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All About Secondary Energy Types for Type 4

Dive deep into Type 4 Energy.

We discussed many aspects of Energy Profiling and personal style.

We answered questions like:

  • How do you balance and honor your dominant Type without letting your secondary take over?
  • How does your secondary express itself in social situations?
  • Where are the best Type 4 places to shop?
  • Can someone have two secondaries? 

Plus, find out how each lady on the panel discovered her secondary!

Tune in as the ladies discuss how each of their secondaries expresses in their facial features.

Watch the recording and tell us how you discovered your secondary in the comments!


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  1. I’m willing to donate vital organs for some more lovely T4 yellows (especially that cardigan)!!! Loving everyone’s outfits, and amazing jackets.

  2. I am so very thankful for this T4 secondary night. A question that I didn’t realize I had has now been answered. I am with certainty a T4 S3 but I often dress with a decided 2 influence and sometimes express a 2 influence. It makes sense now. My twin is a T2 and the 2-ness that accentuates my 4/3 ness is her gift in my life. I’m crying with this realization and making a note to thank my sister. Thank you for this important evening.

  3. Great T4 night on secondaries. I’m a 4/1 for sure, but now I’m quite sure now that type 3 is close behind. I too love polka dots and mixing patterns. I do however love my leather moto jacket and I have many scarves (though I think I went all out on them and probably can downsize them, as I have around 40 regular and 10 plus outwear scarves).

    Like Michelle noted, I really love YELLOW and want DYT to add some more yellows to the DYT shop.

    Thanks for posting this video up today, I have been stalking the site since early Friday morning waiting for it as I missed most of the night except the last 10 minutes though my streaming was less than perfect! 😉

  4. Finally! I freaking loved it. I feel so identified with Deborah and I am very glad you have now a 4/3 to add to the group. We are kind of the rarest expression of a 4 and it feels great to be represented.

  5. I really enjoyed watching this and could identify with so many thing that were said. I believe I am a 4/1 and I could see myself in Kalista’s voice and a lot of her mannerisms. I was happy to see a number of items from the DYT store in the first round of outfits. It is always good to see how different items look on the experts and which items work best with which secondaries. Good job, ladies!

    1. I totally agree with you, Kathy. When Kalista started talking about her train derailing and she got really animated, and acted out what that would look like, it was almost like watching myself speak. The more I watch Type 4 videos, the more I am sure that I am definitely a Type 4. I feel like all the ladies in the videos could be by BFFs!

  6. I being a type 4/1 I truly enjoy watching 4’s interact (comforting). Very empowering to see your Secondary’s compliment each of you !! TYPE 4 Night is my FAVE 🙂

  7. Ok, so it took me a while (type 2) but I finally watched ALL the secondary videos. I enjoyed each and every one of them. Thank you to everyone involved in all the videos. It was so affirming to all the energies and it REALLY helped me feel more confident in knowing my type. (2/1) :)))

  8. This was great ! I have been living as a T2 for 3 years and have been questioning if I’m really a 4/2. I have determined I really am a more dominant T4 with a secondary 2 and Jessica’s insight helped very much! Thank you!

    1. I feel confident that I’m a type 4/2 and seeing Jessica’s style confirms that. I have trouble with the bold part of type 4 and can relate more to the subtle and comfortable preference of the type 2. I would like to see more of others who are type 4/2 in the future.

  9. Cheryl – Thank you… I FINALLY got my type – I am a 4/1 – when you said about developing a secondary energy (type 1) in order to cope with traumatic issues and give you the lightness to get through it everything finally clicked!
    People have often said that “its ok for you, you are an extrovert” to which my answer has always been “no I am an introvert who tries really hard”. What a relief to be me! Love to all you fabulous ladies and thanks for all the resources you give us to find our own truth xx

  10. As a type 4 s1 , do people call you cute? I have been trying to figure out my type for sometime now and a lot of things point to type 4, however I find that many people ( I think are type 1) say things like “you look so cute!” or when it’s funny “you’re so cute!” Am I missing something or is this common? I even went so far as to try out the type one style. I didn’t get the same compliments other than “you look good in yellow.” (Which in hind sight was actually a T4 yellow) and it felt like a bit more effort.I have had to step back and look at the whole thing again realizing part of my struggle was trying to fit perfectly in one type. This secondary video helped but still, why the “cute” comments?

  11. “Getting back on track!” It’s the story of my 4/1 life. Do you 4/1 girls feel like you’re always “getting back on track?” It seems like just when I get on track, it’s easily gets bumped off.

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