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When It’s Important to Know Your Secondary & When It’s Not: Lifestyle Coaching Call

The answers to these 4 questions will help you know!

I often get asked, “How do I figure out what my secondary Type is?” and “How do I balance my dominant and secondary Types in my life and style?”

The answer to these questions are simpler than you think, and clear up any confusion or overthinking.

In this recording of our Live Lifestyle Coaching Call, my 4 guests, one Lifestyle member of each Type, answer these secondary questions:

  1. What was the process of determining your secondary?
  2. Do you notice your secondary energy in your day to day life?
  3. How do you make sure to stay in your dominant energy and not fall into your secondary?
  4. How does your secondary energy help in your style choices?

(5:28) But first, let’s review a secondary success story and two of our most recent #TruthBomb participants. I’ll show you what I see to help refine your Face Profiling skills. (To learn more watch this special coaching call)

As I mentioned several times in the show, your Type’s Affirmation Tracks are one of the most powerful tools that I offer to support you in clearing negative beliefs about yourself and reinforcing your strengths and gifts.

Affirmations: Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4.

Now, let’s meet our guests-

(22:57) Leah, Type 1/4
(31:52) Andrea, Type 2/3
(52:25) Rebecca, Type 3/2
(1:04:26) Madison, Type 4/1

The Secondary Q&A in two parts: pre-submitted at 42:12, and live at (1:15:42).

Some of the questions answered are:

  • (44:38) I believe I am a Type 3 with Type 2 secondary energy. However, my secondary energy seems to be more dominant. How do I shift to my true energy type & not let my secondary energy type take over?
  • (46:18) I’m a Type 1. I thought my secondary was a 4 but after I saw your Lifestyle post regarding body type I changed it to a secondary 3. T3 body type with broad shoulders and thinner hips is just like me. Is the body types pretty true for each type?
  • (48:31) I’m a 4/2 and I find I am really slow at everything. I am slow at getting tasks done, a slow learner, a slow reader. Is it typical for an S2 to be just as slow at executing things as a dominant T2? My husband tells me I look like I am moving in slow motion. Should I just accept this and continue to flow slowly through my day (but in a steady T4 way), or is it a sign I am living too much in my secondary? I have noticed the same movements in my 4/2 son. I suppose my question is, what are the ways a person’s secondary will show up in their *actual* movements?
  • (1:15:42) I’m Type 3 and I am finding lately (and I don’t know if it’s because of this pandemic or not ) that my secondary 4 is making me be still and more quiet than I’ve ever been. I don’t know if my type 4 secondary is overtaking my type 3? how do you know if it’s overtaking or not?
  • (1:16:54) At work, turning inward first, moving at my own pace and using my own voice, it’s really been made clear that this is not welcome. Any advice for navigating how to balance having to be different than yourself at work than you can be at home?
  • (1:17:45) Can childhood wounding make identifying your secondary difficult? If so, how to get past that?

What is your secondary and how did you discover it?

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