Here’s a thrifty tip to get a new look without spending much money: put together a whole new outfit from what’s already in your closet!
If you’re like most women, you have a closet jam-packed full of clothes, but all too often you feel like, “I don’t have anything to wear!”
Running to the store is an easy fix, but before you do that, get creative! See what you can create from what’s already in your closet.
Follow these 5 simple suggestions to create amazing “new” looks from the existing clothes in your closet:
- Mix & match. Too many women get stuck in a rut wearing the “same old, same old” when it comes to their outfits. Try some combinations that you might have never thought were possible. Pull out a shirt, then add pants or a skirt you’ve never worn together, throw on a belt and a necklace you wouldn’t think to pair—and voila! You’ve got a new outfit.
- Play Boggle with your closet. If you’ve ever played Boggle, you know that in order to find new words, you have to turn the cube around to see what words you’re missing. This is exactly what you can do with your closet for a new outfit: organize your clothes in new places so you see them differently. We can get stuck by seeing the same items every day. But when you organize your closet and look at it from a new perspective, you’ll see all the great pieces you’ve been missing for your new look.
- From black to color. Most women have a plentitude of black shoes. I bet you didn’t know that you could spray paint your shoes to create a new color! Just visit a paint store and check out all the metallic spray paints: pewter, bronze, and even purples work great. You’ll be amazed at how brand-spanking-new your black shoes will look once they’re metallic. (Our Lifestyle community loves this DIY tutorial about painting shoes!)
- Dye your shirts with this DIY project. Tired of your old, white t-shirts? Give them a fresh new color by dyeing them! You can create some amazing new t-shirts at a minimal cost when you dye them. Our DIY Expert, Michelle, put together 5 educational and simple tutorials about how to choose the correct dye for your next project. These DIY tutorials are part of our Lifestyle membership where you get exclusive access to hundreds of specialized videos from our Experts. You’ll be inspired to create brand new outfits from what’s already in your closet after you dye a few pieces.
- Get curious about the dust. Look at the items gathering dust. What’s keeping you from wearing them? Is it the fit, the design line, or the fabrication? Sometimes we purchase items that look trendy, only to get home and not like how it feels or looks on us.
Want to love everything in your closet and learn about creating new outfits? Take my free Dressing Your Truth Before & After course to discover which clothes will make you look and feel good, every day. Join thousands of women all around the world who transform their wardrobes – and their lives – by discovering their Type of beauty.
Your closet is full of potential when you look at it with new eyes and are willing to make some changes. Have fun with your new discoveries as you create new outfits from the clothes you already have in your closet.