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Is it Possible to Live Too Much In Your Dominant Energy Type?

The answer may not be what you expect!

How can you stay balanced and grounded in your dominant Type without it taking over?

Today’s video dives deep into this question. You’ll discover what it looks like for each of the 4 Types when they live too much in their dominant Energy Type, and how to prevent this from happening!

Let’s take a look at how you can honor your natural energy without it taking over. What did you learn from this video? Share your “aha” below!

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  1. I am a type 3 and I completely do feel like this is true.But I need more “project” ideas that are not workout oriented (I can’t because of health reasons) I already focus on my health on healthy eating as a project but I just need more ideas. “)
    THATS why I am up this late pushing myself this late at night, its 3 am, to complete my to-do list with DYT in the background….

  2. I am a type 2 and have just begun journaling within the last two weeks. It has made such a difference being able to express my thoughts privately. My feelings can be put to paper, without any judgement, suggestion or comment from the journal! 🙂 Afterward, I feel relieved, such a release to free those thoughts and emotions and go on about my day in a flow that is unburdened.

    1. Do you ever worry someone might get a hold of that journal? I’d like to start a diary or a journal but I don’t want others reading ii(I’m 2/1).

  3. This episode really hit home. I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue about 11 years ago, in the midst of a move, my mom’s failing health and death, and and and…It was years of a lot changes, learning, growth, change to get myself healthy again. And I am always on that journey of seeking and learning, which brought me to LYT through the comment by a friend. As usual for a T3, I took it and ran. And I’m loving the way all I am learning here is bringing the real me back. Over the years, I am aware of when I start to head in the direction that will send me back into Adrenal Fatigue (what a blessing to be aware!) and watching the video gave me some real “a-has” about why my quilting is such an important part of my health. It is color, variety, creativity and challenge. My hubby and I both know I’m a better person when I make time for that. I set my goal to do a little everyday. Well, that sure doesn’t happen, then I skip it entirely. But the suggestion to schedule it weekly, feels more manageable. As a S2, I also see the calm I get from a little journaling, so I did that this morning, too.

  4. As a 4/1 I have to pay attention to feeding my S1. The last few years have been pretty heavy and I have struggled to not live totally T4. I realized a few things over this summer, one is I need to stop taking on other people’s angry/upset/frustrated emotions as my own and try to fix things. I seem to be the one that gets along with everyone and am always trying to help them get along. Good to know so I will stop doing that. Second is this feeling like I am not having any fun in life, I questioned if one can live to much in their type and I realized I was ignoring my need for fun, so I have been working on changing that, it has helped lighten me up to understand these two things.

  5. (2/3) Thank you, Carol. This helps me see clearly why I am drawn to doing certain things in my life, and why they are so fulfilling. For example, I currently do “15 Minutes of Nothing” everyday. I just lie down and go to my happy place. Afterwards I do a short process where I ask myself what I’m feeling and I work through that feeling (I got this from “The Joy Diet” by Martha Beck). It is immensely comforting and restorative to me. Also, I’ve been wondering why the simple act of journaling (even if it’s not “good writing”) makes me so happy. Just to write down “I love the trees outside” is so fulfilling! Now I get why! (: I’ll definitely keep practicing these things in my life; especially now that I understand why I need them. Thank you again.

  6. I’m type 4/2, and I resonated with these comments — I notice when I’ve been peopling too much and not solitude-ing enough, I start feeling critical of other people, that they’re not working on themselves or trying to be nice people, etc. I’ll get a bad attitude towards people who have bad attitudes! (It’s hilarious if I think about it! 🙂 In my healthy state, I respect other people’s process and don’t get caught up in frustration like that. Usually what fixes me is a day at home alone and/or studying something fascinating — and that’s the only one I need to fix — me! 🙂

    1. Thanks Deborah – I love your reference to “peopling too much.” May I use it? Great insight that it sets up to start feeling critical of other people. Love your comment.

  7. Carol, I’ve watched hundreds of your videos and this one really hit home tonight.

    Question: In your experience, when people are most stressed (over the edge, exhausted, burned out) do they tend to express the less positive traits of their dominate type or their secondary type?

    In observing people who have had trauma in their past, I find that they lived for years in their secondary nature because it wasn’t safe to embrace their dominate type. And I also notice that those same people act out the less positive (more negative) traits of their secondary when faced with stress.

    Thanks for your expert point of view and thanks for this video, it was eye-opening!

  8. I think I need more help in this area. I don’t think I’m adding enough s1 into my life. It doesn’t help that it’s the end of summer and I’m starting to loose my mind. LOL! Thank you!

  9. This is so eye opening for me. I’m a 1/2 and for most of my life I have engaged in creative writing. Journaling many times felt too heavy because I was in some very rough and abusive circumstances. But I was able to have the characters I wrote about express and process those emotions and that was always very helpful for me. The cool thing is my strony tertiary 4 can come in and review and perfect and edit whatever I write, which is deeply satiafying as well! I did this all intuitively from childhood and now I know I need to get back to it. I haven’t made time to truly write since my children were born. Thank you for the encouragement Carol!

  10. Thanks for this video, it’s a good idea to have ‘me time’ once a week to use your gifts. I am a type 4 and have a question about my mum who I think is a type 3. The main reason I think so, is that she wants a reaction about *everything*. She likes to get a big reaction for every idea she has, everything she says or does, it is exhausting for me and my family. She is 80 so a bit less forceful than she was, but she still has a big energy. She is also very stubborn, is there any way I can somehow guide her to channel her tendencies in a more healthy way? She won’t listen to my DYT ideas, she had Color Me Beautiful done some years ago and insists on sticking with her Soft Summer classification, so she isn’t even wearing type 3 colours/ styles. Although when I sneakily buy her type 3 cardigans, she looks great!

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