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Comparing All Three Yin Yang Style Combos for the Type 2 Woman

How the subtle nuances of your 2+1 Style Keywords create comfort

What are the variables for your Type 2 yin yang style?

It’s been so rewarding to see you all embrace my recent discovery of how you can add your yin yang movement to create a style that is distinctly you. You’ve enjoyed learning from the first three videos that teach the yin yang style for Types 2/12/3, and 2/4.

I want to keep encouraging you with more examples. With the help of 3 DYT Experts, you will learn how the Type 2 yin yang movements express with each secondary.

Along with these very insightful visual examples of each Type 2’s yin yang movement in their style, they each share their 2+1 style keywords to help you see what that looks like in an outfit.

Let’s look at each secondary yin yang and keyword combo to see how that can influence your style for a truly unique look and feel.
How to use your yin yang combo to create personalized comfort and style.
  • (7:46) What would you wear from each look?
  • (8:29) What doesn’t appeal to you, and why that could be?
  • (9:19) Jenny and Anne swap jackets. See why that takes them out of the “comfort zone.”
(9:19) Bonus: See shoes for each secondary style.
As a Type 2 woman, you are drawn to what feels correct for you. What style did you most connect with? Share your 2+1 style keywords?

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