.

What do you and your favorite Hogwarts House have in common?

Take your love of all things Harry Potter to the next level and check out our StyleInspire boards from October 8th, 2018!

StyleInspire boards are hand-picked items from your Type’s Experts to support you in creating a style that is true to your Energy Type. StyleInspire is just one of the many perks you get when you join Lifestyle, so become a member today!

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  1. For many years i wanted to belong to Gryffindor, but after learning about the houses in more depth I was drawn to Hufflepuff! I was hoping I’d get sorted there. I took the sorting quiz on and to my delight I am a Hufflepuff! The Harry Potter books are near and dear to my heart. I grew up with them! What a magical world that has been created!

    1. I read them in my 30s and after I’d seen the movies. I thought seeing the movies first might ruin the books (and it might have if I were a kid), but I found myself able to focus a lot on the details and the writing since I didn’t have to wonder how they would end. I really loved the books.

  2. I’m a recently discovered 4/1 but definitely fit a mixture of Hufflepuff (sorted there on Pottermore) and Ravenclaw. Recently I did a quiz to see what Hogwarts professor I am and got Professor Flitwick. I need to refresh myself on the stories to remember that character.

  3. I took the sorting quiz long before I found out about DYT and I was sorted in Ravenclaw! Funny enough I am a Type 1! Haha! Love this! Also could explain why I was kind of bummed out at first because I wanted to be Slytherin…..and also could explain why I was so drawn to Type 4 in the beginning lol. Funny how things work out 🙂

  4. I’m T4 and had hoped to be sorted into Ravenclaw because I see myself as being very intellectual. Imagine my dismay when Pottermore sorted me into Slytherin instead! I’ve since grown to embrace it, as Slytherins are also highly intelligent, as well as being leaders who can use their wits. Also, Snape was by far my favorite character due to his complexity. Love it!

  5. How did I know T4s would be stuck with Slytherin? Oh, well. I did love Snape (especially since Alan Rickman made him sexy) and feel he was misunderstood, even before the big revelation near the end. And the adult Slytherins did have great fashion sense (well, not Snape this time).
    In a writing group we were recently discussing a pair of characters, one dark and broody and one colorful and fairy tale-ish. There was discussion of making one the hero(ine) and one the villain. I said I’d like to see the dark, broody one be the hero.

    1. I can’t count how many times in our extrovert-biased culture that people with high intelligence are painted as evil. It’s really childish; people need to grow up. From what I could see, Slytherin generally showed a lack of respect for other people, and that just isn’t T4.

  6. Interesting, I’ve never read the books or seen the movies, so I had no bias, but I took a bunch of different quizzes before I read this post and kept getting Ravenclaw. I was hoping it would give me a clue about my type since I’m constantly going back and forth between T2/S4 or T4/S2, T1 was not what I was expecting!

  7. Nope….T4 here and definitely a Ravenclaw. Every single time I take the quiz…Ravenclaw. My T1 daughter is always sorted into Hufflepuff. She’s nowhere near a Ravenclaw. Not even close. Not sure the houses can be neatly sorted into DYT types.

    1. I would say it’s along the same lines as typing a country. The US, for instance, is typed as T3, but not everyone who lives in the US is a T3. It’s the overall feel of the house and not the types of the individual members.

  8. Interesting. I’ve taken the Pottermore quiz several times and always come out a Ravenclaw! But I am a Type 3! Go figure… no wonder I had trouble sorting myself out!

  9. When Pottermore first came out, I was sorted into Ravenclaw (I was living as a Type 2). It felt very true to self until I started actually working on myself after I was cluebombed a Type 3. I’ve been through some emotional healing and decided to join Pottermore on a different email account, and it placed me into Hufflepuff! LOL.

  10. I’m a T1/4 and was sorted by Pottermore into Hufflepuff with a Rhinoceros patronus. heh. I like Ravenclaw, but I’d quickly get tired of the having to figure out the common room password from a riddle every time I wanted in. yeah, no.

  11. Hey, T1/4 Hufflepuffs in the house! 😉 I just said the same about the riddle, too! HA! I hadn’t thought of my secondary being a 4, but I might be okay being a Slytherin. I’d be concerned that I’d be bullied. I’d also get tired of all the pureblood we’re better than everyone stuff. I just noticed that this article has acceptance as a trait for Ravenclaw. wha? Like you said, they weren’t very accepting of Luna. I agree with you that acceptance feels more like a Hufflepuff trait. hmmm. I will say that I prefer the Ravenclaw colors!! 😉

  12. I’m a Slytherin! I even took the quiz and got Slytherin. I really didn’t think I’d like that, but after reading the description of the house it really makes me appreciate it more. Just take all of those awful characters out and it’s really a great house!

  13. I just took the Pottermore test and was sorted into Ravenclaw (but I have approximately zero T1 energy!). I’m either a 4-2-3-1 (most likely) or a 4-3-2-1.

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