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Introducing Q&A With Your DYT Expert!

“What if I’m a Type 4 but I prefer gold jewelry?”

“I’m a Type 1 but I’m a brunette, what’s the best way to wear my brown hair?”

“As a Type 3 do you have any tips to manage the tendency to interrupt others?”

“I’m a Type 2 but I’m not comfortable in extremely drapey clothing — sometimes I feel frumpy. Help!”

Hear your DYT expert’s answer to these questions and many more!

Plus, watch the other Type’s videos for more insight into creating the best relationships possible with the people in your life.

Q & A With Your DYT Expert is an event where you can get insights for dressing more true to your style of beauty.

Or just get inspiration for personalizing your look even more.

Watch the recording for insights on every Type of beauty!

Type 1 Q&A with Jaleah and Marcy

Type 2 Q&A with Anne and Michelle

Type 3 Q&A with Sarah and Anna K

Type 4 Q&A with Kalista and Sheryl


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  1. How exciting! I’ve been wanting to see some more casual outfit, hair & make-up looks; like, the “bare-minimum”. I am a stay at home mom, so I don’t dress to the 9s everyday like I see in so many videos. I do minimal make-up, basic hair and a simple outfit, but it gets boring and I don’t know how to punch it up without being WAY overdressed for a day of changing diapers, crawling on the floor and folding laundry. Help, please!

    1. I accessorize with baby powder, crusty oatmeal finger prints, and coffee dribbles because I don’t know how to sit down and enjoy a cup. 😉

  2. I’m T2, but my question possibly pertains to all Types. What effect, if any, does having a facelift have on Typing (and on living your truth). The “fixes” undertaken by facelift surgery often address Type 2 features such as eyelids that droop, marionette creases around the mouth, jowls–potentially making a person look less like Type 2 and more like Type 1. I once considered surgery but I have fended off the insecurities of aging and am trying to embrace and accept the way I look.

  3. I wish I wasn’t working during that time! I would love to be a part of the Q&A. I do have a few questions. I need to dress business professional for work and all my clothes are black! I have no idea how to incorporate type 1 colors into my work wardrobe. Also, how does a light and airy type 1 dress for a Northeastern winter? Our winters are 6 months long, with below zero temperatures and 7 feet of snow. I feel like I would freeze in light colors. Help?

    1. Deb, I’m a T4, but I have three T1’s in my family close to me. They Love to purchase sweaters in the Springtime because they can more easily find T1 colors and then they have them for the following winter. Also, I’ve been delighted to see DYT shop carry T1 clothing, both business clothing and warmer clothing.

      1. That is a good idea, Sheryl! New Spring styles will be hitting the stores in a little while, so I will be on the look-out for those beautiful colors. I’ve been falling in love with dark chocolate brown lately. That is also hard to find. It must not be in style at the moment. I have found some rich dark browns in the the DYT shop, and the clothes are good quality. I will be shopping there a lot. 🙂

  4. I would like to know some type2 suggestions for people that work in the medical profession, like nurses, therapists, chiropractors, dentists, doctors… While in the job. Also, specifically professional wear for a massage therapist, since I am one! 😉
    Second – what about maternity and nursing options?? This is a very important consideration for all of us in the family-making age and interest group!

  5. I think that’s 5am for us in Australia the following day if you’re wanting to jump on the Type 1 call….

    A time zone converter might be nice to have here since this gorgeous system is worldwide nowadays!! But if I looked it up correctly between my local time (Sydney, Australia) and MT time then we’re good 😉

  6. Everybody has types 1, 2, 3, and 4 in their face. My question is, which feature of each type is going to “overrule” the other types, and serve as the dominant energy type?

  7. I enjoyed this very much and was especially thankful to have my question answered so thoroughly. I truly do feel like I have a better handle on browns for Type 2s! I am looking forward to watching it again once it is posted. I hope for more of these in the future.

  8. The Question and Answer with Type 1 Experts, Marcy and Jaleah was excellent and very informative. I would love to see this type of forum every other or every month if they had the time available. There are so many questions that will keep them busy the entire hour every month. The question I asked; “How have you changed in your workplace since realizing your Type 1 Energy personality?” was answered with thoughtful perspective and detail. I really appreciate the time given to answer my question thoroughly. Looking forward to the next session.

  9. I believe I’m a T2 and I trust that I’m correct in that but I just love you girls so much and belly laughed quite a bit in the T1 Q&A; great fun videos girls, for all the types; a true pleasure!!

  10. I’m a 4/1…I’ve noticed that lipstick colors change over time. Can DYT continue carrying a lipstick color that remains popular?

  11. Really great to feel the pure energy of each type! These recordings really captured the essences of the types along with answering some very good questions. I thought Anne and Michelle’s explanation of the Type 2 assumptions issue much clearer than in the confessions video. Thank you so much!

  12. Kalista, I like your idea of writing out definitions of success in each area of one’s life. So helpful for a Type 4 to have a goal and ignore the rest.

  13. I just watched the recording of the type 2 Q & A. The questions and real-life suggestions or explanations were helpful. Love love love the ease and relaxed manner with which Michelle and Anne hosted their forum. I hope there will be more of these sessions. Thank you, DYT Life, for providing great support for each of our personal and collective social growth.

  14. Great Type 2 Q&A Anne and Michelle! Loved Anne’s dress and necklace and Michelle’s yummy boots.

    Thanks for taking my question about assumptions. Anne, I too am visual and think in terms of analogies – appreciated your word picture about letting troublesome thoughts flow down the river like sticks and other debris – out of mind and out of sight.

    Been thinking more about the issue of assumptions since I posted that question last month. It’s supposed to be a T2 trait. As I posted at another video, I see how all types can be driven to make assumptions, but for very different reasons. Here is what I’ve observed that I do:

    1. Thinking too fast, in too much of a hurry to get to a conclusion, so I make assumptions and go from there. Happens when I let my secondary run the show.

    2. Anxiety. Most of the time I’m relaxed and easy going, but if pressured I can respond with anxiety – a T2 trait. Anxiety drives my thought processes too fast, leading to assumptions. Similar to #1 above, but for different reason.

    3. Getting too lost in details and not seeing the big picture. Another T2 challenge. Without the larger perspective, I end up making assumptions about what is going on.

    4. Not wanting to hear/deal with unpleasantness or feel unconnected, so I make assumptions about what is really going on. Obviously a T2 trait. Not as much a problem since I’ve gotten older and trained myself to face emotional discomfort with another, but it pops up from time to time.

    Solutions: slow down when I’m feeling pushed or anxious, take a step back and see the big picture, and trust in my T2 ability to connect while discerning the truth.

    Thanks to DYT for bringing up this topic. It’s helped me think through the issue.

  15. Did you see that the Pantone color of the year for 2016 is two colors, actually. They are a greyed out light pink and light blue. They are Rose Quartz = (#13-1520) and Serenity = (#15-3919). I thought you might enjoy these details for the coming year.

  16. Of course a type 1 doesn’t need to be loud, bubbly, and outgoing all the time! Look at Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter! She’s quiet and keeps to herself a lot but still always brings a lightness, freshness, and playfulness to the books/films. 🙂

  17. Thanks so much for making all the type experts open to all. I learn so much about how to recognize and support people in my life who are different types while learning to ‘support’ myself in my type 4 energy.

  18. I loved seeing type 1’s interacting. Felt like home or a hug! ❤️ This was very informative. I got a lot of validation just watching Jaleah and Marcy interact. You are so cute! Loved the budget and career questions/answers. Can’t wait for the next one!!

  19. I have two 2/4 friends who’ve had concerns regarding not feeling comfortable in “flowing” clothes as was mentioned by one of of the questions. Thanks so much for such a thorough answer! I feel like even I finally “got it” on the subject, as a 4/1/

  20. Thank you SO much for the Type 1 Q&A!!! Every question I’ve had for awhile now was addressed, which will make things so much clearer going forward. I’m definitely going to try Marcy’s ideas of the automatic savings plan, and seeking out ways to bring newness into my life without needing to make major changes. It was also really validating to hear that Jaleah doesn’t feel the need to socialize with tons of people – that’s exactly how I am!! 🙂

  21. I am a type 1, but have figured out I am a secondary 4. In the interest of incorporating four details should I study type four videos? I know the panelists know all the type characteristics but i don’t. Any tips?

    1. Heather, I suggest that you read Carol’s book, “It’s Just My Nature”. She talks about the characteristics or movements of each type. I think it’s very helpful. Adding to that, the videos would be great too.

    2. Both Marcie and Jaleah are 1/4. So watching their style can help alot as well. (((hugs))))) on your DYT journey.

  22. I have lots of black clothes, is it possible to refashion these into Type 3 clothes or is it best to just recycle them?

    1. Samantha, it’s very easy to change black into T3. Stay tuned for a color removing video that will be posted next month.

  23. Wow! This was really interesting! I am Type 4 so I agreed and learned many new things in this video. Kalista, I use Norwex but have hesitated to use the body cloths. My sister gave me a facial cloth so now I will try it! Sheryl, I have realized just recently that to tone down a pattern, wearing a jacket really helps so thank you for confirming that. I just liked the look better with a jacket, now I am more conscious of the why!

    For Kim who asked about the right diet and exercise for Type 4 – I am a certified health coach and agree that no one approach fits everyone. Consider making incremental changes in one area at a time to stay encouraged. Like add one more whole food option every day – salad or smoothie, maybe. Or reduce one thing (I love Lent for this!), like reducing sugar. I gave up coffee and substitute with green tea or even warm water with lemon! Working with someone to help you find what’s best for you and to help you to make new habits stick.

    I also prefer solitary activities for working out rather than a class at the gym. I do videos at home and trained for a couple marathons on my own. I walked them because I have a bad back.

    For work, I am an IT instructor which requires my S1 and then I am so happy that my T1 husband is a musician and carries the conversation when I get home and then he leaves for work! I also sell doTERRA which is solitary in preparation and then draws my S1 for classes and the farmers market.

    Dressing My Truth has helped me turn the corner (at over 50!) to accept and be comfortable with who I am. Thank you both for a great presentation!

  24. Type1 Q & A Dawn’s question and, especially, Marcie’s wise response starting at 31:52: Thaaanks. Just when I thought I was a 2/1 because of my introversion, this monkey wrench gets thrown in. 😉

    My non-social zone is my imagination. I have “disconnect” down to an art form. That’s T1. BUT…I like being by myself so I can do what I want when I want, without having to plan ahead or get permission. I’m not social. (Or so I say even though I’m addicted to Facebook. I don’t post often, though, just play games, read and share memes). How can I be a T1 if I’m an introvert? At least Jaleah socializes at work. I rarely do even that.

    So, am I more like Emily or Michelle? I identify with both.


  25. Thank you to the type three experts! It was like a look into my own mind 🙂 I felt your energy and enthusiasm for life and loved all of your comments. I do have to say that it was a little uncomfortable hearing terms like “pissed off”, “bone up” and “crap”. I have a few of my own “choice” words as well but in this forum it seems like an inappropriate place with classy women such as yourself 😉 it just doesn’t seem to represent the dressing your truth business.
    Thought I would share because I know my type three tendencies to be a little assertive and abrasive in my language as well.

    I am so excited that there is a monthly question and answer forum and that I signed up for lifestyles. It is one of my new favorite things! Thank you ladies for your time and insight 🙂 I love the fact that I can get fashion information as well as emotional and relationship information.

  26. Hello,
    In the Type 2 Q&A Video, Anne mentioned a Soulprint healing resource with Carol. I looked for it online, but was unable to find it (the webpage I found said that the class was closed). Is this resource still available? Thank you – loved the chats! Thank you for making all 4 available!

    1. Gina, the class was offered “live” several months ago, but I heard Carol mention that it will be available again. I’ll post a link when that happens.

  27. Really appreciating the type specific videos and the depth of knowledge and lived wisdom of the experts. Great to feel the distinct energy of each type. I loved the easy and lively flow of conversation with Anne and Michelle, and their permission to trust our instincts (vs. following some ‘rule’). Funny to see how they harmonized with the T2 setting too.

  28. I love that a few times Marcy asks Jaleah to repeat the question so she could be sure she’s focused on the answer. I am starting to do that more (and realize that there are a lot of times that because of how my mind is popcorning all over the place, I SHOULD have asked!) 🙂

  29. I see Jaleah wearing boots and now I would like to know what colour that is and also what colours in the beige, brown, cognac, etc can a T1 wear? Before watching this video tonight I thought the colour Jaleah is wearing was a no for T1 so whatever you can share would be greatly appreciated as it now coming to fall wear 2016. TIA

  30. Thank you for all of your ideas and suggestions, Jaleah and Marcy. I hope that we can continue to get info from both of you. Us older type 1 women still need help trying to dress and understand ourselves and honor our type.

  31. I am type 4 and probably secondary 2. The comments Anne and Michelle made about how type 2s can jump/ meander to conclusions and how to deal with this trait, are so, so helpful. Assuming the best is so much more helpful than assuming the worst and also more relaxing.

  32. I think you’re right. Except for socializing, I identify strongly with Type 1 and can see it in my face. I was also wrong about my secondary. I’m 1/4. Parallel lines, no s-curves or downward movement that I can see.

    I’m still a natural introvert, though.

    1. BTW, Marcy…You can see in my photo that I’m enjoying my gray (this was when I was DYT T4/S1, but I’ve since “come home” to my true nature of T1/S4)….here’s the funny thing…as I’ve watched my gray grow out, there is a ton of natural white highlights around my face and on the top. Can you believe it? My white hair is animated! 🙂

  33. I loved the Q&A with Type 1 experts, Marcy and Jaleah! It answered so many queries that had come up in my very new T1 journey, the changing work/seeking the new, working with gray hair in a T1 way, the budget tips, the tidiness/messiness question, winter clothing. Everything resonated with me – thank you for such a great resource!!

  34. I’m a type 1 and while I do like alone time sometimes I do need to be around people other times. I don’t have to be around huge groups of people, but I like to be with family, one or two friends, or a significant other. Jaleah is around her husband normally so this is probably enough for her the way it is enough for me when I have one. Now that I’m single though I can see that I do need someone else there and usually it’s my mom since I live with her at the moment :). I could never be one of those people trapped on a deserted island with just a book and no one else. I would go crazy.

  35. what about silver gold mixes? for a 4/1, 2/1 or a 4/3? For instance I had a very elegant piece that was mostly silver with a streak of gold and was the shape of a tear.

  36. What if I hate makeup? Could I find type 4 styles that aren’t so intense so as not to wash me out? What do the men do about colors washing them out?

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