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Concise Questions. Clear Answers. Q&A with Type 4 Experts

As a Type 4, you like to have clear answers about the many aspects of life. But what if you feel uncertain about something in the Type 4 world? That’s what made this event so perfect: you got to ask specific questions while three of our Type 4 Experts, Kalista, Deborah, and Sheryl answered them.

You’ll hear their excellent insight around Dressing Your Truth topics such as:

  • What if you don’t feel right in the bold Type 4 makeup colors?
  • How to prevent undergarment lines when you wear skinny jeans or leggings
  • Can you wear bright colors, like aqua or teal?
  • Do Type 4 women wear nude shoes, if they’re patent leather?
  • What is the only color Type 4s don’t wear?
  • Can Type 4s put highlights in their hair, or do they stick with one color?
  • Does your secondary Type determine how many colors you wear?

They also delve into lifestyle and Energy Profiling topics, like what to do when people keep things from you because you have strong opinions. Are black and white opinions even healthy?

Our Experts talk about tidiness and address the question, “Is it possible to be a messy Type 4?” And should you give up on Dressing Your Truth when this specific thing happens? Watch the video below to find out.

Type 4 resources mentioned in this broadcast:

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  1. So ironic about the type 4 saying she was hurt when people keep things from her due to her strong opinions! I am always the last to know about *everything*. I was literally just saying this to my husband yesterday- people accuse me of being too critical, too intense, too much, too passionate etc. But people! I haven’t even started! I reign myself in All. The. Time. If I said what I *really* thought, they’d be blown away. I often think I should start just being myself and make them realise that actually, I’ve been super polite and restrained up til now…
    Also the question about the therapist saying ‘black and white opinions are dysfunctional.’ I’ve heard that, and the black/white thinking is often called ‘immature.’ So thanks Kalista, Sheryl and Deborah for clarifying that.

  2. I’m frustrated at trying to find my secondary. Are there any videos to help with that? I’d love add variety to my wardrobe with my secondary.

  3. Regarding the highlight question, I had a fantastic consultation with Nicole. As a 4/2, Nicole “ok’d” highlights, as long as the overall effect reads as one colour. This is working really well for me, as my natural hair used to highlight quite a bit (especially in the summer).

  4. I think the obvious answer to “visible panty line” problems is to wear a thong. That’s a readily available option. If you find them uncomfortable, I recommend buying running/performance underwear. Since they are meant to be worn with leggings, they do not show even under the tightest of compression running pants. They’re seamless. And make sure they’re not too tight (I usually size up with my runderwear to make sure I don’t have panty lines showing when I go for a run). Thanks for the great content as always. I need to go buy a purple cardigan now… (Dang it, Kalista, I end up buying all of your outfits! You are bad for my budget!)

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