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How Each Energy Type Does “Perfecting”

In my Energy Profiling course, I teach that all 4 Types of people have a natural gift we share with the world. First we looked at how each Type does ideas, then how each Type does details, then how each Type does to-do lists.

This is our last video in this series and we’re looking at how each Type perfects their world.

We all make improvements to things around us. But Type 4 people have a specific way they go about this, and it’s a natural expression of the more linear, focused way they move through life.

Join me and the Dressing Your Truth 4 Types Panel as we discover what motivates us to perfect things. Find out which of us hires out projects in order to get a perfect result without the time investment.

And you’ll see which of us perfects our time and who mentions they enjoy perfecting relationships.

We are all perfecting our understanding of Energy Profiling! That’s why I’ve created so much readily-available content. I want you to understand how to live your truth! If you want even more support and tools to understand Energy Profiling, consider joining Lifestyle.

There are many benefits to becoming a Lifestyle member. If you love Energy Profiling and want to learn more about secondary Energy Types, we talk about that a lot in the Lifestyle content.

What do you like to perfect? Share it in the comments along with your Energy Type!


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  1. I really enjoyed this series. I can imagine what a wonderful memory I would have from experiencing a special occasion dinner like Deborah talked about. i am a 2/1 and my favorite way of entertaining is to have a pot luck. I like to do all the preparations and ask each person to bring a dish to share. I would perfect the flow of setting up space for them to easily know where to put their dish on the buffet tables. I like to have plenty of nibbles to enjoy before dinner and give everyone a chance to talk and laugh together and set up an area of self serve beverages. I like to make sure each person knows how to find the beverages and all they need. I found this plan works best to keep me from getting overwhelmed and to be able to have fun too.

  2. Wish we’d heard more from Debra in this segment on her experience and
    insights. Love Carol, and Carol’s input and insights, however,
    sometimes she talks over others and we don’t get to hear their completed
    thoughts, which is hard to watch. Carol may feel the need to point out
    key insights for viewers by honing in on an idea being conveyed or
    adding to it swiftly to keep things moving and on point, all wonderful
    T3 gifts, or she may intuitively know what someone is going to say, but
    it pains me to see people get cut off mid-sentence. It would be helpful
    and appreciated if all Energies were validated and experienced more in
    the videos. I learn so much by watching the different Types thoughts
    and feelings process, body language, and so on; having that cut off is a
    great loss. Carol’s insights are truly invaluable and I wouldn’t want
    to lose them, perhaps longer videos might be a solution so things
    aren’t as rushed? Thanks for allowing me to express my feelings about
    this here. <3 So appreciate this series and Carol and family for
    all you do. Much love. xoxo

    1. I agree to an extent. I always want to hear more from each of the types and what their individual experiences are. But I also think Carol is a pretty skilled interviewer and is trying to “lead the interview” (I don’t know if this is the actual term. It’s just one I made up after observing talk show hosts and others with similar careers.) To keep to the schedule and to stay on topic she has to do a little bit of interrupting/clarifying and asking leading questions. I agree that a couple of times the interruptions didn’t seem necessary. Perhaps slightly longer videos would be beneficial, like you suggested. I think it would also be interesting to have trusted individuals of other types occasionally leading discussions.

      1. Hi Megan. I appreciate your understanding of the role I play! I actually ask the women to be mindful of their timelines so we can stay within our allotted video time, so I don’t have to interrupt to keep things moving. I’m grateful we are all learning! We have tested video lengths and unfortunately longer videos do not get as much engagement, therefore we keep them shorter! There is a lot to consider on the production side of things and as the host of the panel I play the role to lead the conversation. It is my panel, so it’s appropriate that I continue to be the host as the author and creator of Energy Profiling. Thank you so much for being a Lifestyle Member and caring to learn more. We appreciate you.

        1. Thanks for your reply. That makes sense and I did wonder if the video lengths were due to engagement, as you said. Thanks for giving me (and anyone else who may read this) a little look into the thought and work that goes into these videos. I find it really interesting!

        2. I appreciate the length of the videos! I usually don’t watch if they’re longer than 15 mins. Type 3 here! Get to the point and I’ll fill in the blanks!

    2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Anonymous. We will share this suggestion with Carol and her team of Experts. We are grateful for your support!

    3. Thanks for your feedback. We filmed more panel videos today and we all chatted about how we could all make improvements to create more balance and harmony. We hope you enjoy what’s coming. Thank you for being so polite with your feedback.

  3. This has been a great series, and I agree that if they were longer we might be able to hear more from each of the ladies. But what I really want to know is what makes Anna K’s beautiful top a T3, and not a T2? Can there be some overlap between the types as far as color and design?

    1. Thank you for the question. Monitors often show colors different than they appear in person. Anna K’s top is rich in color with random design and supports her Type 3/1 personal style.

  4. I perfect the details but often leave out the big picture, focusing on “the trees and not the forest.” I admire the Type 4 ability to stand back and in stillness see the whole. Only in one area of my life – my creative writing – have I learned to grasp the whole along with the parts. In most other areas, I’m OK if it’s “good enough” to create comfort and ease (dominant Type 2) and get the job done (secondary 3)

  5. I loved the series but I am not sure it helped me. I am currently without type – 🙂 – But know that I am not light and bubbly like the type 1 and definitely do not stream ideas. Everything I do has a purpose. I also, like the type 4, need to have a system in place in order to move forward. I’m not sure if this series has helped me, or confused me more. I am results oriented in that I need to see the fruits of my projects and spend days admiring the finished product like the type 3 but I don’t always finish them. If I no longer see a purpose behind what I am doing, I am done, even if the task is left unfinished. My husband says I don’t move from thing to thing, I obsess about something until it drives me crazy and then I let go and move on to something else and I start the process all over again. It seems the more I learn about the types, the less I know…..”sigh”

    1. Hi Carol, I’m loving your videos and idea. I am a strong supporter of the Myers Briggs personality profiles and wonder if you used those at all in your considerations for your program? I’m amazed after being so familiar with 16 types, that you sucessfully narrowed it down to 4! I am a type 2 by your scale, infj in the Myers Briggs. My husband is intj (type 4), mother in law is esfj (type 3) and friend enfp (type 1) but what about all the other in between types??

      1. Heather, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Carol does not use the Meyer Briggs in consideration to her program. We are happy to hear that you are loving Carol’s work! Thank you!

  6. Wow, Anna K nailed my type 3 husband! He always has to resolve things immediately! As a type 1, I’ve had to learn how to slow down and take the time to perfect things to standards set by my superiors at work while still having fun in the process (in design). My secondary type 4 used to cause me to judge myself to the point of freezing up and not wanting to try things, but I’ve learned how to ease up and look for the joy in trying and just doing my best without having every single thing I do be “perfect”.

  7. I am a type 2/1. I find that “perfection” in my world often stems from the details themselves. I am not so much caught up in making something perfect. Rather I focus on making sure the details are all right. With my secondary type being a type 1, I have to keep it in check otherwise, I may take forever to finish because I keep having new ideas about how to make the details right. Together this combines to give a type 4 “perfect” quality- as if I can’t stop until it is perfect. Initially it confused me and made me think my secondary was type 4, but I can see now how it’s really a result of my 2/1 nature.

  8. Thank you for the video. As a 4/1 that was raised by a T1 mother, I really don’t feel like I perfect in the physical things like Deborah. I am much more like T2 in my cleaning and managing of my home,”It’s good enough.” … Or maybe that’s my all or nothing.To me, the high contrast of the all or nothing is the main difference in the way the T4 perfects, compared to the other types.
    A dinner like the one she describes here would really overwhelm and stress me out and would not be ‘fun’ for me.
    I also am very much like Anna Kaye in that when something is not perfect in a relationship I want to fix it right away. I don’t feel like all types are that way, especially T1…. They often don’t want to focus on the ‘negative’ and would much rather ignore it.
    All in all I have enjoyed this series, but this particular video would have made me question my type if I had not already received a confirmation that I am in fact a 4/1. It perhaps would have helped to discuss how the secondaries change the experience and to mention the all or nothing aspect. However, I do understand the difficulties of getting everything into a short video.

    1. Yes, I think each of them really needed to also state their secondary type, because that can make a big difference in how they do and see things.

  9. Michelle, it’s good that you don’t need things to be perfect. As a 2/4, I am aware of the details and always want my projects to be perfect. This can hold me back sometimes, because I have a tendency to take too long on projects or not finish (or even start) things if I don’t think it will be perfect, or stress out about mistakes. I am working on letting myself be human and trying to accept that things don’t have to be absolutely perfect in order to be great.

  10. Loved the video!! I’m a 3 and the act of perfecting doesn’t even enter my mind. Good enough is good enough!! 🙂 Drives my type 4 husband crazy but he has come to accept that it’s just the way I am! 🙂

  11. I so loved this series. I love learning more and more about our unique natures and energy profiling! Thank you to the team and especially to you, Carol, for sharing such a precious and important gift with the world.

  12. I’ve really enjoyed watching this series of videos. I’m 1/4 and I probably dress more like Debra, and she draws my attention the most. However, as I have analyzed Marcy and Debra, my posture, my life stories, and my approaches to life are very close to Marcy’s. I’m in the process of clearing several layers of heavy negative energy and false beliefs due to childhood trauma and many years of being bullied. I have gone from living like a 4/4(very heavy and extreme) then to 4/2, then 4/3 and now at a point where I’m living like a 4/1. My goal is to keep releasing the heavy energy in my life, so I can fly as a 1/4. I’m getting really close! I’m so thankful for Carol Tuttle introducing me to energy healing so that I can be comfortable and happy living in my truth. Be kind to yourself on this journey and be brave too!

  13. Oh my goodness! I have read a lot of these responses about types and I know I am not 2 or 3 but I Initially thought I was a 4/2 but then I came back and read the book again and I looked at the video of how she profiled each type and my face with the exception of my eyes are a type 1. However I am not an extrovert and have never been. I was shy growing up and never really knew what to talk to people about. I am not so shy anymore since I have had kids. I also am not a bubbly person and am more serious in nature but I can’t sit still for long periods of time, I wind up rocking, tapping, wiggling or something. I have tons of unfinished projects and love starting new things. I despise being called cute. I also employ the word “stupid” a lot and I have been told I take things too seriously.
    I like alone time and I don’t enjoy shopping with others except with my type 1 granddaughter who is 7 years old and knows my style so well. I don’t know how but she picks everything out that I love. I like bright colors and contrast in my home and in the things I wear. None of the decorating styles for the different type homes would I have picked out. I would have combined the type 1 and type 4. I like the clean simple lines but there has to be color and contrast, no frilly crap.
    I don’t know I still think I am a 4 something whether it is a 4/1 or a 1/4 I don’t know. I have been tempted to put it all on a spreadsheet and see which one comes up with the most traits and pick that one.

    1. I am totally on the same page. Only I think 4 is the only one I’m not, but I LOVE the clean lines and bright contrasts, too, for deco

    2. This sounds like me! Though I think I may be a 3, love, the T3 colours, love funky, messy hair, but get bogged down in details, and am a perfectionist! Not into bling or frills. As a kid I was loud and very busy, into all sorts of adventure and playing with other kids…. I think I grew into a 4, but black clothes disturb me greatly… sigh…. I’m also very determined, and will keep watching the videos til I figure it out.

      1. I am type 3. I am not into bling or frills either, so I don’t dress as loudly as other 3s. Type three do not disregard details. I think all types can get bogged down in details, but for different reasons. For example, because I am results driven, the details matter if I want to get certain results. Does that make sense? If I am working on a craft, the little details need to be just right or the craft wont turn out the way I want it. If I am spending a day in an amusement park I have all the details planned out, but I am flexible if a problem arises and I need to change plans in the details, as long as it brings me the results I’m aiming for. When I work on group projects I find that I like to be the leader, in control of all the decisions and details because I want the project to turn out the way I think it should be. For me I am always looking at the big picture, and the little details are what get me there. I recommend trying a type to see how it feels. I initially though I was type 1, (high energy) and so I started dressing that way and watching videos listening to type one women. After just 3 days I was repulsed and annoyed by everything and everyone type 1. It didn’t feel natural to me. I switched to type 3 and immediately felt relief and comfort with myself.

        1. Remember that nobody will be 100% of any type. We all have bits and pieces of each type, but we have a Dominant type that is stronger than the others. So you may find you identify with 4 on something, or 1 on others, but your dominant type will be the strongest.

  14. Surely not everyone who is doubting their type or pondering between a couple of combinations can be a type 1 or be considered “jumping around” like a type 1 would!!? Also, surely there are type 3 people who look younger than they are or don’t have harsh/heavily lined faces! Assessing people just based on those things doesn’t seem quite right! I thought I might be a 1 but it doesn’t feel quite right – I initially totally dismissed type 3, but being a softer/lighter version of this is something I relate to – I just look at t3’s however, in these videos, and think that they’re so cool and dynamic and I don’t deserve to be among them!

  15. I am definitely a lower energy type, and think I’m a 4/2, but when it comes to talking about organisational abilities I start to second-guess and wonder if I am in fact a 2/4. I am quite organised when it comes to stuff that I can control (like my own wardrobe), but I am not very organised around the house (where there are other people sharing the space with me) or with my time, and can easily get distracted or lose focus. I definitely spend a lot of time in my thoughts… especially when I am working on a project or university assignment. I will do a lot of reading and research, spend a lot of time mulling things over in my head, then quickly smash out my essay just before the deadline. My dress sense is definitely more of a 4–I can’t stand wearing soft, floaty clothes, and prefer clean, tailored lines and strong, solid colours. Still, there are certain aspects of the type 4 that I just don’t seem to fit.

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