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Find Out What Your Tattoos Say About You

How do your tattoos reflect your personality & your Energy Type?

What do your tattoos say about who you are?

Back in the day, only the rebels got tattoos—but now they’re more widely accepted as a unique expression of someone’s personality.

On today’s #EnergyProfilingWithCarol show, you’ll meet 4 women who share their own tattoos and what motivated each guest to get inked true to their Energy Types.

You’ll find out how Debbie, a bright & animated Type 1 woman, got her tattoos spontaneously when she tagged along for a fun social outing with her friends.

Then meet Muriel, a soft & subtle Type 2 woman, who shares the story behind her intricate design—and how she was careful to ensure that even the expression on her tattoo was gentle, not scary.

Gina, a rich & dynamic Type 3 woman, makes a statement with her independence and her style! She chose substantial tattoos true to her nature, even when she was a young girl.

And lastly, you’ll meet Tracy, a bold & stunning Type 4 woman, whose thought-out decisions about the design and placement of her tattoos reflect her own story of self-acceptance and strong will.

What “aha” did you have watching this show? Leave a comment below!

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  1. I’m a mix of 1 and 2 but I could never get a tattoo just because I thought it would be fun. I would need my tattoo to mean something to me personally and i would have to make sure it was something that would always mean something to me and not just be a fad. I would also put it where my skin wouldn’t sag and where it could both be seen and covered depending on the situation (so maybe my upper back by the shoulder). I’ll be 40 in September and I still haven’t found a tattoo I love enough to have the rest of my life. My type 1 part would need the tattoo to be pretty but my type 2 would need it to mean something. It might be animated in a way like a fairy, but it would have to be realistic looking and detailed too.

    1. I am also a Type 1/2 mix. I had a spiritual experience and my tattoo serves as a reminder of the message I received. It’s a heart with an infinity symbol above it.

    2. I’m also a T1/S2 and I still can’t commit to getting a tattoo. I go through periods of wanting one, researching ideas… then suddenly disconnect and forget about it for months or years at a time. And always end up glad that I didn’t get one. I think it’s the permanence that turns me off, as well as – like you – needing it to mean something that WOULD NOT CHANGE. But life is about change and impermanence, and i like the variety of life… a tattoo would be too limiting, in a way. Like having to choose a tshirt you like and wear it forever!

  2. I’m a Type 3. I have two tattoos. #1 is a carousel horse on the outside of my right ankle. I got it when I was 28. A year later I got another one. #2 is a seahorse emerging from a wave located on my left hip. Both are very colorful and about four inches in length. At the time I liked a guy who had tattoos and I was trying to impress him. It didn’t work.

    I’m a Type 2/1. It took me months, almost a year, to decide on a tattoo, and about as long to actually consult with a tattoo artist. But I was all in once I got that far. My little orange kitty in the moon is to commemorate all my sweet kitties both here and gone. It sits a little off center, but the cat itself is centered with the tail curling down my spine. I hope one day to continue the flowers along my shoulder with more cats and dragonflies playing among them.

    1. That is absolutely beautiful! I don’t think I’ve ever seen well done pastels in a tattoo before.

  4. Based on that well written analysis – your a Type 4 who doesn’t want to be Typed, since in your black and white mind you do not want to be boxed in by anything!

    1. Thanks, Carol. Since your response, I have realized that I AM more bold than I originally thought I was. Your assessment was spot on! Now if only I could find my style within the type 4 world and be comfortable in it…. maybe then people would stop being “shocked” when I open my mouth to speak!!

      1. Are you a Lifestyle Member? We have a lot of video’s to help you with personalizing your style.

    1. When I was selecting these photos they lined up in a nice row all small, I’m sorry they came out gigantic! The first tattoo I got was at 16, a yellow rose under my bellybutton. No forethought. Just went with a friend, picked a rose because that was what all the girls were doing in 1995 but got a yellow one because I didn’t want to be exactly like the other rose tattoos out there. I no longer have it after a surgery to repair my abdominal muscles. The second was the dragonfly, for my 30th birthday. I love dragonflies, they represent hope and I got it colored in like fire with rich red, orange, and yellows. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th are the words on my feet “there are no scales……I already am” and the word “Justified” on my inner right forearm in white which is barely noticeable. I believe the Holy Spirit led me to those after a lifetime of trying to earn my right standing before God, trying to put enough good on the scales to outweigh the bad. I heard in a powerful sermon the words “There are no scales, you are either completely justified by the blood of Jesus or you are not justified at all. There are. No. Scales.” So that’s why. To remind myself, to walk in and stand firm in that truth (hense the feet) that there are no scales and I already am–I already am what? Justified in white (my arm, where just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Number 6 is the verse on my wrist, a three strand cord is not easily broken, got that with two of my best friends, (that was during my T4 phase) and we all got it with a cross, mine I had faint dragonfly wings put on it. 7th is my mermaid, done during my first round as a T3, all in a deep peacock blue with the words “she dreams of the ocean and longs for the wild salt air”. Because the beach is my happy place. Love mermaids, love the salty air, love how wild she is. The words are wavy to be reminiscent of ocean waves. Lastly is that drawing of the phoenix. This one is going to be costly so I haven’t got it yet. It’s going to go down my upper arm from shoulder to elbow with the wing span going to the front towards my collarbone and back towards my shoulder blade. It’s going to just be the sketch outline, in a dark blood red. Around it will be Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:22 “Take heart, daughter; your faith has healed you.” That rising from the ashes to new life is the culmination from the revelation that there are no scales, to being Justified, to accepting who God made me to be, to my DYT journey of learning myself and embracing that through the faith that God has given me and shown me truth through all sorts of people from Himself, friends, family, my counselor, and Carol’s confirmation, to my appearance on the final make-over show. It all has been leading up to that. As I write that I think I am going to make the appointment with the tattoo artist, the money will manifest.

      1. Dear Kate, Just reading your tattoo stories. I was brought to tears with the, ‘ there are no scales.’. tattoo and it’s meaning. So moving to me how you were inspired by a powerful sermon to take those words and make the connection to’ walk in’ and ‘stand firm ‘in the truth of those words. Thank you so much for sharing your tattoo’s and the deeply personal and truly heartfelt thought out meanings behind them.

  5. I got a tattoo when I was 18 in college. My friends and I were going out to eat and there was a tattoo place next door to the sandwich shop we were going to. I had the sudden thought to get a tattoo of my zodiac rune, Libra so I did! The tattoo artist had the same birthdate as me, it was serendipity! I feel like the way I got my tattoo was very type one but my tattoo is very type 4, lol. The picture shows part of it.
    (I’ve been living as a type one but recently bouncing between one and four, one day I will be confident of my type 😉 ). Loving being a lifestyle member again!

  6. This was great, this helped me see more of what type I might be. Beautiful tattoos. I have two, both have deep meaning for me, and it has been 11 years and I am still figuring out what to have next. I want wings on my forearms.

  7. This article helped me on my journey. I was 19 when I got my tattoo (a sun and moon design) I was careful about the placement because I wanted to make sure I could hide it if I wanted to when I was older. I searched for the perfect design and even went as far as to have the design drawn on me with permanent marker to make sure that was what I wanted and where I wanted it a month before I got my tattoo.
    I’m glad I came across this.. I too have been unsettled about my type.. thinking I am a 1 because I do have a bubbly personality. I am not however spontaneous in any way.. I must have a plan for everything or I have great anxiety. I truly believe that I am a Type 4/1.. I’m doing the 30 day dressing challenge and refreshing on Type 4, then plan to become more involved in the community.
    Have a wonderful day everyone.

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