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How Your “Overanalyzing” Energy Gets the Best of You

Do you ever find yourself in a loop of overthinking and overanalyzing?

You’re a bold, Type 4 woman whose natural gift is to perfect and analyze. But you know the feeling when your intellectual connection with the world becomes an overwhelming detriment. All that energy is concentrated in an imbalanced way, but what can you do?

There’s a fast and easy technique you can use to “drop your energy” and find balance again. Take a look:

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  1. Thank you Carol for this very helpful video 🙂 overthinking and overanalyzing is my biggest challenge. I will take more time to breathe. Yoga exercises are also helpful for me.

  2. Thank you Carol! I needed this reminder today. I really do have the tendency to get frozen in my thoughts and I can’t move forward. After this excercise I feel balanced and ready to move forward and take on my day.

    1. Hi Natasha – Have you seen Carol’s video on How a Type 4 Takes on Other People’s Energy? It addresses how to avoid other’s negative thoughts & emotions while focusing on what we have to offer as a gift (besides our “perfecting”) which is Balance! Really a positive video that might complement this one for you <3

      And Thanks Carol!! This is just what I needed this week!!

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