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What Depression Looks Like For Each Type — And How We Sabotage Our Healing

+ 3 Steps to support you in healing from depression.

What is depression and how does it affect each Type?

Understanding how each Type experiences depression will help you to be more proactive in your healing. You’ll be better able to take the blinders off, to be willing to see how to be accountable in seeking the help and support you need.

Before we get started I want to say that depression and other mental health issues can’t wait. During these uncertain times, your mental well-being is more important than ever, and waiting until life gets back to “normal” is likely to make your symptoms worsen over time.

I understand the challenges and pains of depression. Several times in my life I have experienced severe depression, even to the point of wanting to end my life. I am grateful to say that being depressed is no longer a challenge for me, and as I follow the three steps to healing that I share with you, I continue to experience improved brain and mental health.

As I teach in It’s Just My Nature, each Type has unique gifts and ways of moving through life. When we become depressed those tendencies become extremes.

Let’s look at each Type and how they experience depression, my goal is that you will better understand yourself so that you can get the correct support for your healing. I’ll also point out how each Type can sabotage themselves in treatment and healing.

What depression looks like for each Type:

  • (2:02) Type 1 – Highs and Lows. How the cheerful face facade prevents you from getting the help you need.
  • (4:00) Type 2 – Stuck in the Deep. How your fear of inconveniencing others blocks assistance from flowing to you.
  • (5:36) Type 3 – Push Through It / Crash and Burn. Why anger drives away the support you won’t admit you need.
  • (7:56) Type 4 – Shut Down and Lash Out. How meanness shuts out your natural support systems.

3 Steps to support you in healing from depression:

  1. (9:43) Get experienced medical support.
  2. (9:57) Make needed lifestyle changes. (I recommend Dr. Amen’s book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life)
  3. (10:49) Evoke your inner healing with my Healing Plan for Depression.

Do you need help overcoming depression? You don’t have to do this alone. As a lifestyle member, you already know the powerful results of living your truth more fully. If you want to explore your healing journey more deeply, it may be time for you to join my Healing Center. I created the Healing Plan for Depression to help you heal the exact issues we talked about today. Join today and start your 14-day FREE trial.

Join the Carol Tuttle Healing Center today

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