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How a Type 3’s Passionate Nature Can Be Supported in the Workplace

As a driven Type 3 person, you bring many natural gifts into the workplace. You’re confident, results-oriented, hands-on, practical, and able to influence others into action.

But what about the challenges that this swift energy can bring? Today I’m joined by Kristine, a passionate woman in our company, who shares her own unique challenges that come with having such a determined nature.

Not only will this help you understand the Type 3 people you work with, but you’ll also feel reassured in your own dynamic energy!

Affirmation: I am patient as patience is required in the appropriate places. I am moving things into action where action is the appropriate outcome. I am involved exactly the way I need to be. My contribution makes a difference, and the results are amazing.

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  1. Kristine, I like what you say about telling people you’re a busy person and will not wait for questions, but also invite people to interrupt you. I’m a person who will (sometimes) wait forever bc I think I interrupt someone :-), what you say would make me more comfortable with interrupting 🙂

    1. Thank you, Jeanine, for sharing your experience. Although I believe I am easy to talk to and connect with, some people may not think that. I want others to feel welcome to approach me at any time. I hope other Type 3 women will find value in extending this invitation to the people in their lives that may be saying, ‘You’re so busy, I didn’t want to bother you.’

  2. I need my husbnd to watch this, LOL! I am so much like this I feel i’m sitting right there with you having a discussion about me.

  3. I left one job due to feeling like I am too intense for the job – yes I did the job for 3 years, and loved it, however, weighing the practical aspect out I had to leave… That being said I took a job that requires me to do my best to ‘work my way out of a job – and on to the next client who needs me’ I like this approach. And I have no issue saying I need help with the client. Thank you for pointing out communication style being a bit different. I tend to use a cell phone and text so as not to interrupt someone’s day or tie up their time when a one or 2 sentences will suffice. My intent is to bring what I have learned here into my professional life.

  4. Yaaaay! How wonderful to be able to see Kristine and Carol in conversation! Like visiting with them both. Love this series. So helpful to understand all the types in the workplace. Kristine, thank you for all the wonderful and caring support moments you have given us all. Such a joy and blessing. Carol, thank you for all you do and the tremendous and powerful gift of sharing DYT and LYT. Love you both!

  5. Kristine has had the patience of a saint dealing with my many changes of type over the last couple of years. I promise that this time, I have it. Ironically, I had it right the very first time, but talked myself out of it.

    Thank you, Kristine, for your kindness and encouragement. You’re a blessing!

  6. I am a type 1/4 and I seem to have challenges with type 3’s pretty consistently.
    They some how are attracted to my light but then later put me down calling me flighty or random or all over the place. How do I work through that or heal those parts in me attracting those relationships?

    1. Share this affirmation with your inner child, and use it yourself. It’s an old childhood pattern that you are still running. “I am loved and appreciated by people who love and appreciate me. Everyone else leaves me alone!!”

  7. Moving too swiftly to get things done, last May I was injured and have spent far too long unable to take care of things. The relief I felt listening to Carol and Kristine, the insights that waiting is a serious challenge especially when it’s impossible to do it myself due to physical limitations…Tonight I realize I need to do whatever I possibly can to move things forward, and understand the adversity to not find some way. I have never believed I am a type 3 because I don’t high five, and don’t punch/push. But whatever the case, this conversation has been extremely helpful. Thank you both.

    1. You are welcome Ouida, i am sorry you have to deal with physical limitations. I know how hard that can be. Blessing to you.

  8. This explains why I’ve been so frustrated when my boss (who typically let me do my job on my own) will sometimes have a very clear picture of what he wants me to do, so much that I have no creative input. Then…he will stall my being able to do that job by not giving me all the info I need to have in a timely manner. I feel like, “Won’t you just let me do it!”

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