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5 Questions to Ponder as You Spring Clean Your Closet

Spring is springing, and with it so is the cleaning.

I enjoy honoring this age-old tradition.

I’m going to suggest that you work in reverse order of what you might typically consider a spring clean.

Try starting with what you want to keep, make a list of things you’d like to add to your wardrobe, and then discard the rest. I realize this may sound a bit scary at first, but I promise if you can let go of the “shoulds, woulds, and coulds,” this process with serve you well.

I want you to help you free yourself of the obligation items.

You know what I’m talking about—those things that someone may have given you, and because of your deep loyalty you feel obliged to hold on to them out of a sense of respect for the giver.

Close your eyes, allow yourself to feel a moment of gratitude, take a deep breath and let it go.

If you’re anything like me, you have a challenge with multi-tasking. I’m just not good at it. I hold true to the saying “Muli-tasking means messing up more than one thing at a time.” (Come on, give me at least a slight grin for that.)

As a member Carol Tuttle’s Dressing Your Truth community you know the value and importance of a carefully and intentionally selected wardrobe, including accessories.

And so, like me, you wouldn’t want to give anything less than your full attention when assembling your wardrobe each season. Remove as many distractions as possible, set your timer for an allotted time and get to work.

5 Questions to ask yourself in order to determine what clothes to let go:

1. Does it fit?

We’re women; our bodies change and “grow” (or shrink) with the seasons of our lives. As a mommy to two young girls, I’ve seen my share of size fluctuations. Last year I suddenly found myself two sizes larger than I normally am. I felt frustrated and none of my pants fit me.

I’d nearly given into the temptation of living in leggings. (Which are really not my personal style.) Luckily, good sense prevailed and I did not succumb to a comfy temptation that wasn’t really me.

Instead, I bought a couple pairs of bigger pants and discarded the offending pants. They were worn out anyway. It was that easy.

2. Have I worn this in the last 12 months?

There are two sides to this coin: I don’t wear it because I really don’t like it, and I don’t wear it because I really love it and so I’m saving it. The first one is simple and needs little attention. If you don’t like it, don’t keep it. But the second one is a bit irrational, even though sometimes it’s true.

I’ve heard from so many of you stunning ladies that when you find something you really, really like, you save it and seldom wear it because you want it to stay nice.

Ladies, wear it! Love it! When it wears out, let it go in order to make room for a new favorite.

3. Is this true to my Type of beauty?

Years ago I had a light, olive green vest. I liked the structured cut and the icy finish of the fabric.

My eyes are hazel green, nearly the same color as the vest. I often got compliments when I wore it; people would say it brought out my eye color beautifully. My husband also really liked the way it looked on me. That was the one thing that I hung onto after I switched over to my Type 4 wardrobe.

There it hung in the back of my closet, collecting dust. Once or twice I tried to wear it, trying to convince myself that it was “icy” enough, that it had great structure, it matched my eyes.

Each time, back in the closet it went.

After a few years, I finally let it go. I’ve never wished for it back.

4. Am I hanging on to things I want to refashion, but I still haven’t gotten to it?

I like to sew and I enjoy the creative process and challenge of refashioning. I have a small basket in my room sitting on my dresser. It only has room for a few articles of clothing. When I come across a piece that I would like to work on I place it in the basket.

When opportunity and inspiration strike, I pull out the items and have some fun. I have a small basket to limit the number of items that I can keep in queue.

Take a look at what you have collected to refashion, is it still interesting to you? Good, keep it. If not, out it goes.

5. Do I feel confident when I wear this?

Like most of you, I feel confident when I feel comfortable. I don’t define “comfort” the way a Type 2 might: A Type 2 is concerned with whether it’s soft or cozy and whether they can move around in it.

Comfort for me means fit, quality, and look. I feel comfortable when a garment fits my body correctly. When I step out in a well-fitted, beautifully composed outfit, I feel confident because I stop thinking about what I’m wearing.

I’m free to enjoy myself without the worry of wondering how I look.

Join me in a spring clean!

Show me what you’re keeping by posting a picture in the comments.

Do you spring clean like me? What item have you been “saving?” Put your fingers on the keys and tell us.



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  1. “Ladies, wear it! Love it! When it wears out, let it go in order to make room for a new favorite.” Perfect!

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