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How Your Type 1 “Yes!” Energy Gets the Best of You

You have a light and bright energy that allows you to see all the possibilities! But what happens when all those possibilities become…too much?

When you say “yes” to things you need to say “no” to, it creates imbalance in your life. In today’s video, you’ll discover one simple trick that will help you say “no” more often—and believe it or not, you’ll still get to say “yes” too! It’s the best of both worlds! Watch and see how:




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  1. THANK YOU CAROL!!!! You really understand us and THAT makes ALL the difference! I LOVE this tip I can see my whole reality shift for the better having this YES to the No. It’s such a big deal this yes energy we have that it can totally lead us into so many untrue for us paths. Thank you for pointing me in another direction.

  2. LOVE this!! reminds me of Steven Covey’s phrase – “it’s easy to say NO, when there’s a deeper YES burning within” The deeper yes is that I get to preserve my own energy so I can be who I want to be and who God wants me to be- light and buoyant brining possibilities and light into the world.

      1. Ah, so another reason that I adored him!! Love and adore you!! and told the WHBM (white house) today about you. The clerks was so excited to look up your work. They have a perfect Type1 / 3 suit 🙂

    1. Love this! That is what I was thinking as a T1 that, saying NO to something is saying YES to another. 🙂 It’s been a challenge for me and I’m learning! I am interested to see how saying YES to the NO will be like.

    2. Beautifully said Lori! I’m a huge Steven Covey fan too. If we spend our time by filling our bucket with small rocks, it’s hard to have room for our large priorities . <3

      1. Thanks Karen. Yes, I’m always working on the bigger Yes, however the smaller ones creep in if I’m not careful. Create a glorious day!!

  3. This was great! I needed to have watched it 3 hours ago though! Ha! I struggle with feeling like I’m supposed to sacrifice my happiness for others because “that’s what good people do” and then feel selfish if I don’t say yes to people’s request. It’s hard for me to recognize what is that “fake guilt” and what is doing the right thing and not being selfish. But I’m starting to realize if I’m miserable inside I’m no good to anyone, but somehow in the moment I always forget that! How do you find that balance of not swinging so far to selfish and swing so far the other way to giving too much?

  4. Oops, I do this all the time!. I never want to upset people and end up upsetting myself. I tend to avoid friendships because of this, which I know is unhealthy. Things definitely have to change. Yes!

  5. Thank you so much for this. I really know that I should be saying “no,” but then I see a problem and feel like I have to be the person to fix it. All these ideas start firing off, and I feel that because I have the idea, I must be the one to see it through, and that’s often not the case. Before I know it, in the words of Bilbo Baggins, I’m feeling like butter scraped over too much bread. Someone once told me some sound advice: by jumping into things too quickly, not only am I overloading my plate, but I’m also robbing the opportunity of someone else the ability to help.

  6. So using this as I job search. The ability to say no to those jobs that have functions in them that I now know from past experience have brought me down. So freeing!

  7. Oh Carol, this video is a real treasure! A life-saver! As a blogger, I get many invitations to PR events for various brands. Some I really want to go to, but many are boring, irrelevant, or simply too many! Just this December, I got four invitations to events that took place the very same day. I said yes to all of them, as I couldn’t find the heart to disappoint anyone! So I spent the whole day, from 11 am to 11 pm, going from event to event, with just an hour’s break in the afternoon to change clothes. The result? I was exhausted and got a nasty cold that had me spending the holidays in bed coughing. So now that new invitations came after the holidays, thanks to this video, I went ahead and said yes to saying no to two out of three of them! For the first time without feeling guilty about it! Yes! Thank you for the great tip Carol xx

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