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Think You Might Be a Secondary Type 2? The Experts Weigh In

These tips help you live true to your secondary Type 2 nature

Are you a bit of a softy who loves snuggling and romance?

If you have a secondary Type 2 energy, you’ll notice an overall softness to you, whether it’s in your voice or your facial features.

Today, you’ll hear from Stephanie (Type 1/2), Sarah (Type 3/2), and Liz (Type 4/2) who all share:

  • How they keep their secondary Type 2 from running their lives
  • What Sarah needs to prioritize or else she becomes indecisive and wishy-washy
  • What Liz loves about grocery shopping
  • How Stephanie has learned to honor her true nature and disconnect when making decisions

Do you have two keywords that help guide your fashion choices? The Experts share theirs to get you started.

How can your secondary Type 2 energy better support you? Leave a comment below and tell us!

Pick your Energy Type combo and learn even more:

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  1. From the beginning I was certain one thing I wasn’t was a type 2 but, I saw a couple videos recently with secondary type 2 and I could relate. I think I suppressed that type 2 in me for some reason. wishy washy is something I judged about type 2 and I would be so upset if someone said I was wishy washy. I am going to try some type 2 clearings and see if s2 is right for me.

  2. One way I’ve found to use my secondary is in doing housework — I don’t like doing housework at all, and if I make a “to do” list, which normally works great in every other area of my life, I get stressed out about the housework. So I wander from thing to thing: notice the plants need watering, go to get the watering can, see the dish drainer needs emptying, decide to make a shopping list while in the kitchen, get paper, straighten up my desk, check my email, realize I need to call my mom, see my purse needs cleaning when I go to get my phone, etc. etc. It’s one thing leading to another. This way of doing things would normally drive me nuts, but it works great for housework! 🙂

  3. I am really enjoying this video series on secondaries. I enjoyed hearing their journey’s to discover their secondaries.. Sarah’s words of one is 51 and one is 49 per cent and trying to discover which was dominant really resonated with me. I definitely noticed the softer voices and how they seemed to connect with each other. As a 2/1 I have to confess I was distracted by Stephanie’s outfit. I kept thinking how much it looked like something I would wear. Kept having Sarah’s words from an old video about you can have a drop of gray or a lot of gray to make a tone and I thought…hmm… possibilities…Thank you to you cutely, hotly, and stunningly beautiful ladies for sharing… 🙂

  4. My secondary comes in to play in my wardrobe much like Sarah, with softer fabrication, elongated necklace and earrings, and some softness to the edgy in my hair. It’s funny with the grocery shopping, my S2 attention to detail really supports my T3 swiftness. I’ve got the grocery store layout on memory and write my shopping list according to how I walk the aisles and in order of how I come to the items so that I don’t have to backtrack. Also, when I’m shopping for clothing I do that cross arm shoulder stretch test that Anne does! If it doesn’t fit doing that though I will sometimes still get it and just deal. I can tell that my secondary has taken over because I will get this dull mind numbing headache. If I stay inside fairly immobile for the day, after a few hours it’s like my brain is so bored it hurts.

  5. I am a 1/2 and I love your hair Stephanie! Love the natural curls on you. I have tons of DYT pieces and that light pink cardigan is probably my most favorite to wear of all the things I own. Before DYT I always wore longer necklaces, but since learning about the type 1 preference to lightweight jewelry, I find myself wearing them less and less and prefer the simple lightweight necklaces now that I’ve paid attention to how they feel on my body. Comfort is so key for me, I kinda wish it wasn’t as important as it is, because I feel like I buy clothes that are too big for me, so they don’t look as great, but I won’t ever wear them unless they are loose and comfortable, so I’m not sure what the solution to that is? I also find that I get into too much of a detail rut and that’s where it really takes over in my life. I get way too detail oriented to the point that it’s confusing, for me and others, and have to reign it back. With that being said, I do really enjoy detail oriented work, however. Details are actually really fun for me and I get a lot of enjoyment out of them! I also have a softer voice. My husband is a 3/2 and also has the softer voice. Everyone in my family has a dominant or secondary type 2 so it’s kinda interesting how we all like big family hugs and do them often:)

  6. I know i’m A T3, always assumed a T2 second but now I wonder if possibly a 4 second .. i’ll Check that video out 😉

  7. Thank you for posting such a great discussion video! I’m a T3, S2 and balancing the authentic expression of these two very divergent energies can be challenging because of habitual and conditioned behaviours. My secondary 2 was ‘safer’ and she was affirmed, bolstered, emphasized as being more amenable, co~operative and socially acceptable to others. My T3 edginess was what got me into “trouble” when speaking my mind with forthrightness, or competing toward a goal, or my unwillingness to accommodate BS. Learning from Sarah’s example is helping me understand the inner compatibility of my T3 S2 as a conscious relationship I can build as I become more aware of my nature.

    1. Amoraea, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Thank you for sharing your story with us. We are so happy to hear from you! Please come back and check often for new supports from Carol and the experts. Enjoy!

  8. I really relate to this! I initially thought I was a T2 because I love romance, softness in my clothing and bedding, and have a huge heart. Now I know I am a type 3 with a secondary 2 but my 2 was taking over. My T3 is wounded from childhood onwards nearly 50 years. Thank God I found DYT. I am a happy work in progress.

    1. Best wishes on your healing! I think for a long time I was posing in a Type 4 because it was the “serious, businesslike” type. Then I had my first child and my T2 really asserted itself and I was able to finally make peace with the fact that I love cuddly warm blankets, snuggling on the couch, and watching a good Hallmark movie. Unfortunately, the Type 2 overtook my Type 3 primary and I got lost in the details after my second daughter was born and I was thrown into postpartum depression and anxiety. Just recently discovered DYT and am trying to heal this wounded Type 3.

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