Did You Make the Most Common Mistake When Profiling Yourself?

On today’s show, we’re talking about the most common mistake women make when they mis-Type themselves in the Energy Profiling system!

My two live guests, Kimber and Andrea, share their “aha” moments since discovering their true Energy Type and dressing their truth. You’ll especially love the “face mapping” portion of the show where their facial features are pointed out to help you understand this system even more. Watch to see:


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  1. Loved the flip of the 2/3 and 3/2, plus face mapping! They aren’t that close when I watch — so helpful to see. I wish I had this clarity on myself!

  2. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45129a40d88c93156644347bac68113343b267ebbde6323b9f4368317c753c98.jpg I’ve been undecided what my secondary is. I think I’ve finally seen through face profiling that I’m a type 3 woman, which was originally the last type I considered, but I can’t tell my secondary. I leaned toward type 4, because that’s what I originally thought I was, but I also lean toward type two because I’m very sensitive to other’s emotions or type one because I do have a playfulness and really relate to type ones sometimes. I’m just not sure of my secondary energy type. Could someone who is an expert on seeing secondaries in faces help me figure it out?

  3. Carol, I love your version of the titles for the friend series. Concise little tidbits to get insight into each type–enlightening. And as a T4, I totally agree with the T4 one. 😉

  4. Can’t wait for the next episode. I’ve always had great skin but suddenly have really aged in this past year. Have had a lot of stress (and who doesn’t). Grateful for your insight. T3/4 or 4/3.

  5. I’d love a series on “what type x looks like when they aren’t honoring their true nature”…maybe it already exists and i haven’t found it yet! I’m still figuring myself out – first i was type 4, then type 2 and now a year later i think might be a type 1 who has been ‘out of whack’ since i was little kid! Man we make things hard for ourselves!!!

  6. The mirroring of opposing types, the facial mapping, the live video to witness the energy is 100% helpful! I would love to see this as a lifestyle series or will it be an ongoing experience with CarolTV? I really learned a lot and enjoyed when Carol did this with celebrities but this is now my new favorite method. Keep it coming please!
    Question, how does a Lifestyle member have the opportunity to apply to be considered for this type of experience; whether it be facemapping, video conferencing, or a makeover event if the lifestyle member does not have Facebook?

  7. it’s funny, I just realized my oldest may be a type 1, middle type 2, and youngest type 3… very insightful. Thanks! I’m a type 2, thanks again for validating all our types!!

  8. Wouldn’t it be fun/interesting if Carol profiled Disney characters? I bet it would get a ton of views, just sayin’… 😉

  9. I thought I was a type 3 with secondary 2 until I was talking about DYT with my sister-in-law (a Type 1). After I explained all four types and showed her some examples, she said, “You’re a type 2, right?” It made me take a step back. I opened up my closet and it was so obviously type 2, I wondered how I could have mistyped myself. I think I had an unflattering mental picture of type 2s and so was in denial. After doing some more homework and soul searching, I’ve decided I’m actually a 2/1 and I’m loving it.

  10. Lol I must have all T3 friends! I was just thinking about how I attract people who love to give me advice. It doesn’t bother me, but it’s just such a funny things to observe. Thanks for all you do, Carol.

  11. Thank you Carol – sometimes I dismiss/ignore watching a video as not being relevant to me T1/S2, but when I take the time I get something out of it – in this case it was the mistyping you mentioned of T1/S2 – I originally typed myself as a T2, particularly because of face profiling in photos when I was younger (photo with my daughter), and amongst other things being told to speak up, but when I did the 30 day challenge it felt sat too heavily on me and my chameleon-like nature to adapt. 8 months into T1/S2 I feel light again. Thank you!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/edc010c6da0a1ceb6139d028c5241a4820901bbafcb8b380b8320dcaae2888fe.jpg

    1. Carol, coming back to see your comment a month ago I had a huge AHA moment!! What I could see in this photo is T2/S4 or T4/S2!! How could I be so blind! So, I’ve spent the intervening time looking at old family photos (being a child of the mid-50’s not that many) and have re-looked at everything I could find on T2 and T4 (I’m a Lifestyle member, DYT course owner and have all 4 books) and found The Child Whisperer profiling particularly helpful for both facial features and movement; and I’m T2/S4 – nearly all my childhood photos my head is on a sideways lean or I’m leaning on something or someone, my voice is soft (still being told to speak up) I was teased for crying easily and being emotional and I have always had a soft blended colouring with not much contrast between, hair, skin, eyebrow, lip colour. I’m redoing the T2 30 day challenge but with confidence and acceptance -almost finished, just a few more days to go and my inner child sighed when I put my grey T-shirt on! I like the detail that accessories give, but hadn’t really known how to incorporate them, knowing the S4 explains why I like things a little simpler and I’m growing in confidence with these. I’ve also done some clearings which have helped enormously, there was/is a lot of T4 and T3 energy in my extended family. Thanks for your fabulous programme!

  12. @disqus_8kjMs6UAMA:disqus Just a thought for your grandson. Has anyone considered getting him a punching bag. I loved my toy punching bag as a kid. It would allow him to express his natural energy in an acceptable place.

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