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How to Enhance the Romance & Intimacy in Your Relationship

"This was a marriage saver."

Find out why they say Energy Profiling was a “marriage saver”—and how you can create your own definition of romance, instead of following cultural norms.

In this video, I’m joined by a panel of Dressing Your Truth Experts who share how Energy Profiling keeps romance alive in their relationships. Once they understood not just their own Energy Types, but also their husbands’, that’s when the magic happened!

Hear their thoughts, tips, and answers.

(1:17) How understanding Energy Profiling…

  • Helped Anna K and her husband be aware of their opposite needs.
  • Let Jenny and her husband recognize and embrace their commonalities.
  • Encouraged Stephanie and her husband to go with each other into places of newness.
  • Allowed Deborah and her husband to let go of cultural norms and “should”.

(7:17) Ways that Energy Profiling keeps the romantic connections going…

  • Deborah and her husband create a special road trip to connect intellectually.
  • Anne K and her husband “point” each other in the direction to see things through each other’s eyes.
  • Jenny and her husband found a key touch-point that creates a positive start to each day.
  • Stephanie and her husband’s “walkabout” open communication.

(14:04) Does their husbands’ dressing their truth enhance their attractiveness?

How can Energy Profiling enhance your romantic communication?

Resources to support your relationship:

If communication has ever felt like a frustration in your relationship, you’re
not alone. It’s time for you to feel heard, understood, and appreciated today.

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