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Q&A with Your DYT Expert — May 2016

We had such a blast. (As always!)
Did you miss the event? No worries, we recorded it just for you.

  • Type 1 bright, animated women, you’re going to love Jaleah’s story about how she’s been eating more healthy! We also touched on Type 1 home decor and tapping. (We talked about this in the Type 2 Q & A also).
  • Type 2 soft, subtle women, you’ll get tips for not letting the worry take over! Also, get insights to manage anxiety.
  • Type 3 rich, dynamic women, what do you do when you feel overwhelmed by the details of a particular project? Sarah and Anna K sound off on what works for them.
  • Type 4 bold, striking women, you’ll learn a tip for keeping your saturated hues nice and dark. Also get support for handling awkward social situations.

…This is just a snippet.

Watch the videos to get the whole experience.

Speaking of watching the videos, as a Lifestyle Member you can enjoy watching the 3 other Type’s videos for more insight into creating the best relationships possible with the people in your life.

Ready? Let’s go!



Type 1 Q&A With Carol and Jaleah:


Type 2 Q&A With Carol and Michelle:


Type 3 Q&A With Sarah and Anna K:


Type 4 Q&A With Kalista and Deborah:



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  1. I can’t wait! I would really love if AnnaK can address how women with translucent, as in virtually invisible/see-through, eyebrows approach doing eyebrows, cus thanks to my Irish ancestry both my lashes and brows are very nearly literally clear. :/ I am hopoeful she might make a special video all about it cus no matter what I use it looks drawn on, whether it’s pencil or powder. I want to add that tho seethrough, they are rather thick and that when I have filled them in utterly, even if softly, I feel like they overpower my small face. So what is a good width to create? Thx a bunch!

    1. I have the SAME PROBLEM! My eyebrows are so blonde they are white and very thick. I’ve tried powder and it just makes them look dirty. I dyed them about 10 years ago and it was so shocking and different that everyone commented and my family made fun of me so I’m scared to try it again…

      1. the one advantage is not having to tweeze, but i hear ya…when I have filled them in completely, I shock myself!

      2. I can see how the powder would make them look dirty especially if they are thick. Dyeing brows is always a little tricky for blonds. I totally get why you are hesitating if you should do it again. Well I say do it! I would try a blond pencil. It will go a little darker then your own natural blond color which is just what you want. Stay away from dark colors keep it light. I would also see about shaping them and thinning them a little so you feel like its more manageable. Brows are important because when done right you notice beautiful eyes. Brow are the frames to the windows of the soul. I know thats a little cheesy but I really do think that! I say love your brows and whip those brows into shape. Let me know how it goes. I love pictures.

    2. Hey Cat! I have the same problem with my lashes and brows. L’oreal has a product called Brow Stylist Plumper that comes in Light to Medium and Medium to Dark shades. I call it brow mascara because you can use as little or as much as you want, depending on the desired effect.

    3. Hi Cat I’d love to get my hand on your brows and lashes! It’s hard to really say without seeing you in person, my best suggestion would be to try our brow definer. Its a super awesome gel that you draw on. Kalista does a great job showing how to use the brow definer in “a summer makeup look” video that was just released you should check it out. As for the lashes something you could try is to build the massacre color with loose powder. Try powdering your lashes between coats of mascara. Its a super cool technique. I think we should do a video on this. I’ll see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Watching the type four Q&A…..I had to chuckle when Kalista and Deborah talked about their eating habits of eating all of one thing before moving onto the next or not letting different foods touch. This is so me! I too wear an apron when cooking or cleaning, in fact I have an apron collection that my family happily adds to. Great video, helped me confirm that I am a type four. Thanks!

  3. I’m a Type 2 energy healing student. Thanks so much for bringing energy healing into Lifestyle. Everything is making a full circle!

  4. I still can’t figure out my type. Thinking I am a T1, but I’m not really a bubbly person wh likes hearts and stars lol! Can someone help me out?

    1. Hi Leezie – from your picture, I would say you’re a T1 person. So am I. Before DYT, which I discovered about a year ago, I never looked at hearts and stars nor wore flowers in my hair. After starting to dress my truth, I progressively discovered that I do like those things. It’s been a gentle evolution. I bought smaller flowers for my hair 6 weeks ago for the first time and have been wearing them ever since! With the evolution of my wardrobe I have also been feeling more buoyant – my natural energy movement comes more to the surface. So I would say: just try out what Carol says: ontly wear T1 clothes for thirty days and then check out how it feels to put on your previous clothes. To me, the experience was very revealing:-)

      1. Thank you, Colette!
        I appreciate your advice – I am thinking either Type 1 or Type 3, so I will try out your suggestion and see how it goes!

  5. Hi. Thank you for these fabulous videos and all of you work, Ladies! Amazing! With the person who wrote in who feels the need to cry, I found one time when I needed to cry but there was not enough privacy. So I scheduled the cry every night after the kids were asleep in the bathroom with the fan on, so I felt free enough to let go. It really worked. I hope that helps.

  6. Carol Thanks for sharing the insight of every birth is the correct birth, so timely for me, and came as an answer for me, would you please do a video latter with Anne sharing her experience, it would be very healing for me and other women I am sure.

  7. Kalista and Debra mentioned they dress their truth even when doing housework etc. could you do a video on what that looks like please!!!

  8. I love these question and answer sessions because I learn so much each time! I started a new program (with Kat James) three weeks ago… it’s more Keto than Paleo but very similar and I’ve lost 10 lbs so far, am off of sugar and got my energy back! I did a happy dance today when I looked at the scale, and I thought to myself that it’s a Juleah dance! And here she’s been doing the same thing! ;D I also am going to France in November for my big 5-0 b-day and I loved your opinions on that because searching for a style for this trip is what led me to DYT in the first place! If I hadn’t found out that I’m a Type 1 (Secondary 4) then I also wouldn’t have started this journey to get healthier because with all these light and bright colors, it inspired me to be more involved in my own life, if that makes sense. I truly don’t know what I would have done if I never knew of DYT. I would be stuck in a hole of confusion, that’s for sure! Now my life has begun to include more fun things and I am dreaming of projects I want to do again. I’m an artist and I haven’t really created for years. Thank you!

  9. Loved this one! So many things resonated with me. Especially talking about how to not multi task as a type 4 and also the talk about diet and exercise. That’s the one area I beat myself up about the most. I heard quick mention in the type 4 video about the type 4 Facebook group. I’ve tried to get on the group multiple times over the past couple years but thought maybe it’s not active? If it is I would love to be apart of it. ☺️

  10. I definitely dress my truth for myself — regardless of whether I’ll be seen by anyone. That has really been the gift of DYT for me. I also did the posture check with book on my head, even siting, standing and walking up and down stairs! I’ve T4-ed my potholders and aprons and microfiber cleaning cloths.

  11. Type 2/1. I am a birth doula and one of the biggest issues I have is needing time to think about things rather than frame answers in the moment. Lightbulb moment during the T2 video – it is actually ok to take that into account and let that understanding shift how I prepare for prenatals, provider and client meetings! It isn’t a shortcoming! I can use that to fully prepare to do my work more effectively. I can’t even express what it feels like to have some of this start to open up and flow more smoothly.

  12. I love hearing about Jaleah’s new way of eating! As a Type 1, I definitely agree that I am very influenced by my food. If I pig out on sugar and processed food, the next day I feel so weighted down and sluggish! I didn’t even think this could be an attribute of my Type 1 nature!! So excited for more content about that πŸ™‚

  13. Hi. These Q &As are excellent – thank you. I am in a bit of “type limbo land” at the moment but after listening to Anna K and Sarah talk in this Q&A session, I’m starting to become clearer about my type. I won’t bore you with the details but after really thinking I was a Type 2 (& buying T2 DYT program) I’m reconsidering based on my facial profile and movement . Although i still have lots of T2 tendencies I’m starting to think I could be T3 S2 – maybe I have just a tad quieter roar?! Thanks x

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