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Time Management: Time Is Your Friend!

Burst through the stereotypes and maximize your natural gifts! Tune in to hear tips Marcy shares for creating support for yourself in managing your time true to your more social nature.



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  1. Ooooh! I love what Marcy says about having to divide the day up in chunks. This technique works really well for me too. I do have a strong S2 which feels more comfortable when I plan, but I am now learning that I have to keep it more open and allow for life to happen. It also looks a lot better if I use colorful sharpies and clip art… Lol

    1. Mambi (me and my big ideas) has the “happy planner” which is like a customization scrapbook planner. They are disk bound so you can pull out pages, and rearrange it as well. I saw it, and thought it looked fun. 🙂 I hope that helps.

  2. We love you Marcy. I agree with a previous comment…how Type 4/1s long for your Type1/4 energy. It’s like we’re tied at the heart & complete each other (from the Type 4/1point-of-view).

  3. Hit the nail on the noggin’ ! I never thought about type 1 giving off a vibe of being too busy which means we may not take time out to breathe and connect with those around us that are so special to us. And Ah-Ha! I do cram so much into my “morning, noon and night” and I wonder why I am so exhausted and grumpy. That is no fun! Thank you for all you do!! Great clip.

  4. You’re so spot on! As a 1/4, I schedule and am known for being organized, but I can also be flexible and adaptable at the drop of a hat. I don’t necessarily schedule my day into chunks, but I have daily morning, afternoon, and evening routines that keep my home and family moving. The reminder at the end about not giving off a busy vibe is helpful. I need to work more on this. Thank you!

  5. I schedule the same way!! Being homeschooled, I’ve never gotten into the super strict daily scheduling, but I can accomplish my tasks before a certain time or in a general chunk of time: Clean up before 9:30; study before dinner, etc.

  6. Haha, love it! My husband’s work colleague was nicknamed ‘Racer’ because he was/is always racing off to his next appointment. Alternatively, he would be addressed as ‘the late Mr Bateman’. This explains it beautifully; he must surely be a T1.

  7. What is the difference between the type 1 & 3 busy Marcy talks about near the end, how does it look different? Trying to determine my secondary…I appear busy to everyone, but then I think everyone else does more than me. I imagine Carol as a 3 you are just as busy getting things done! I don’t make lists, there are so many things to do (projects), once I determine which one to do, I forge through like a bull dozer. I’m never late!

    1. Just watched this video now…
      I’m a 1/2 and my second daughter is a 3/1. The difference I notice between our tyes of busy: she is SO much more efficient and focused than I am!!! When she’s doing something, she kind of “charges” at it – but she CAN manage something else or deal with someone asking a question. If *I’m* doing something, I feel that I hop all over the place (not efficient!) – and woe betide anyone who interrupts me because it totally breaks my concentration!!! :-s So to other people, I probably seem distracted and flitting from one thing to another….
      From your features, is it possible that YOU could be a 3/1?

  8. SO helpful! I’m I/3 and I try so hard not to over schedule myself, or else I feel like I’m suffocating!! When I do overbook, I feel tremendous anxiety, which affects my health. My T4 mother tends to think I’m too busy and won’t ask me for help, and then I feel terrible! I like the time blocking morning/afternoon/evening much better than a strict time since I really struggle to be prompt. I find it also helps if I have 2 or 3 things to do, get it done all at once, then relax – but if I make more than 3 errands or 2 hours, I might not finish – so do the most important ones first. I do not like to make appointments unless I have to. Then my solution is to go 15 – 30 mins earlier than I need to be there so I have time for distraction. I’ve started asking people for a reminder of appts. too – I’m getting better as I understand myself more!

  9. I’m so glad this subject was recorded! I’ve struggled with time management all my Type 1 life. More so recently with starting my business. It’s difficult to stay consistent with my schedule in my daily planner. I tried 3 different daily planners in the past year and couldn’t stay on schedule or complete a planner. Like Marcy, I have realized that I can’t do the planners that have the exact time blocks (8:00am, 9:00am, 9:30am, etc…). I’ve resorted to making a to do list style and crossing out what I’ve completed, which has been working pretty well. I will try chunking the day in sections with to-dos in each section. Thanks so much!

  10. I think I’m a Type 1/4 … I use my phone calendar and schedule everything with a reminder that can go off 10 minutes before or 1/2 hour before. I hate being late! I’d rather be 10 minutes early and wait than put anyone out. Plus, it’s less stressful. But I’m not one-tracked like a Type 4. I can easily go from this to that and back to this. I even have an alarm that goes off that lets me know I have 10 mins to collect my daughter from school (only takes 3 minutes to get there) but it’s so I don’t constantly have to watch the clock. I can just do ‘my thing’ then get there in time after the alarm goes off. I was home-schooled (hated the isolation but got used to it) and so I didn’t really have a schedule but I kind of made one for myself anyway. I like to get to the end of my day knowing I accomplished things, even if it’s small. I have to do the most important in the morning especially exercise because I just don’t get to it otherwise. We live in a town, my husband works in another 45 mins away and two of our children attend high school in a different town in the opposite direction about 30 mins away so I’ve had to be organized!

    1. This is me. I detest being late – very anxiety provoking! I lived in T4 mode for years before discovering DYT and my T1-ness. 🙂

      1. I’ve since decided I’m Secondary 2 rather than 4. I lived in my Secondary 2 most of my life and this is a detail rather than perfection of mine. 😉

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