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The Type 1 & Type 3 Relationship: Episode 6

The go-go-go couple!

Extroverted, light Type 1 energy combined with the extroverted push of Type 3 energy will sure keep things moving between the two of you!

As with all relationships, there are strengths as well as challenges. In this video, Anne and I talk about how your energy could affect your Type 2 and Type 4 children. Will details be important for either person? How does each Energy Type handle the emotional aspect of the relationship? Watch as we discuss all these and more in the video below.

Affirmation: I am grateful we are aware of the details that are most important, and we are checking in with each other in a timely manner that helps our lives run smoothly.

Other Videos in our Relationship Combo Series:
The Type 1 & Type 4 Relationship: Episode 1
The Type 2 & Type 3 Relationship: Episode 2
The Type 2 & Type 4 Relationship: Episode 3
The Type 1 & Type 2 Relationship: Episode 4
The Type 3 & Type 4 Relationship: Episode 5
The Type 1 & Type 1 Relationship: Episode 7
The Type 2 & Type 2 Relationship: Episode 8
The Type 3 & Type 3 Relationship: Episode 9
The Type 4 & Type 4 Relationship: Episode 10

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  1. Yay! I have been excited for this since i started watching the relationship series since Im a type 1 and my honey is a 3 haha. I really saw the new project vs completed project as we where building our house (almost a year long process). In the planning stages i was so excited and my husband was just nervious about making it work and than the last couple of days before we moved in he was so thrilled and excited to see his hard work payoff, hes always wanted to live in a home that he built. And now im excited to have been livivng in a new home for almost 3 months now!

  2. I love this! I am T3 married to a T1. I LOVE the adventures…we have traveled so much in the 10 years we’ve been married. The highlight was our anniversary trip to Switzerland this summer! I LOVE the ideas…there’s never a dull day and if it starts to feel dull, I can rest assured he’s going to come home with another brainstorm. We are at a very exciting place right now as we are making fast progress building a new house! We’ve lived in 3 states and 8 houses now, and I am so excited about making this new house a place to raise our 3 kids. I laughed about the budget problem. 😀 That was us to a T! My husband and I were both infinitely happier once I had my own bank account and no longer leaving him with unhappy surprises. My biggest concern is that we provide what our T2 and T4 children need. We have had our share of struggle learning to understand them, but the ahha when I learned about DYT and what their types are, was a big relief. It allowed me to feel respect and admiration for them, rather than frustration.

    1. Congrats on building your new home! We are building a new home too. It’s definitely a fun process with a lot of opportunities to work together! Sure is helpful to know Energy Profiling!

  3. I have always experienced this relationship as fire and air.. and what happens when air and fire get together? It is explosive and powerful! I love to cook, and so does he. We would slam into each other in the kitchen and step on toes or turn around and spill something on the each other. Taking turns stepping aside for the other to move and not dominating, allowing the movement and learning how to “dance” and not stepping on toes is huge.

  4. I am a T3 married to a T1. He loves to surprise the family with “mystery” outings. He’ll say, “come on, get in the car, we’re going somewhere!” I’ve learned to just roll with it, and help the kids see it as fun. As you mentioned, with children, we have three type 2 children! Sometimes, one or the other of us gets a bit “too much” for those kids. We have learned to recognize when this is happening for the kids, and the other parent who isn’t being “over the top” has to step in at that moment! Good thing my secondary is T2, and his is T4. It helps to maintain some balance. Our biggest struggle in marriage is: which one of us is in charge? =)

  5. This totally describes my marriage, to a T , ha, ha! I”m 1/4 and my husband is 3/1. It’s a hurricane. We didn’t go live in Spain on a whim but I wish!!! We did go to Chile and adopt a child. We went to las Vegas once on a whim, just planned to find a hotel when we got there, forgot to fill up at the last station before there’s nothing till Vegas, made it to the driveway of the first gas station and pushed our way in! Found out there was a big event that night and might have to go out of town for hotels, but while checking at the first hotel, a guy with a group offered us a room cuz someone in his group wasn’t coming after all. Had a great time. We always miscommunicate things and have no schedule- but on he bright side don’t get mad much at all, just work things out.

    1. Now that sounds like a 1/3 combo! On the go and up for an adventure. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  6. This is sooooooooo us! I’m a T1 married to a T3 and both of our secondaries are T4! Let’s just say that our fights are intense, but everything is intense in our house! We can move from one thing to the next so quickly, we sometimes get dragged back by our dear older children who are T2 and T4. I appreciate Carol reminding us as parents to remember them. My two littles are both T3 so it’s action packed all day long! We’ve worked so hard in the last few years knowing about Energy Profiling and I have grown to love T3 energy more and more! He’s amazing! We always say we’re a great team and a force to be reckoned with! A storm! Come in with guns blazing, getting things done, making it fun, making it awesome. It’s true, emotion doesn’t always come in strong in our relationship, but our secondaries give us deep, long-lasting feelings. We may spend the day climbing different mountains, but at the end of the day we’re laying together with awesome bedtime stories.

  7. I really love these relationship combo video series. I’ve watched them all! I am a type 1 and am single. I do have roommates so it is giving me food for thought in how to negotiate our relationships. Thank you so much for doing these!!!! xoxoxoxo

  8. I am a T1 married to A T3! What you described is exactly our relationship !!!! however my secondary is a 4 and his is a 2. Now to make things even more exciting we have 7 beautiful children 12 and under, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, girl. My husband has absolutely torn walls down, cut trees down, built forts just at the suggestion of one of my wild ideas. We have moved over a dozen times, had our own businesses and we’re in a folk band together when we first met. He was a DJ on the radio when I played on his show. That was the beginning of our love story . I would say our greatest challenge is finishing a project amidst all of the little people that live in our house. We are having to really decide what Details Matter the most. What is really important and what ideas and projects can wait until later. We both always have a bit of gypsy in it which can be really hard on our type 2 and 4 children so we have to incorporate a lot of consistency that we pull from our secondaries. We both went to the store yesterday and bought all the same things LOL. We totally have the same budgeting habbits as Anne’s mother-in-law and father-in-law. Of course we both have the best of intentions on how the money should be spent to best serve our family when the check hits the bank. I’m purchasing the men’s course today so that I can better understand all these guys in my house. I’ve been a hairdresser for 20 years and this information has been so valuable in my cosmetology career. We also have an essential oil business which is sprinkled with lots of personalities. I am so grateful for the insight that I’ve received through this program.
    Thanks a mill! Blessings

  9. I am a 1 married to a 3 and you are right! People are constantly commenting on how we are go go go!! Our children are 2,3, and 4 so we’ve had to learn to adapt a little for them, even if it’s just not rushing them to get out the door and to get things done. We LOVE to travel and of course do as many fun and new things as we can squeeze into each trip. The best part of our relationship is when I have an idea that my husband likes, it happens! for instance, a few years ago I had the idea of buying and retro camper and renovating it. My husband loved the idea and without warning he showed up at the house with one! We had so much fun renovating it. I would have the idea and he get the ball rolling (and do a lot of the work! lol.) One problem I have found for us (i am a 1/4 and he is 3/2) is that I rely on him a lot for the action on my ideas and if he doesn’t like my idea I sorta give up on it instead of just going for it anyway. Working on that. anyway, Love these videos and all you share. You message has been so healing, eye opening and even life changing of me. Thank you for all you do!!! xoxo

  10. Too funny My relationship is exactly like you described and i need to show my husband this. but we both have secondary 4 energy, Are most heated arguments come from both our differences in our energy , me being type 1 and him being type 3, yet we are both are still very much in love and find that we balance each other. I add fun and he adds the push forward movement or what ever i lack in that regard. i feel his secondary 4 helps him be more of a mellow 3 and im grateful for that. its funny i never wanted to marry a type 3 person, yet all my life ive been surrounded by 3 energy type people , especially when i served my mission for my church, so God was preparing me all this time LOL, i loved that he was willing to go the distance to date me. we met at a young single adult dance through the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saint church. I wore a disco out fit with a wig, and it wasn’t a themed dance, i just wanted to have fun and not worry about boys not asking me to dance etc. i felt to ask a guy friend i knew from youth dances to dance with and he was engaged at the time so he introduced me to my husband , we had a great time dancing together. we danced the last two slow songs and than had prayer , i was so used to boys not chasing after me or being lame so i just left with out a word to him. He chased me down and we exchanged numbers, good thing i didn’t leave right away lol that might of been tragic…. and it was pretty much history from there, he was willing to drive almost 2 hours to see me and date me, I knew he was a keeper, so funny how i didn’t want a 3 energy boy but its what i longed for in a man , some one that would do anything to be with me etc..

  11. You’ve got us pegged! I’m a 1/3 and my husband is a 3/?. Everyone always comments that we have the most exciting lives. We go go go and plans for the weekend can change on a dime! We’ve been known to drop everything (mostly housework and home fix it projects) and zoom (in a bright blue sports car) out of town. We talked about remodeling the kitchen for a few months and it was too much for me to stand any longer – hubby came home one day and the kids and I were wielding hammers, taking down the walls and tearing up the flooring. He was shocked for a half a second – he knows my wild antics and has nicknamed me “Lucy”. We really do fit the 1 – 3 relationship you describe.

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