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4 Tips to Help You Know if Burgundy is Type 4—Or Not

Remember during the most recent Q&A With the Experts when we talked about burgundy?

Let’s dig into this a bit more! Kalista has put together a 4-point check that you can use to make sure your burgundy is true to Type! If you still had questions or confusion about this color, we think you’ll feel more confident when you see it compared to the Style Guides.

Everything in the DYT online store is perfectly Type 4! Go shopping!

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  1. This was very helpful! I could definitely see the difference between Type 3 burgundy and Type 4 burgundy.

  2. This was really clear, informative, and helpful, Kalista — thank you! I’m not a T4, but I do often go shopping with T4 friends who also follow DYT. This will definitely help us find more T4 options out “in the wild.”

  3. Kalista, you look like a goddess in this color. And the beautiful lipstick to match. Simply wow!

    1. It’s easy to find on Amazon, just search for “burgundy” and “stripes” in women’s shirts.

          1. Perhaps this can help you find the links to the clothes. They are posted in a comment (not with with the video).

  4. For some reason Disqus doesn’t like links so I have added the links to the thread in FaceBook.

  5. I’m a T1 and I really enjoyed watching this video to better understand how to shop for burgundy items for one of my T4 good friends. And Kalista you were so through in your information, my S4 was loving this video too from that standpoint.

  6. Thank you, thank you! Burgundy used to be my go-to color. When I learned about energy typing, I started to notice that the color isn’t always good on me. This helps!

  7. Does the burgundy go with the other colours in the T4 wardrobe, or just black and white? Does it go with cobalt blue, or emerald green, for example? Or maybe I should just experiment, lol.

  8. For anyone who finds the Blackened Burgundy Bomber Jacket on Amazon, you may or may not get what Kalista holds up in this video, I just received my coat and it’s more of a T3 red color than the burgundy though as I have found out some sizes and countries may still be able to get the blackened burgundy jacket, but I was so disappointed to find out they changed the color without notification.

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