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How Each Type Expresses Overwhelm (With 3 Tips to Reset and Recenter)

How to reduce and prevent holiday burnout.

You’ve got so much on your plate during the holiday season! And before you know it, you’re overwhelmed.

Overwhelm can overrun any of us, but what triggers it, how it’s expressed, and how to reset is going to be different for each of the four energy Types. I want to help you return to a place of balance more quickly and prevent or reduce the number of overwhelming situations in the future. Watch the video for your Type (and the Types of your loved ones), take notes, and put these 3 tips into practice today!

The Frenzy: How a Type 1 Experiences Overwhelm. What causes your frenzied feelings—and how can you prevent them? Here are 3 tips to help you get balanced and centered in just a few seconds.

The Stalemate: How a Type 2 Experiences Overwhelm. Rushing, pushing, irritable, resentful. That’s not you. But at this busy time of year, has it become your new normal? Let’s talk about 3 simple things you can do to get balanced and lead your life with your Type 2 heart energy—you’ll feel lovely and calm in no time.

The Ruckus: How a Type 3 Experiences Overwhelm. Have you over-committed yourself this year—again? That’s why you’re overwhelmed. You tend to think this state of overwhelm is normal. But it’s time to reestablish your boundaries. Here are 3 tips (and a quick exercise) to help you reset to a place of balance.

The Freeze: How a Type 4 Experiences Overwhelm. Do you dread the holiday season because there’s just too much going on? You need solitude to reflect and strategize—even during the hustle and bustle! These tips will show you exactly what to do to get back into a place of balance and clarity.

You deserve to have peaceful memories with your family. I’m excited to see how these tips help you. Share in a comment so we can support each other!

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