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Tips & Tricks to Live True to Your Secondary Type 1 Energy

Upward, out, adaptable, & random—what do you love about having a secondary Type 1 Energy?

I’m joined by this fabulous panel of Dressing Your Truth Experts as they guide you in discovering even more about what makes you tick!

You’ll hear from Jenny (Type 2/1), Anna K (Type 3/1), and Kalista (Type 4/1) who all share:

  • How quickly they knew their Secondary Energy (and how each journey is SO true to Type!)
  • What they find challenging about their secondary—and also what they LOVE!
  • How animation and bling are a fun part of their personal style!

Does play wipe you out? Do you play along to make others happy? Are you able to let things go quickly? The Experts share a story about each of these situations.

What support did you receive from this video? Tell us in the comments—add an emoji too! ❤️

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  1. Wow!! Thank you very much for this video 🙂 I am a T4 and I know that since 1 1/2 years. I know, that I have a higher energy secondary. S 1 or S 3 is the question?! Sometimes I am very chatty, I am an optimist with a sunny mind. I love hearts and stars, circles… and I am a enthusiastic person! After this video I am almost sure that I have a S1. 🙂

  2. Wow! Thanks for this! While I do not feel I can pull off quite the amount of movement AnnaK does, it helps to hear what they say and get it. I still get told I cannot possibility have a 27 y/o or that I will be 50. The cute word was used a lot when I was younger. I love being at T3/1 and doing it in my way! <3

  3. I love how Carol explained the T2/1 river flowing along and then the spritz of water and walking along and having a little skip. That is so me! I really feel very whimsical and like a fairy princess and I love it so so much! <3
    It can feel like a challenge in this world though sometimes. I feel a lot of pressure from other types to be different. I feel misunderstood a lot by wounded people…but I know I am being healthy because I am being true to myself and they are the one who aren't and need healing in themselves.
    This information is invaluable and I am so grateful for everything that Carol and her team share with us. Yay for 2/1's who are spreading so much peace and joy to the world <3 And there is so much power in our combination.

  4. Love this! <3 I am a 2/1, and Whimsy brings me so much happiness. In clothes, jewellery, way of thinking, love it. I also like that my S1 connects me to people of other Types who also have S1, its the fun factor that we all agree on. 🙂 I love my playful quality, it brings so much balance to my beautiful, calm, T2 energy. I ask myself everyday, 'How have you fed your whimsy today?' <3

    1. I see that comnection to other S1’s! My sister and I are not T1, but I think we may share a S1 because we can brain-jump around. We impressed everyone with the speed at which we could play word games. Once the word to guess was Almanac and one of us started of with “someone who doesn’t have a lot of money is….” and the other guessed Almanac immediately. (“Poor Richard’s Almanac” was the connection point, but we could both jump right over it.) And we both like to keep things lighter and fun in the way we interact.

  5. What a fantastic conversation. Like Anna, I completely related to Carol’s description of the 2/1. It’s exactly how it is for me. Everything’s just going along normally and then there’s this moment of cuteness that pops out. My husband overheard this video and laughed out loud when Carol said that part.

  6. Loved this video! As a 2/1 I really appreciated Carol’s analogy of the flowing river with the little splashes of fun or cuteness. 😉 <3

  7. T2/S1 ~ Thank you SO much for this! I love my secondary 1 and love to see other types and how it works for them.

    Before I knew I was a S1, I worried that others would assume I had typed myself wrong because I come across much more animated in my texts, comments and even photos because I love bright little pops of color, emojis, sparkles, and I am random. I worry that when people meet me in real life after communicating with me through email or text that they will think they have met the wrong person.

    Thank you very much for your support and system that is helping me understand and love myself and the people around me!

  8. Love this video!

    When other T3’s meet me, they so often ask “I seriously question my T3 around you…” This, my friends, is why. It’s the secondary 1. Speaking of secondary 1’s: “For a Type 3 it’s like fanning a fire – it powers up the dominant and gives more force to it.”

    And YES Anna K “My children DO need to eat today!” I think that every day (and about myself too, haha).

    1. As Carol said at the ILML event “You don’t need a cup of coffee in the morning, just these guys! (about me and Anna K” Haha

    2. OHMYGOSH right???!!!! I have scheduled the oldest kids to keep up with menus and meals because woah….alll that 3/1 energy and I’m like WAIT? Shoot. They need to eat. They’re better maintainers than me. Whew. And remembering to eat for myself? Yeah, wow. <3

    3. Great point. I’ve delegated and now my husband, who is home earlier anyway, to cook dinner. Otherwise, I’m waiting until 5 and now I’m hungry and just don’t want to cook and why isn’t there leftovers in the fridge? This comment makes so much sense.

  9. T2/S? Thank you for this video ! It is so nice to see how the secondaries play into each of the types. I am hopeful that this will continue as a series with the other types featured !?! As I continue to just happily settle into my T2 self, I look forward to discovering which of the secondary will present itself most in me. Right now, I feel all three have attributes that I can see strongly in me and I’m unsure of which one is stronger and I can see that knowing the secondary really does help with defining ones own personal style. The “Secondary Clue videos” have been a wonderful help, as have the “How Your Energy ….” videos. I am so happy to be a member of Lifestyle, the content on here is amazing! Thanks again!

  10. What a great idea to get all the Types of secondaries together! I really enjoyed the part about how the S1 moves differently depending on the primary Type. For me (2/1), I think of the S1 as occasional bubbling in the river (it probably sprays out sometimes, but generally feels more like a fish bubbles popping the surface). Either way, it’s definitely more integrated and random in appearance than my 4/1 husband’s S1, which tends to be more blocky or on-off.

    The one thing that didn’t help confirm my S1 was Jenny’s crisp shirt. I love the idea of going light, but cringe at the idea of crisp fabrication. I’m wondering if in both fashion preference and movement, the parts of the secondary that show up will differ from person to person?

    1. Your personal style, is just that, personal. Even when you have the same secondary as another person your styles will not be the same. While Jenny likes the crispness of Type 1 style (I’m not), you may find that you are drawn more to animation, or lightness.

  11. I am a T3/S1 but always thought I was a T3/S2 or T2/S3 until recently…lol….when I realized ah T3/S1 which I never even thought about til I remembered thins abou t myself or what others said, like ,oh you are just too cute ,you walk with a bounce, I am very good at sneaking up on….everything was there , i just wasnt seeing it. I walk quietly but swift . I am VERY happy in my type & style now that I finally got it right!! Recently even spiked my hair and LOVE it!!

  12. I LOVE THIS VIDEO! I want all the secondary’s. I think this will help me so much with my kids! Also, I love the imagery for each type with secondary. I relate SOOOO much to Anna K. Go figure, I’m a 3/1! LOL! Needing to remember to slow down and yes remember my children need to eat. I too have a 2/1 husband. Love bling as a 3/1! I find I go for the more t3 gold, instead of the darker t3 metals. I could watch this everyday and be thrilled that someone “GETS ME”! I love it! Thank you. Keep’em coming!

  13. My distractibility is how I know I’m a s1. I’ll get interested in something and completely neglect the tasks that I need to do, but don’t really want to do because they’re boring. My mind needs to be involved, and, let’s face it, most housekeeping doesn’t require a keen intellect. I can stay with it if I have something to occupy my mind, whether it’s an interesting audio book or some music I can sing or dance along with.

  14. I’m a 2/1 and identified with so much! The messiness, loving a bit of sparkle, emojis (and the motivation behind using them), the flowing river with a bubble here and there – spot on! Such great confirmation of my secondary :D. Oh and also if I don’t finish something, forgetting about it! I know I am forgetting about other similarities too. AH another thing.. People ALWAYS think I am younger than I am and are shocked when I tell them my age… Thanks for sharing! Loved this.

  15. So Fun! 🙂 lol Yep I love an emoji, too. Once I knew I was a T2 it became pretty apparent that I was a S1 because it was really between those two when deciding. But! I didn’t trust that because like Jenny, I grew up trying to be a T4 – everyone in my family, it seemed, was a T4, so I thought ‘this is how we do it’ in my family. So I switched my thinking to T2S4 and after years of being T2S1, I tried S4. It was okay, but I knew I wasn’t a double introvert – it’s probably my tertiary, but when I saw Anne’s video with her panel of T2s with varying secondaries, I really, REALLY related to the T2S1 – and I knew. People have described me as bubbly, cute, fun, sweet my whole life. I always heard ‘you’re always smiling’ or ‘you light up a room with your smile’. Then when I realized I was a T2 I worried that I shouldn’t be so outgoing at times. But it’s me. I remember Carol teaching years back that you are yourself when you’re least ‘aware’ of how you’re acting or reacting. I think I must have a pretty strong S1. I have to be really careful though to live in my dominant or I get exhausted. I actually ‘created’ illnesses by living too much in my secondary for years. Once I started living true to myself as a T2S1 the weight dropped, the health improved, the pre-diabetes went away, and the thyroid improved. Amazing!! Thanks for a fabulous video, ladies. <3

  16. I so related to Anna K! I tend to want to do so much and cram in fun stuff for my kids so that like last night at 7:30 or 8 my son came up to me and said so..what’s for dinner anyway, mom?! Since it was just the two of us home last night, I got so distracted meal prepping for the week (prepping overnight oats, chopping veggies, prepping meals…) that I didn’t even think about eating dinner. Poor kid. Maybe I am a 3/1. There’s definitely not a doubt about the 3.

  17. 3/1 here! *raised hand* At first I couldn’t determine my dominant because of wounding. I thought I was a T3 and I really wanted to be, but it took a while to be confident that I really was and I really wanted to know my secondary cos I thought that it might be influencing. (Yes, I hadn’t confirmed my dominant and was already jumping to my secondary. 3/1 much? XD). Then I started noticing A LOT of T1 tendencies to the point that I thought I might actually be a T1. However, my body language is 100% T3 and so I was sure I am a T3 which only meant that T1 must be my secondary. Yes I’ve been called ‘cute’ all my life and people always think I’m younger than my actual age which I enjoy. I am really drawn to cute things.
    Oh YEAH! I LOVE EMOJIS! I send so many emojis that I had thought my typing is so T1. LOL I even thought “DYT must think I’m a T1 from my typing style” XD Then I realized it was so T3/S1 cos I don’t send just 1 emoji…I send like 14 and I CAPITALIZE A LOT and use A LOT of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!! So there’s definitely this “BOOM” quality with A LOT of excitement, playfulness and fun. And my messages usually end up quite long. What can I say? I love to chat and say what’s on my mind. xD
    I literally squealed and giggled when I noticed Anna K’s giraffe necklace. I’ve added it to my cart. I absolutely love giraffes (my fav animal since childhood and currently my second fav after cheetahs) so when I saw it in the DYT store, it was a definite must-have.
    Speaking of favourite animals….Carol have you noticed a correlation between people’s favourite animals and their energy type? This is a very interesting topic. Mine are in order: cheetah, giraffe and dolphin. I think that really suits my 3/1 energy.

    1. I love this post. I’m a 3/1 and my very stuffy work environment definitely impacts that and also brings out the rule breaker in me. What can I say, I’m feisty!!

      I tend more toward gifs; they crack me up. I use emojis more lately, because they’re so fast… it’s now RIGHT THERE in my toolbar when I’m typing. I too capitalize and !! a lot in my writing _to friends_.

      I first tried T1 because nah, I can’t be a T3. I’ve been called cute, I’m fun sized and I’m WAAAAAY too lazy for this “get er done” stuff. I then tried 4/1 because I related so very much to Kalista.

      After 3 years as a committed Type 3, it finally clicked. It alllll makes so much sense. I’ve used a totally 3/1 screenname for years. I come home on Sundays saying “let’s do something fun!” and then deciding there are so many more priorities that have to get done…

      I love Anna K, our own personal Punky Brewster!

  18. T3/S1 – Thanks for an awesome and fun video! I identify with everything Anna said and yep – fist bump all the way! I also LOVED what Carol said about T2/S1 – flowing river and then a little splash of fun. This is my T2/S1 son to a T!!! So calm and “flowing” and then suddenly – he’s “running” away from me in his wheelchair and laughing hysterically <3

  19. This was the perfect video to help me feel secure in my T4/1-ness! Everything Kalista said just resonated with me so precisely! Knowing my secondary actually helps me to feel more secure in being a Type 4 because it explains why I can function so well with a messy desk, why my co-workers think I’m sometimes rude until we get to know each other a little better, why I use so many exclamation marks and emojis in texts and emails, why I have “problems with authority”, and why I can’t resist socks with cartoon characters on them. It’s like living as two halves of a coin and trying to find that balance can be so overwhelming.Thanks for helping me embrace my duality!

  20. I love this!! From the first it has been T2 and probably S2, but the more and more I watch these videos, it just confirms I am a S1. I have also gone back and forth between being T2 or T1. My S1 is really strong and I am very random, however, my T2 is much more powerful. This just reinforces that I have typed myself correctly. Thank you so much!!! <3

  21. I am Type 2 and have been confused about what my secondary is. I was stuck between Type 1 and Type 4. When I watched this everything just fell into place! Type 1 of course. Everyone’s comments helped out but when Carol described it as a river flowing slowly with little spritz of water once in awhile, I said “That’s me!” I would do random things out of character like the time many years ago I skipped school for a day just to have fun. It was so out of character for me my family and neighbours were all out looking for me. There were many more impulse moments in between calm and steady in my life. I tend to love fairy tale movies (I have a whole DVD section set up just for that). I also noted that when I had to go through my closet to get my Type 2 colours, I had an awful lot of Type 1 colours. The only thing I had in common with Type 4 was I sometimes preferred a slightly more structured look than Type 2. Thank-you so much for this video. Now I can pick out loads of times I was like Type 1. It’s so clear now!

  22. I loved this video even though my secondary is not a 1! It was very insightful! What would be even more insightful was if you did a video with the other secondaries as well! (hint, hint, secondary 4 would be AMAZING!) 😀

  23. Loved this video. Thank you!

    Are there going to be videos for Secondaries 2, 3 and 4? I really hope so!!

  24. When are the rest of the videos in this series going to come out? It feels like it’s been forever.

    1. After 3 months, I’m beginning to lose hope . . . which is unfortunate because the first two were awesome.

      1. Ladies, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Carol is working on two major projects right now to be launched soon. Thank you for your understanding.

  25. Hmm. My features look like 4/1, but I identify more with 4/3. Maybe my secondary is a 1 and it was never nurtured or something? I grew up fast, and I was always rewarded for being focused and efficient. I guess I’ll have to keep watching.

  26. I admire that about you Kalista! Im a type 1 and I know that if I was in a situation like that I would get so angry and stubborn.

  27. This just made my day. I’m a 3/1 and I appreciated seeing the way each of the 3 ladies experience the secondary 1….SERIOUSLY a huge hug of validation for me today….

  28. I love all this and can SO relate…even as to the things people have said about me. In fact I had submerged my T3 very deeply so much so that people were shocked when I started showing up with dominate 3. I realized I had relied on the type 1 in order to be okay, approved, not to scary, etc….so now I’m learning (and this awesome video gives me GREAT food for thought) I can let myself go and be me and just deal with all that it means, messes, ideas and fierceness all wrapped up in one. Wearing bling and sparkles and throwing in some of that type 1 color feels SO fun and gives a really nice balance to my intensity.

  29. Is it possible to identify more with Jenny in this video than with Stephanie in the secondary 1 video and still be a type 1/2???

  30. Kalista’s comment about the birthday party – I’m T4/S1 – my secondary 1 definitely supports me in those situations – my daughter is 1/4, my son is 3/1 both outgoing and they love to play and celebrate. My S1 gives me the energy and support to play with them. Also, I am comfortable around strangers – I always chat with others in the grocery line. The challenge is follow-through and stay on focus. The all or nothing of the 4 combining with the distractibility of the 1 can lead to not much being done on some days. Yikes!

  31. My daughter is 12 and a 4/1. She gets called cute all the time, I’m not sure if she likes it or not. I think she’s starting not to like it. Luckily her school uniform is cobalt blue and black, so it suits her well!

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