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Invisible No More! Lyn’s Type 4 #LiveMakeover

Meet Lyn, our newest Dressing Your Truth #LiveMakeover guest!

Part 1: Lyn’s Before
Lyn grew up loving fashion, but as she’s gotten older and her life has changed, so has her style. She’s gone with what’s easy. Because she’s so beautiful, she looks fine in her jeans. But somethings missing in her style: it doesn’t highlight the true Lyn. Plus, she’s got a closet full of clothes she doesn’t wear. After today, no more!

As you watch Lyn’s “Before” video, put yourself in her place. You’re here because you’re ready for an a-ha about yourself or your own style. (You can get insight even if you’ve been dressing your truth for years!)

After Lyn goes backstage to start her makeover, hear answers to live questions from online viewers, including:

  • How does your beauty 6th sense play into determining your Type?
  • How are women selected for the live makeover experience?
  • What are clues to discover your secondary Type?


Part 2: Lyn’s Big Reveal–Invisible No More!
Whoa! You won’t even recognize Lyn in her new casual chic style.

In some ways, Lyn felt like she was invisible in her life. She didn’t wear certain things because she thought she might be too old. But in her “After,” those judgments fall away. (Amazing what a bold green jacket can do!)

Watch for 5 tips to dress this look down to casual and all the way up to chic. Plus, listen for Lyn’s process of determining her Type. You may get some insight to let go of your own negative judgments of yourself.


What do you love about Lyn’s look and confidence? Share a positive comment!

This episode of #CarolTuttleTV had a giveaway exclusively for our Facebook followers that is now closed. To watch #CarolTuttleTV live and be eligible for our giveaways, follow me on Facebook.

Resources mentioned in this Live Makeover:

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  1. swapping the jackets was eye-opening!! Please, more of those types of contrasts in future videos. It really speaks volumes!

    1. Thank you! This is Kathy from Carol’s support team! We are happy to hear that this has spoken volumes to you! Enjoy!

  2. Where did the floral pants come from? Fabulous makeover! Loved how you brought in her secondary. I am not T3 and also drawn to animal prints…it was so helpful to see how the T3 jacket overwhelmed her. Lyn, you look wonderful!

    1. They said that her whole outfit minus the shoes is available at the Dressing Your Truth online store.

        1. I apologize for the wait. The floral pants and the green jacket will be in the store June 12th. Please be sure to check back then!

    2. Christine, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. We will bring this suggestion to the team. The style finder may have the items that you are seeking if you search it in your Lifestyle members area. Thank you.

  3. I’m very happy the topic of being empathic got addressed because that was one of the reasons I mis-typed myself. I wouldn’t even mind seeing more information through Lifestyle about these themes like sensitivity, being empathic, etc. When Carol said every type can be empathic, I wish I would have known that early on, because it hit the nail on the head. Love that green on Lyn! And the skirt–skirt had more of an impact for the reveal but also loved that she was asked “what do you want?” “Casual sheek.”

    1. Stacy, I so agree about confusing the secondary because of being empathic. That got me derailed into secondary Type 2 for several months. I’m actually secondary Type 4.

  4. Lyn is stunning in her new casual chic. This is my all-time favorite DYT makeover. Although I’m Type 1/4, these two videos really resonated with me. Thanks so much, Lyn and Carol! 🙂 Oh, and keeping Lyn’s natural gorgeous silver hair color – perfect! I don’t think any other hair color would be as stunning on her as her natural color.

  5. I really loved Lyn’s live makeover. Lyn you did a great job of embracing your true self and blossoming in the process of the makeover. I enjoyed hearing about your process. I especially like some of the insights you helped come forth — especially that you are drawn to type 3 and are married to a type 3. We are ourselves and in context of our relationships and life experiences. I wish you great success in discovering your truth.

  6. Hands down, this is the most important make-over I have seen on DYT. My story is nearly a mirror image to Lyn’s. I have been involved with DYT for 5 years this spring. Thank you for sharing, Lyn. And Carol, thank you for your clear explanation of her process and where she got off track.

  7. Only 5,000?! I’m shocked. I’ve been a member since 2011 or 2012, and I have to tell you that Lifestyle is like a best friend with all of the amazing tips, tricks, insight, and guidance. I purchased all 4 courses some years ago, and although I am still working through some blockages that are standing in my way of clearly knowing my type, it was never even close to a hesitation to sign up for Lifestyle. If you haven’t done this yet, I highly recommend it.

    1. Thank you, Michelle, for you review of Lifestyle. I am so glad you are a member and find it valuable.

    1. Yep, the affirmation was on point. I would love if there were any videos or more to come explaining why the “buck up and deal” “grow a tough skin” “get over it” “let it roll off” projection esp toward 2s and 4s is inappropriate and irrelevant potentially? I see this EVERY week if not every other day in the 9-5 world with a lot of people. It could be easier for people who have an outward moving energy to “push” intuitive information away but seems like a different story for 2s and 4s. Breeds a lot of shame and guilt, when it could be more about honoring a persons ability to run deep. Also another idea might be how sensitive and empathic energy types are valuable in the workplace. Think there are studies about this regarding productivity, forecasting etc. Carol could also talk about trauma and sensitivity…on a more serious note. On a lighter note dream interpretation. A lot of dream interpretation pioneers out there today. Lastly, Carol did one video where she was out on a trail and talking about specific trees and crystals. Would love to see more videos like that because she embodied intuition in such a personalized non-cookie cutter way. She showed how she uses hers and I felt not so crazy in my deep appreciation for nature and her variety of energies. Thnx

  8. So far this has been my favorite makeover and I needed to see the way T3 leopard print looked on a T4. Ironically I just cleaned my closet this afternoon, after getting inspired by one of the video Kalista did on 21 item basic wardrobe. Prior to dyt I had leopard everything. I was able to cull many non-T4 items, but made a pile of my leopard items and contemplated sneaking them in somehow. Well, then I stumbled upon this. Eye opening. This stunning gal faded out when she tried on Carol’s jacket. I don’t usually prefer “everything” on the makeovers but on Lynn I adored each and every item choice: colors, pants, skirt, jewelry, shoes, hair, etc. I loved it all!!!! So far the best for me personally. Also, thanks Anne for bringing up Self Care in the beginning of the show. Hadn’t thought about that as a segway to healing, insight, and moving forward. Will do. Also, going to give my leopard away.

  9. Really great makeover and enjoyed Carol and Lyn’s interaction. Maybe that I’m type 4/1 I enjoyed so much. Truly appreciate the depth Dressing Your Truth reaches and the lives transformed. Way to go and thank you Carol and staff for your commitment.

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