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How a Type 2 Takes on Other People’s Energy

There is a better way to share your peaceful calmness with others

Do you find yourself saying, “I feel so bad for them” when someone else is sad or feeling uncomfortable?

Your natural, empathic gifts allow you to tune into the emotional state of others because you have an emotional reference to the world. But in the end, does taking on someone else’s energy help anyone? It certainly doesn’t help you!

Join me today as I share a different way you can honor your sensitive nature and share your peaceful calmness with others. Take a look:


Affirmation: I recognize their discomfort. I’m choosing to share my peaceful energy.

More resources on energy healing:

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  1. Thank you so much for this video! (Boy, could I have used this yesterday!!!!) I work with people all day in my job and many times the situations can be very sad or upsetting. Thank you for giving me this tool to be able to offer help to my customers without leaving me totally wiped out and overwhelmed at the end of a particularly trying day! 🙂

  2. Wow, this was so helpful and encouraging. I kept being reminded of the first line of the Prayer of St. Francis: “Make me a channel of your peace.” I so often forget that peace is something I can bring actively into the world, rather than just passively taking what others put on me. It is so much more positive.

  3. I have been looking forward to this video. I LOVE that idea <3 <3
    Thankyou for improving my life everyday Carol! I love you!

  4. Just commented on the type 1. Love the type 2 energy talk…my husband is t2. He listened and agreed. Can’t wait for the t3 and t4. It should be very interesting and help. Thanks! Great subject.

  5. I’m a T2 and this resonated so deeply for me, because I have been working on changing my mindset since learning DYT. Learning these positive mindful techniques that support my energy has been life changing. One thing that seems constant with Carol’s teaching methods that are key to helping me is, first she acknowledges what our tendency is, and what is wrong with it, and then teaches us how to change it by what we say. Our words impact us on a subconscious level and so this is so helpful. My heart is instantly heavy with pain when I’m empathizing with someone, and now I know why. I’m taking on their pain instead of simply acknowledging it. I love you Carol! I can’t wait to use this amazing insight.

  6. Carol, I’m sitting here with my type 2 jaw on the floor. You’ve put out there in five minutes something I could have spent years working to grasp in quite this way. Suggesting something we can DO (transfer our peace outward) is so much more helpful than just hearing, “Stop doing that!” I felt a shift, hearing that. Your work is a light; thank you for doing it.

    1. Carol truly has a gift. I love this series. So many good nuggets that help us live our truth daily!

  7. That is amazing, to stop taking in other people’s energy of discomfort, and give out what we naturally have, peace and calmness. I’ve consciously stopped taking in other people’s discomfort, but instead of running away from other people, I now understand that I have another choice, I can give out my energy of peacefulness (whether they accept it or not is their choice). Thankyou Carol, that was really helpful! 🙂

  8. This is so helpful! After I watched yesterday, I have been practicing this and I am so very thankful!!!

  9. I watched and enjoyed this the other day. I have just come back to practice the affirmation after hearing a long story from a relative full of troubles and complants. The comment below about one’s heart feeling heavy with pain is exactly how I feel whenever someone shares their troubles with me. As I develop more awareness, I can now feel how my vibration just gets dragged down. But using the affirmation has instantly helped, and whereas in the past I know I would have ‘sat’ in the energy of the other person, right in there with them, now I am going to focus on just maintaining my sense of peace and sharing that with them. I feel so much better already knowing I can do this. I will echo everyone else here and say, Carol, I am very grateful to be a recipient of your knowledge.

  10. SOOOOOOOOOO wonderful! This was so helpful to me. I often do one of Carol’s energy exercises to release someone else’s negative energy and center myself in my own energy, but if I did this first, I wouldn’t need the other lol. I wouldn’t be taking on their negative energy/sadness. Brilliant! So helpful. Thank you, Carol, for sharing this and everything else you do. It has made such a huge and powerful difference in my life – and after 6 years plus – I learn something new all the time. Love that! Thank you and God bless.

  11. Thank you for sharing this, Carol! Oh, my, how helpful this is!
    Just this morning before my husband left for work, I did exactly what you described – felt bad for some stress he had, took it into myself and felt some responsibility to solve the problem, he left for work with a spring in his step, and I felt awful. :o(
    Reflecting back, I now see that this has been a life-long pattern for me. Wow! Thank you for the light you shined into our Type 2 world, so that we recognize the harmful patterns and can switch them easily. What a blessing you are!

    1. Thank you Catherina for sharing. We are happy to hear that the tools and videos offered in Lifestyle are supporting you! Enjoy!

  12. Thank you for this much needed reminder. Sometimes I feel “dumped on” when a sister unloads her family issues on me. They are issues that never seem to get resolved and are recreated over and over. For the first time, I told her that our “discussions” were exhausting me. As a T2/S1, I find her negative energy feels too heavy and draining. She responded with anger, but I felt good about standing up for myself.

    1. Good for you, Betsy! It will get easier next time and before you know it you won’t be having those conversations anymore. Keep us posting on the successes you’re enjoying.

  13. Outstanding and very important information! As a recovering co-dependant I’ve been letting other’s take care of their own stuff. Recently my friend was angry about something and tried to blame me but I recognized her unrelated overwhelm and instead of taking it on asked her “what’s really wrong?” Soon she was hugging me and apologizing…. Thanks so much Carol!

    1. Thank you for sharing Karen! We are happy to hear that the tools and video’s offered in Lifestyle are resonating with you!

  14. Thank you Carol. These videos about taking on others energy are so spot on and deeply insightful. They have helped to lift some burdensome heaviness from me.
    I am grateful

  15. Thank you so much! This is exactly what has happened to me all my life. I was used as a garbage dump for others heavy emotions and I could not handle it. Now I really will do both the T1 and T2 practices daily and see what happens, because I have both of those energy times. With my T1 movement I even felt I became like others around me and at the same time I started carrying their emotions. This made it completely overwhelming for me to be around some people in my family who are not taking responsibility for their own emotions. I also have experienced what you talked about in the beginning. One time a friend stayed at my house for a few weeks. In the morning I got up and was happy and good, but as soon he got up the heaviness came and it ended with him blaming me for his bad mood, telling me I was always in a bad mood. I have learned that when I feel those kind of fast changes I usually take on others´energies. When i am alone I never have those kind of fast mood swings.

    I also told my mother recently when she wanted to unburden her worries on me, that I can´t help her with this. She was not happy about it, she started blaming and shouting. I told her I see that this is important for her but I can not do this. I am breaking a 30 year old pattern of me being the carrier of other peoples difficult emotions and especially my mom is not letting this go without a fight. This is really difficult. I feel bad for putting those boundaries. I blame myself for other peoples suffering… I guess this is what we learn when we start taking in those energies from others. We see that they feel better after that and than we maybe feel bad if we don´t manage to make the feel better. But we are not here to carry that responsibility.

    This is such a strong habit for me that in everyday life I will need to remind me all the time that I am peace and joy and let those energies shine. 🙂 Thanks you!

  16. What great validation! I was getting a massage this morning, before I watched this video. Near the end, I felt that my massage therapist was getting uncomfortable. Being a T2, I felt her discomfort. And then out of the blue I realized … “Wait! I’m a T2, I AM comfort. I AM flow. I naturally provide these things to the world.” So I sat in my T2-ness, and let that peace and comfort wash through the room. I don’t know if the massage therapist felt better, but I sure did! Then I got home and watched this video. So powerful. Thanks again, Carol!

  17. Oh my goodness, this is such good and applicable advice! There have been times in my life when I have put an end to assuming the negative energy of another, but not until I have been completely drained and injured. Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I will be watching for opportunities to lift people up out of their slumps rather than joining them there!

  18. Yes! I would love to help others be in peace with my own energy. Thank you so much for this powerful tip. I noticed this summer that by honouring my pace, my children became so much stable and independent. Instead of rushing them for everything, they joined me in a constant but smooth schedule full of activities. It was like a Miracle.

  19. Carol would you please give an example of how to share peaceful energy with others who are feeling discomfort? I would like to practice this and need a phrase, action to use. Thank you!

    1. Just as Carol shared in the affirmation rather than internalize it and make it yours i.e. “I’m sorry that happened. How can I help?” You could rephrase it to: “That’s too bad that happened. I’m here for you. How can I help you feel more comfortable.” With that rephrase you’re not taking on the “sorry” feeling. You’re acknowledging it outside of you and offering comfort. Hope you find that helpful!

  20. Thank you, this is so helpful. I have just remembered how when I babysat as a teenager, I used to send out my peaceful energy to babies and toddlers to help them go to sleep.

  21. This is a wonderful, helpful message, thank you Carol. You’ve helped me see that my gentleness and need for quiet are not a “weakness,” as I’ve often felt. To see them as strengths makes me feel like I now have a force field around me and also something powerful to offer others. The more I’m learning to value my own subtle, quiet nature, the more strong I feel in situations where others are creating drama. Thank you!

  22. I can’t thank you enough for this and all of your videos. I reference them over and over, take notes, and practice your affirmations, which are really allowing me to unlearn subconscious patterns of feeling and speaking. I feel so much lighter and free to be my sensitive, peaceful self. Instead of feeling weak about who I am, I feel powerful. I recognize my calmness and sensitivity is a gift I can share with others. When I feel angry or go into “overwhelm,” I now have tools to move through it. Sigh, it’s such a relief!

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