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Filled With Worry? How to Heal From a Traumatic Time In Your Life

How can you get your bearings again after a traumatic event?

You’ll recognize Susan from her stunning Before & After, and today she’s taking steps to recover from her scary experience with Hurricane Harvey. Join in on the tapping healing session so that you (along with Susan, and hundreds of other women) can become stronger and less fearful.

Enjoy these supportive videos for your journey:

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  1. Thank you Susan. You are absolutely beautiful. This came at such a perfect time for me. I have 5 children. In between my second and third child, I had a very traumatic molar pregnancy that almost killed me and not only that, it stuck with me for 5 months after the D&C surgery. I had to go through 5 months of chemotherapy and testing to stop the tissues from spreading and to get rid of the cells. So, not only was I having to deal with the emotions of a miscarriage but then the fact that it was never really a baby and more like a cancer that was spreading through my body. This was all while taking care of 3 young children by myself. (Crazy enough I full time babysat another young girl during that time, for the sake of income). This was all 7 years ago and I am honestly just barely now getting the help that I have needed from that experience. I have had 3 more children but I now believe I dealt with untreated postpartum anxiety and OCD and I am finally to the point where I am able to allow myself to get help.
    Thank you for this video and healing session. It was very timely. I very much identify with the ability to get through challenges with poise. That’s part of the problem why no one knew, including myself, what was really going on! Now that I do, I can heal.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Megan! This showed up at the perfect time to assist you in healing from that traumatic experience and creating more joy for yourself! Blessings to you as you work through this!

  2. Thank you Susan and Carol. This was powerful and healing. I have been married quite happily to my wonderful 2nd husband for 17 years, but still carry the trauma of my divorce from my first husband due to the extreme guilt I have of my children, who are all grown now, coming from a divorced family and the hurt it may have caused them etc. I want to put it aside forever and just live happily.
    It’s not something I speak of any more to others, except God, but I carry it with me. This tapping exercise has already helped me release some pent up emotions. Thank you.

  3. This was really powerful and helpful to me. Thank you, Susan for sharing your experience and Carol for helping all of us!

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