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How a Type 3 Takes on Other People’s Energy

Discover what you can do to support both you and them

Type 3 and empathy? You might not think these two things go together. After all, “sensitive” isn’t a word that’s often associated with Type 3.

Think again—Type 3s can be very good at reading others and understanding what’s going on. You have a gift for looking at cause and effect. But when this gift puts you in the role of the judge, you take on the other person’s energy.

Join me today as I discuss how to remove yourself from this low vibration mindset. Instead of making it your job to ensure others are getting certain results, discover what you can do to support both of you. Watch below:


Affirmation: I am responsible for my life results, and I am trusting that the results other people are creating are perfect for them now.

More resources on energy healing:

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  1. I have loved these How we take on other people’s energy videos! The T2 and T1 were both helpful for me and this one helps me understand my T3 grown daughter. No wonder I am feeling like I wished I had a refrained a little from “coloring in” all the details of stories for her. I had always noticed she springs into action to help whenever she is able and I have always been concerned for her getting burned out from overdoing. Thank you Carol!!!!

  2. That is so interesting when you say that coming from a traumatic childhood environment enables us to read people’s energy more easily. That would explain maybe why I’m an HSP and feel/ observe energy easily. I never understood why I noticed atmospheres so easily until I read The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron. At last I understood!

  3. I am a T3 HSP. I can say it wasn’t from a traumatic childhood. I was just born that way. My mom tells people I was born 40+yo. 🙂 This was helpful for me to realize while I do get frustrated with those who come to me and want my “help” and support. I do struggle with feeling like other’s energy pulls me into a lower frequency. I have been learning to “release” that for some time. Thanks for this, Carol!

  4. I just had a chance to watch these videos and found them to be interesting and supportive. I am a 4/1, but I did relate the most, thus far, to this type 3 description. Although I am sensitive, and do have some empathic qualities, in my case, rather than “judging”, perhaps I have more of a tendency toward “critiquing”. With regard to what Carol said about how she handles her tendencies as a type 3 as it relates to Facebook, I actually felt compelled to deactivate my personal Facebook account a few years ago because of the same issues that were mentioned. It seemed too distracting for me because I did feel critical of, and concerned about, some of the choices that people were making and didn’t like the negative energy that it provoked in me ( apparently an “all or nothing”, “black and white”, type 4 way of dealing with it). As was mentioned in this video, I also felt like I could see the “cause and effect” of the poor choices and so forth that I saw, and it was a frustrating, negative experience quite often. Plus, it distracted me from my work. I am eager for the type 4 video in this series. Thank you!

    1. Teresa, based on what you share here you will totally relate to the Type 4 experience (of course!). It comes out next Thursday. Stay tuned. 🙂 Thanks for being a Lifestyle Member.

  5. As a 2/1 I was surprised at how much I really enjoyed this video. I feel I FINALLY understand some of my interactions with my type 3 sister from her perspective. She died in 2000, but I feel great peace in looking back at my childhood memories with new understanding. Thank you for the healing that has given me. Love ya, Big sis!

  6. It is so timely that you said “yuck” – that was the subject line of an email I wrote to a friend today. But, instead of being in the role of judge for others I have been severely judging myself for a lack of accomplishments having reached a certain age. Thank you Carol for sharing these videos and this information!

  7. Hmmm, this sounds like me! I don’t like that frustrated feeling and now I know where it is coming from. I have thought “I don’t want that yuck getting on me!” when people go too far into their personal dramas (and I can see the link between their choices & their results). Just as I am a work in progress, I can allow them to be, too. Even if it’s hard not to try and “fix” them!

  8. Oh my heck! YES! She explained it perfectly. I completely relate to Carol’s youth. Several traumatic things in my youth too. My first memory is watching my brother pass onto the next life. After I would take whatever sad or distraught energy in the room and move it to a happy or doing something energy. I am the oldest and I took on the role of “I have to do something to change this” attitude. This is where I started relying on my s1 growing up.
    I started getting headaches and when I do I have to evaluate what I’m mulling over or trying to fix in my t3 mind that I don’t need. I LOVE that affirmation. It is what I need to repeat when someone reads the invisible sign on my forehead that says, “Yes, tell me your life story and I’ll tell you how to fix it.”
    I really needed this! Thank you Carol!

  9. This video will really help me better understand the three closest women in my life, who are all T3s, including my 3/4 sister and my two best friends, a 3/1 and a 3/2. Thank you, Carol!

  10. This affirmation is so perfect, so insightful. Thank you Carol! I hadn’t thought about my tendency to want to fix other people this way before. In the other 3 videos Carol ended with a key word expressing what each type brings to the situation when they don’t take on other people’s energy: T1 light, T2 peace, T4 balance. What word would she use for T3’s gift in this context? Results? Clarity? She mentioned joy but that didn’t really fit as all types experience joy. Thank you.

    1. I read and reread the affirmation. She does mention “Results” twice. But an underlying key word or two I came up with is “Faith” or “Trust.” I didn’t think I had much Type 3 in me at all until I heard this series. I identified with her reference to Facebook so much! Instead of thinking of the initials FB being “FaceBook,” I called it “Fools Boasting.”

      1. Thank you for your thoughtful comment Tammy. I think we T3’s tend to push to get results and forget to trust, have faith and let things happen instead of making them happen. 🙂

  11. OMGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! This is me spot on. It is really hard with extended family. They always come looking for help (money) to fix some mess they have made. I get so bogged down with seeing all the choices they make to stay in the mess. The problem is they have littles and i can’t see them go without because the adults make crappy choices so I get sucked in and stay drained. But I am the same with friends too.

    1. The only thing that has helped me with such experiences is gratitude I am able to help, how thankful I am me and not them. However, I set clearly defined boundaries, and have seen the repeaters making changes to provide for themselves once it was made clear to them that my help would not be available. Funny how that friend managed to pay the water bill, or the children had food to eat, or the husband who’d been unemployed found a job.

  12. I had no idea that judging would be part of Type 3, but would be Type 4. Several decades ago I discovered that when I judged someone, it had an adverse affect upon me. YUCK covers how I felt, a heaviness, gloomy and sometimes even a sense of hopelessness that there never would be improvement. I decided then and there to not judge others. On the rare occasion I forgot, the immediate change in myself reminded me. Professionally, I have assessed thousands of patients through the years; as an employer I’ve had to discern which applicant to hire; but what I won’t do is gossip or judge an individual because I can only see a bit and not the whole picture. My biggest challenge ironically is judging gossips. LOL I hate being around people diminishing others with their mindless chatter.

  13. Thank you! I think that is the best description for me as a 3 of how to detach from a toxic person I must be in relation with. Your affirmations are always so helpful!

  14. Sooo Funny- I just watch the T3 video about taking on other people’s energies and just yesterday I decided that I have been sooooo supportive of a lot of my face book friends who have not been supportive of me- I recognized it was taking energy out of me and Yes, judgements galore- plus I’m a libra- so I unfollowed tons of people- now I won’t be inclined to support them and I will be able to focus time and energy on those who are also supportive of me. How Type 3 is that? Lol

  15. This was perfect for me! I’m highly empathic, and I couldn’t figure out why I was still having such a hard time “shielding” myself from others’ negative energy. The truth is that I’ve been taking it on by wanting to “fix” everything for my loved ones. Now I know exactly what I’m doing, I can change that. Thank you again, Carol, for wonderful insight!

  16. I am surprised by how much this is me. I know I need to work on the being kind and compassionate and help leading to the right choice. Sometimes, I am so quick to judge that I hurt people’s feelings OR I get very frustrated when they ask for advice, I give it to them and then they don’t follow it and are upset. UGH! I need to remember this affirmation and work on being kind and compassionate. Thank you so much for making this video, it really has helped me.

  17. “Has she been reading my journals?” No, I know not so, but these personal growth videos have been the most valuable for me in discovering my truth. What I believed was Type 4 is Type 3. When I was in my late 30’s, I saw that when I judged others, it led me to an undesirable place. (mentally and emotionally), and became mindful to not follow that line of thinking. Along that time I read a book that showed me that I don’t need to “fix” everyone and everything. Unfortunately, I still have struggles with both. I finally read the Type 3 chapter of the book (speed read and skimmed, finding impatience to get to the truth a forceful push to get on with it,) From the beginning I’ve resisted the obvious. The negative associations are too often rude language, and at best, the saleswomen’s comment as I shopped pre-DYT, “the look at me women” the nicest of the lot. And the truth is that when I have dressed Type 3, people do look and admire. Add to all this being raised to be a Lady, a SOUTHERN Lady, and how could I not wish to be other than I am? Thank you, Carol for these growth vids, because while I came looking for style, it’s been a journey of getting to know me.

    1. Thank you for sharing your journey with Ouida! This is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We do appreciate knowing how the Lifestyle tools have supported you! Enjoy!

  18. Oh my Lord, Carol, you have no idea how much you just helped me understand my type three husband and type three son!!! Words cannot even describe how much you have saved my son from me (a type 1/2) trying to turn him into a “compassionate comforter.” I’ve always wondered- what did I do wrong??? Why doesn’t he feel sorry for that poor person who just had that awful accident?? Now I know!! And I PROMISE I won’t beat him over the head with “You should show more compassion towards your friends!!” Day by day, Carol is bringing more joy and harmony into my family and she doesn’t even know it!!!!!!!! I just want to tell everyone- watch ALL the videos in a series because you will not only learn about yourself, but you’ll learn about your loved ones…. And they’ll wonder “Hey what gives? You don’t nag me as much anymore! Who are you?” 🙂

  19. Carol, must say you have nailed it with that outfit. I especially like how your silver necklaces blends with your skintone. And those leaf shaped earrings in that red color, I have said it before, and say it again, are really a smash hit in your collection.

  20. I think I also take on other’s energy by then trying to fix it for them. I focus my attention on how they could be doing things better so they could be happier and I try to teach them how to do that! I always wonder why they aren’t trying to get help or figure it out and why they’re just choosing to complain and stay where they are.

  21. This is amazing!!!!! I think I just figured out that my mom is a 3/1 energy, not 1/3 like I had thought!!! Oh my goodness!!! She does this for my dad, I saw it when I was growing up. I wanna show this video to her, I think she’ll appreciate!!!

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