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How a Type 3 Takes on Other People’s Energy

Discover what you can do to support both you and them

Type 3 and empathy? You might not think these two things go together. After all, “sensitive” isn’t a word that’s often associated with Type 3.

Think again—Type 3s can be very good at reading others and understanding what’s going on. You have a gift for looking at cause and effect. But when this gift puts you in the role of the judge, you take on the other person’s energy.

Join me today as I discuss how to remove yourself from this low vibration mindset. Instead of making it your job to ensure others are getting certain results, discover what you can do to support both of you. Watch below:


Affirmation: I am responsible for my life results, and I am trusting that the results other people are creating are perfect for them now.

More resources on energy healing:

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